Samsung Rushes to Introduce Flash-Driven Laptops to Market

Discussion in 'News' started by Mr.Cheeks, May 23, 2006.

  1. Mr.Cheeks

    Mr.Cheeks 1st ever Gold Member! Gold Member


    Samsung Rushes to Introduce Flash-Driven Laptops to Market

    Samsung Electronics twice surprised the computer industry Tuesday, first by announcing that it will be the first firm in the world to sell flash memory-driven laptop computers next month, and then by revealing the sky-high price tags of the products.

    The two new laptop models will carry a 32-gigabyte flash memory as their main storage device, dubbed as solid-state drive (SSD), instead of the conventional hard disk drive. The next-generation drive reads data three times faster and writes data 1.5 times faster than hard disks. It also consumes less power and makes no noise while operating, making it an ideal device for portable PCs.....

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