<font size="3">The Mouse with the Blue Led and Fan!</font>
Ever had that feeling when you have been on the computer for a while and then all of a sudden your hand gets sweaty? We all have had that feeling one or more times before, and then you had to take your hand off of the mouse?
Manufacturers are constantly looking for new and unique ways to attract PC users in the growing modding community. Some products are so unique and bizarre that they boggle the mind and only tend to increase your curiosity. One such product is this new Optical Fan Mouse from Xoxide. Yes, that's right, a fan mouse. The purpose of the fan is obviously not to cool down the internal parts, but to cool YOU down.
News Souce: extrememhz.com
The Mouse with the Blue Led and Fan!
Discussion in 'News' started by SimonV, Feb 2, 2004.
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