Werewolves of CertForums

Discussion in 'The Lounge - Off Topic' started by BosonMichael, Apr 13, 2010.

  1. nugget
    Honorary Member

    nugget Junior toady


    Gennulmen gennelmen, no need for thith to get out of hand. By the way, do you good thurs mind if I take your meathure? Thank you tho much.

    Mathter woodcutter Giddy, it theemth ath if we will have a lot of buithnith thoon.:twisted:
    Certifications: A+ | Network+ | Security+ | MCP (270,271,272,290,620) | MCDST | MCTS:Vista
    WIP: MCSA, 70-622,680,685
  2. JonnyMX

    JonnyMX Petabyte Poster

    Unhand me you oaf!

    Oh, by the way.
    'Ad you considered some kind of transportation device for all of 'em there caskets?
    Blimey, people are just dying to die round these parts, baint they?

    You're quite a lot brighter than you, er, sound - and that bolt through your neck really suits you.
    Bet you're a real catch among the, um, stiffs, if you know what I means.

    Got a special on this 'un. Unique.
    More than two wheels, but less than four, know what I mean?
    Corners lovely and with a capcity that will do you proud even in plague season.

    Cutting me own throat I am.
    Certifications: MCT, MCTS, i-Net+, CIW CI, Prince2, MSP, MCSD
  3. BosonMichael
    Honorary Member Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    BosonMichael Yottabyte Poster

    Be thinking about who you guys might want to elect for the job of Sheriff. There are still seven more Villagers who have yet to show their faces, but it's never too early to plan for eventualities. But... keep in mind, being a Sheriff isn't necessarily a way to have a nice long life. :D

    As soon as we get close to 20 people, I will begin to privately reveal roles to people via PM. Make sure your PM box has space.
    Certifications: CISSP, MCSE+I, MCSE: Security, MCSE: Messaging, MCDST, MCDBA, MCTS, OCP, CCNP, CCDP, CCNA Security, CCNA Voice, CNE, SCSA, Security+, Linux+, Server+, Network+, A+
    WIP: Just about everything!
  4. nugget
    Honorary Member

    nugget Junior toady

    Yeth thur, I thee your point. Leth take a theat in groogys and dithcuth the thituation.
    Certifications: A+ | Network+ | Security+ | MCP (270,271,272,290,620) | MCDST | MCTS:Vista
    WIP: MCSA, 70-622,680,685
  5. JonnyMX

    JonnyMX Petabyte Poster

    Just remember folks that the most important quality to look for in a Sheriff is honesty.
    And mobility.
    And and eye for a fair deal.
    Yar, them's the single most important. Defnitly.

    In fact, oi pretty much consider meself a public servant aaalready.

    Just remindin' y'all!

    Certifications: MCT, MCTS, i-Net+, CIW CI, Prince2, MSP, MCSD
  6. JonnyMX

    JonnyMX Petabyte Poster

    Only if he's changer the sawdust.
    Last time Mac was in there it fair ruined my socks.
    Certifications: MCT, MCTS, i-Net+, CIW CI, Prince2, MSP, MCSD
  7. AJ

    AJ 01000001 01100100 01101101 01101001 01101110 Administrator

    What some shadey cart salesman to look after the honesty and integrety of the village. That's gotta be some kinda joke.

    You need a hard working salt of the earth who has time to speak to everyone and everyone knows him. No, some cart salesman only has time for the gold in your pockets my village friends.

    I think we need to think elsewhere for our sherriff, but don't look my way. My missus will git her rolling pin out and give me some grief I can tell you.

    Now I'm just sorting out the grog for tonit and then I'll be opening me doors for you good people.
    Certifications: MCSE, MCSA (messaging), ITIL Foundation v3
    WIP: Breathing in and out, but not out and in, that's just wrong
  8. GiddyG

    GiddyG Terabyte Poster Gold Member

    If you keep on trying to steal my business you cur, I'll guarantee that you'll be our friendly undertakers next 'client'. :x

    Sun roof indeed! I suppose you think any village idiot would buy one...

    As for our Master Minstrel, I have only this to say:

    There was a young songsmith came a' visit,
    His verses made some villagers livid.
    He poked fun at some,
    Got well soused on rum,
    And sadly ended up on a gibbet.

    His death is a myst'ry;
    The priest in his vestry,
    Saw nothing suspicious that night.
    Perhaps if he had,
    He could have saved the poor lad
    From his death, a terrible plight

    The morale of this tale
    Is as plain as a whale,
    or a spot on the end of one's nose.
    No good will come drinking your fill
    after using your quill
    to drip caustic barbs of prose.
  9. JonnyMX

    JonnyMX Petabyte Poster

    I resent the accusation, Sir!
    I provide a service to the community, at a loss I might add, what we me cutting me own throat and that.

    I shall no longer be frequentin' your lowly tavern.
    Oh, hang on a tick...
    For heaven's sake man, it's gone 6! Open up I say!
    Certifications: MCT, MCTS, i-Net+, CIW CI, Prince2, MSP, MCSD
  10. GiddyG

    GiddyG Terabyte Poster Gold Member

    What? Nothing? A likely tale from one as you, even when you're in a stew. The howls you say you never heard, as you lay sleeping in your turds. You lead us to believe it's lies, you honestly say you hear no cries?

    Something protects you? Why, I wonder. On this, I'm sure our villagers will ponder. I say this all with open mind, though proof is such, none should be blind.
  11. GiddyG

    GiddyG Terabyte Poster Gold Member

    Well said, kind sir! And a most noble sir you are.

    Far be it for me to suggest anyone myself, I could never be so bold; however, I believe that the village needs a man of character, strong in will and body; someone who has lived a good, honest life, working hard for the people; someone who grew with the village he loves as if from a tiny acorn, into a broad oak, stable and true. That is the person you need.
  12. BosonMichael
    Honorary Member Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    BosonMichael Yottabyte Poster

    How 'bout we keep registrations open for the next 24 hours (or until we reach 20), then we'll get started by receiving our secret roles and electing the Sheriff.

    If we have less than 18 people, we drop to 3 Werewolves.
    Certifications: CISSP, MCSE+I, MCSE: Security, MCSE: Messaging, MCDST, MCDBA, MCTS, OCP, CCNP, CCDP, CCNA Security, CCNA Voice, CNE, SCSA, Security+, Linux+, Server+, Network+, A+
    WIP: Just about everything!
  13. zebulebu

    zebulebu Terabyte Poster

    Shoundsh good... (hic)
    Certifications: A few
    WIP: None - f*** 'em
  14. dazza786

    dazza786 Megabyte Poster

    lol count me in
    i'll be daz the cobbler :ymca

    i would have been a fisherman but maria beat me to it... i guess my dad was right despite my repeated denial.. i will never be a fisherman :(
    Certifications: MCP (271, 272, 270, 290, 291, 621, 681, 685), MCDST, MCTS, MCITP, MCSA, Security+, CCA(XA6.5)
  15. cisco lab rat

    cisco lab rat Megabyte Poster

    I'm in, I'll be the Butcher if you don't mind.

    I'll be "Meaty Joe"!, yeah baby, Meat, MEAT!!!!!! But I ain't talking olde worlde Englishe
    Certifications: Yes I pretty much am!!
    WIP: Fizzicks Degree
  16. BosonMichael
    Honorary Member Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    BosonMichael Yottabyte Poster

    You can be a fisherman if you want... you could work with Maria... or perhaps against her!

    I'll mark you as a cobbler, but let me know if you change your mind.
    Certifications: CISSP, MCSE+I, MCSE: Security, MCSE: Messaging, MCDST, MCDBA, MCTS, OCP, CCNP, CCDP, CCNA Security, CCNA Voice, CNE, SCSA, Security+, Linux+, Server+, Network+, A+
    WIP: Just about everything!
  17. AJ

    AJ 01000001 01100100 01101101 01101001 01101110 Administrator

    Well me beauties, I've got me apron on and the towels are on the bar. Tankards are ready, the serving wenches are ready, fires roaring and the grog nice and cool. The doors are open so come in one and all and drink your fill. Mind you've got the cointo pay though. No damn freeloaders.

    I'm watching you all as well. In my tavern you are all guests until there's that funny buisiness. Then you'll meet hammer.
    Certifications: MCSE, MCSA (messaging), ITIL Foundation v3
    WIP: Breathing in and out, but not out and in, that's just wrong
  18. BosonMichael
    Honorary Member Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    BosonMichael Yottabyte Poster

    Added roles:
    Town Drunk (Thanks, Zeb!)
    Village Idiot (Thanks, Twizz!)
    Hoodlum/Troublemaker (note... this one won't necessarily make you well-liked around the village...) ;)
    Cartwright/Wainwright (Thanks, Jonny!)
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2010
    Certifications: CISSP, MCSE+I, MCSE: Security, MCSE: Messaging, MCDST, MCDBA, MCTS, OCP, CCNP, CCDP, CCNA Security, CCNA Voice, CNE, SCSA, Security+, Linux+, Server+, Network+, A+
    WIP: Just about everything!
  19. MLP

    MLP Kilobyte Poster

    No reason you can't also be a fisherman. It gets a bit lonely out at Sea. Fish don't make for a good conversation.

    Certifications: HND Computing
  20. GiddyG

    GiddyG Terabyte Poster Gold Member

    The witching hour is soon upon us,
    The darkness draws in near,
    I've got just one more tree to topple,
    then it's time for beer.

    But who's that I spy in yonder clearing?
    Sure, it looks like Joe.
    The butcher fellow is in 'close conversation'...
    with the barkeep's other half, Flo.

    So, gather around my men true,
    I've many a tale to tell,
    All better than any trav'lling minstrel,
    damn his soul to hell.

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