
Discussion in 'Training & Development' started by Frontier, Nov 2, 2005.

  1. Frontier

    Frontier Byte Poster

    I have been considering studying to go into programming as some of you may know, and having spoken to a few training providers im feeling a bit confused and unsure what to do. One of these firms told me that it is very hard to get into programming and that I should forget it unless I get an mcse and do networking first, then programming later on, is this often the case? I thought the idea was you set your mind on one area and study down that route not both.. anyway I told them I dont wana do networking as programming is more suited to my person and abilities. I am more of a logical thinker and would be good at analyising and finding solutions rather than the techie side of things. I have also coded in VB 6 so have a fair grasp of the subject and know a bit more of what its all about and know its something I would enjoy. I have never had any exposure to netwroking though I have built and repaired my own pc's on occasions in the past. What you think to these training providers I mean another has told me I shouldnt bother with programming because theres no jobs out there only for people with a degree in something and that networking is more in demand?/?? hmm help
  2. simongrahamuk
    Honorary Member

    simongrahamuk Hmmmmmmm?

    Sounds like pure sales talk to me.

  3. ffreeloader

    ffreeloader Terabyte Poster

    The majority of the professional programmers I know either dislike networking or are confused by it. The training providers are trying to sell you a load of crap.
    Certifications: MCSE, MCDBA, CCNA, A+
    WIP: LPIC 1
  4. hbroomhall

    hbroomhall Petabyte Poster Gold Member

    This sounds like rubbish to me.

    I'm a programmer, I enjoy networks, and I do network programming. IMHO there is no connection between programming and networking, except in as far as many apps these days need to be networked.

    But it is still possible to turn out good software which doesn't involve networks.

    Certifications: ECDL A+ Network+ i-Net+
    WIP: Server+
  5. sneezie

    sneezie Nibble Poster

    You should follow your heart and do what you want. If you're determined to get into programming, I'm sure you'll succeed. Any area you want to get into, it's a competitive market out there. People without degree can still get into programming.
    Certifications: Degree
    WIP: MCAD in
  6. iank

    iank Bit Poster

    Maybe the company does not teach programming and that is why they are pushing networking
    MCSE and MCSD are not really linked, what company are we talking about
  7. Kitkatninja
    Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    Kitkatninja aka me, myself & I Moderator


    I have to agree with the majority on this one. There are jobs in programming out there. And if a "training company" tells you that there aren't, just ask them who creates their CBT material, the pixies (and that's just one example)?

    You don't need a degree, as I was offered a job in VB programming when all I had in the world was an NVQ 2 in Software creation (many years ago), but as I didn't have a car (the place was in the middle of nowhere - Market Harborough :biggrin -just joking, it really is a nice place) I had to turn it down.

    You may, in a few years, say "Hey I want to do Networking or the techie side of IT", but let that be your choice not some salesperson's (or their company's) view of what the IT industry is like, or what training courses they do, otherwise you'll regret the field you've choosen. And anyway saying that you need a MCSE first, is like saying that in order to learn how to play the piano, you have to learn to play the guitar first. And besides, if you look at the Software houses around, they have their own IT Support team, at least an external one.

    Course wise - I don't know what your qualification/certifications are, but consider the NVQ's, MCAD, MCSD, HNC or even a C&G's programming cert/module. I mean at the end of the day the certs will help your CV - and they're nice on the wall :biggrin , but your knowledge will help you with the job and even the practical assessment (I assume that employers still do this in the programming world, as I had to create a small program based on the spec's within a limited time).

    Hope this long winded essay helps.

    Have fun

    Certifications: MSc, PGDip, PGCert, BSc, HNC, LCGI, MBCS CITP, MCP, MCSA, MCSE, MCE, A+, N+, S+, Server+
    WIP: MSc Cyber Security
  8. Boycie
    Honorary Member

    Boycie Senior Beer Tester

    I have to agree with what everyone else has said. To say "do the MCSE first, then go on to programming means a)they get the money of you if they on;y do MCSE and b)MCSE and Programming if they do both!

    I know a guy (from the Nag's head) who is on the ball with programming but wouldn't dear open up his desktop to swop the mobo over. :blink

    When i eventually nail the N+ i am going to have a long hard thing as what to do next. I can be happy knowing that the A+ and N+ have given me a great foundation. :biggrin
    Certifications: MCSA 2003, MCDST, A+, N+, CTT+, MCT

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