
Discussion in 'Training & Development' started by ems, Feb 23, 2006.

  1. ems

    ems New Member

    am considering doing the book keeping/sage course with skillstrain - any opinions would be welcome. They guy that came to see me reckoned I could complete the course in 9 months - is this realistic? Is the course price of £2750 really a good deal? and are there any hidden costs? If one decides not to proceed how easy is it to pull out?
  2. Kitkatninja
    Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    Kitkatninja aka me, myself & I Moderator

    What kind of course is this? A recognised cert?

    I know that I've mentioned this in several threads, but have you checked out your local tech/college first. Down in our area our local tech offers the:

    Accounting Technicians AAT Foundation NVQ 2 for £388 + £66 for award.

    Accounting Technicians AAT Intermediate NVQ 3 for £411 + £66 for award

    Bookkeeping OCR Level 1 for £157 + £42 for award

    Sage Line 50 for £228 + £42 award

    And various other courses along the same line. All the above courses run for 1 academic year, which is approx 9-10 months. Running either 1 day a week or running 1 or 2 evenings a week (3 hours an evening) depending on the course.

    In my opinion for just under £3k for a bookkeeping course is too much, for that price I would expect maybe at least a HNC/HND in Finance (but that's just me :biggrin ), but they may offer alot more perks than other places - I don't know. I can't and won't say anything for or against skillstrain as I have had no direct contact with them, so hopefully someone else will give you their own experience.

    Hope this helps

    Certifications: MSc, PGDip, PGCert, BSc, HNC, LCGI, MBCS CITP, MCP, MCSA, MCSE, MCE, A+, N+, S+, Server+
    WIP: MSc Cyber Security

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