70-282 - total newbie

Discussion in 'SBS' started by Tightscot, Feb 4, 2008.

  1. nicolinux

    nicolinux Byte Poster

    I at that exam last year and was very hard.The hardest part is to think in the Microsoft's way. expecially
    if you have a lot of hand on experience.
    Stuff like upgrade form win 3.1 to xp-pro or setup a sbs server just for one client that need to send a fax does not happens int the real life.
    I scored 770 and i was expecting to fail. Was a so bad experience that i still have a nightmare about it .
    I scored 1000 in the 70-294 this week and i was happy, but not so happy as when i saw " you score is 770" that time.
    I would recommend the Harry Balford's book.

    Good luck
    Certifications: mcse win2k3, mcts x4. mcitp enterprise admin
    WIP: 70-680
  2. Sparky
    Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    Sparky Zettabyte Poster Moderator

    The consultancy questions in the exams are the most difficult ones. I would suggest that you also know the server management console inside out as in general most SBS admins don’t use it but there are some handy wizards in there that can make life easier.

    I used this book for the exam...

    Certifications: MSc MCSE MCSA:M MCSA:S MCITP:EA MCTS(x5) MS-900 AZ-900 Security+ Network+ A+
    WIP: Microsoft Certs

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