Where do you study?

Discussion in 'Training & Development' started by MrNice, Oct 26, 2004.

  1. MrNice

    MrNice Kilobyte Poster

    Just a question on where does everyone study?
    I can only imagine the difficulty in studying in a home with a couple of young kids running around, especially if you have been working all day and this is your only time with them. I live with my best mate and fortunately he is normally away at his girlfriends 2 or 3 nights a week, time I use to study. If he is home I have no chance, attention span of a 2 year old at the best of times, never mind if there is footie on etc.
    I have considered trying a library or the office after hours but find it real difficult.
    Do most people study at home? Just looking for some suggestions I can maybe try out myself.
  2. flex22

    flex22 Gigabyte Poster

    Complete and utter silence is my preference.

    Unfortunately that hardly ever happens.I prefer the winter months for study because in the summer there's always somebody mowing a lawn, somebody constantly cutting down a tree with a chainsaw 24/7 (very starnge, hmm I hope he's cutting down trees anyway :unsure ) or kids screeeeaaaaming:!::!: while playing water fights :x

    I like to lsiten to Baroque music, for studying.
    However it can get a tad boring all of the time, so change the music now and again.
    Big band music with the likes of Frank Sinatra really gets me motivated.
    It's all about the rhythm right 8)

    I've thought about going to my library up the road before.
    Probably just laziness, but I haven't done so yet.I'd recommend you give it a go though, because it should help the focus towards studying ie: you've taken the time to get some study amterials together, gone to the library, set your study things out on the table in the library etc.

    Drink plenty of water while studying.
    I'm always chewing on gum, which is good because:
    Chew your way to a better brain
    I know they say that it doesn't improve concentration, but I always eprsonally find when I'm in the 'zone' I'm usually chewing gum.
  3. Andre

    Andre Nibble Poster

    I usualy study in a bus or in a tube while going to my job. NOw I'm studing for 70-270 so I read the "theory" part and after that I do practice when I have time. I did same thing when I was learnig for A+ and it worked. SO I hope it will work and this time.
    Certifications: A+
    WIP: 70-270, 70-290, Network+
  4. punkboy101
    Honorary Member

    punkboy101 Back from the wilderness

    I tend to study in my living room. I live in the same house as my folks, but I have a sperate part of the house, the basement lol.

    It's pretty good, as I have my own external door (no internal door to the upstairs :D ), bathroom and livingroom, and I only share the kitchen with them. So no-one really interupt's me when I am studying (admitedly not very much at the mo :( ) and I don't really hear any external noise, being underground and all lol. It's a pretty nice setup and I have plenty of space to tinker with things. I alway's listen to music when studying, as well as chewing gum, drinkin coffee, and smoking far to many cigarettes.

    Although Flex, I must say I'm not to sure about the big band music:wink:, I think I'll stick to my punk rock. :git 8)
    Certifications: CCNA
    WIP: Nada
  5. flex22

    flex22 Gigabyte Poster

    I used to have a CD with masses of Big Band music on it, but have lost it.
    So to be honest I haven't listened to much recently.
    I just find it can give you a lift sometimes, it's very upbeat music mainly.

    Blues is my thang though lol, listen to it constantly.It's my passion.

    I'm completely jealous of the setup you have Punkboy.I'm in the loft, so I get to see the stars at night from my window clearly, which I like.
    It's quite nice really, though I could do with more room.You can't get enough room with all these flippin books, PC's I've acquired somehow, billions of CD's etc.

    I reckon my dream setup would be a huge long room with a load of PC'S networked together.Boards would be setup on the walls with important notes written on them.A huge LCD screen setup at the far end of the room connected to my main PC, able to remote in to any of the other PC's.
    A pool table of course setup in the middle of the room, just by the fridge full of beers.A small kitchen to the side, with another fridge full of "supplies."
    A mega sound system with speakers in all corners of the room, to create a total surround sound effect.
    Aworktop for assemblinf and repairing PC's on, with all the necessary equipment placed orderly into draws or set up on a shelf.
    A nice big desk on which to lay out all my study materials.
    One of those awesome reclining, magnificently confortable chairs on which to site or lie back while reading.
    A couple of couches for myself and one for friends to sit on while watching the footy or a film.
    Hmm maybe a football net so we could have a little game of footy as well.
    One of those little basketball nets so I could improve my eye-mind connection while having fun.

    Why do I do this to myself :rolleyes:
    Ahh well, it's nice to dream now and then.
  6. Phoenix
    Honorary Member

    Phoenix 53656e696f7220 4d6f64

    I study at my computer
    I have a nice large desk, with a bit of spare room on it
    i tend to study better at night, infact i am studying right now at 3am on a saturday
    currently onto chapter 8 of my 70-284 book

    its quiet, no lawn mowing, no cars backfiring, no police sirens in the background, have my headphones on listening to a bit of 90s pop-rock lol

    best get back to the studying anyway, a few more pages to chapter 9 :)
    Certifications: MCSE, MCITP, VCP
    WIP: > 0
  7. Firthy2002

    Firthy2002 Byte Poster

    Well at the moment as I'm currently unemployed, I have the house to myself during the day 3 days a week, so that leaves me with enough quiet time to study my course book and/or do the interactive stuff.

    I have to agree with flex22 about winter being the best time for study for the points he mentioned.
    Certifications: None currently
    WIP: CompTIA A+ & Network+
  8. nugget
    Honorary Member

    nugget Junior toady

    I have to study in the lounge room. It can be very distracting with the tv on and the wife talking too, not to mention the kids. That's probably why I'm not getting much done.:oops:
    Certifications: A+ | Network+ | Security+ | MCP (270,271,272,290,620) | MCDST | MCTS:Vista
    WIP: MCSA, 70-622,680,685
  9. AJ

    AJ 01000001 01100100 01101101 01101001 01101110 Administrator

    Same as you nugget - lounge, bedroom, work, car, cafe the list goes on. Not good I know but I suppose any study is better than none. :blink
    Certifications: MCSE, MCSA (messaging), ITIL Foundation v3
    WIP: Breathing in and out, but not out and in, that's just wrong
  10. noelg24

    noelg24 Terabyte Poster

    well since I finished my book ages ago, I dont really do much study now...but when I was reading, I was always studying in the bedroom or in the spare room with the PC. but then the missus would be a distraction if I was reading in the bedroom ahem! :oops: these days I just do some practice questions on the PC from the CD that came with my book or on the Web. it helps...
    Certifications: A+
    WIP: my life
  11. tripwire45
    Honorary Member

    tripwire45 Zettabyte Poster

    Depends. If it is computer related, I have to be at my lab computer running whatever OS I'm working with in VMWare. We have a small den in our house which we've dubbed "the study room". Actually, I've taken it over for the most part, except for when my wife needs to get at her file cabinet or my son wants to play his drum set (I make myself scarce then).

    If I don't need to be at a computer, I can go out on the back patio if it's pleasant out or in the living room. If my wife is home, she is usually reading a book as well so it's quiet. Occasionally, I'll read at the kitchen table.

    In my younger days in the San Francisco Bay area, I would study on the bus or BART. Libraries are also great places to study but I find that I need to wander around from time to time to take breaks. When I was in school this last time, I often studied in the upper regions of the Student Union Building. It could get noisy from time to time, but overall, it was very comfortable and happened to be close to most of my classes.

    I prefer jazz when studying...I can't study to anything with lyrics...the words get mixed in with what I'm trying to read and it becomes mental alphabet soup.

    I can't study at work because I'm supposed to be working. :D
    Certifications: A+ and Network+
  12. Phoenix
    Honorary Member

    Phoenix 53656e696f7220 4d6f64

    i like a good bit of celtic music when studying, or some bagpipes
    the braveheart soundtrack is perticularly good, and some enya :)
    Certifications: MCSE, MCITP, VCP
    WIP: > 0
  13. Jakamoko
    Honorary Member

    Jakamoko On the move again ...

    My study area is just part of our bedroom, where I have my desk and PC(s). When I was still studying, my wife and daughter were very good at making themselves scarce on the 3 days a week I set aside for it, giving me all the peace and quiet I needed.

    Looks like I'm breaking from tradition in this thread, as I cannot have any music on when working - I must have absolute silence (apart from the outside noises, which I find strangely comforting)
    Certifications: MCP, A+, Network+
    WIP: Clarity
  14. Phoenix
    Honorary Member

    Phoenix 53656e696f7220 4d6f64

    outside noises in SW2 consist of police and air ambulance helicopters, sirens, a 6 lane dual carraigeway (the A23 one of the major arteries into the city) and the 8 lane south circular within hearing distance oh and about 250 + buses an hour
    Certifications: MCSE, MCITP, VCP
    WIP: > 0
  15. Jakamoko
    Honorary Member

    Jakamoko On the move again ...

    LOL. In my street, it consists of a couple of cars an hour in a crescent street, and the occasional group of kids getting home from school. Oh, and general birdsong :D
    Certifications: MCP, A+, Network+
    WIP: Clarity
  16. nugget
    Honorary Member

    nugget Junior toady

    Any places free to rent there Jak?:D
    Certifications: A+ | Network+ | Security+ | MCP (270,271,272,290,620) | MCDST | MCTS:Vista
    WIP: MCSA, 70-622,680,685
  17. Jakamoko
    Honorary Member

    Jakamoko On the move again ...

    Sure - you provide the VBs. I'll provide the space :D :alc
    Certifications: MCP, A+, Network+
    WIP: Clarity
  18. Fergal1982

    Fergal1982 Petabyte Poster

    ironically enough, i study at work in the evenings! lol. i work in a callcentre and, at the moment, am dedicated to a single company (a travel helpline, premium rate no less), which means in the evenings, especially later on at night, you often go for 20 mins without a call! sometimes longer! which is all good study time. i read the A+ book from cover to cover there, and am currently going back to it to take notes and study.

    i am cursed with an attention span of a 5 ye - look at the moon - *ahem* which makes it difficult to study if theres another person, or a tv, or a pc nearby! ive been like this my whole life, didnt study once for any exam in the past! i didnt do too badly at a lot of them, but i could've done so much better if id studied!

    Certifications: ITIL Foundation; MCTS: Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010, Administration
    WIP: None at present
  19. flex22

    flex22 Gigabyte Poster

    Yeah but Jak, what about all of them bagpipes everybody plays up there.Must be a hell of a racket.
    (lol mercilessly stereotyping, is oddly invigorating now and then :biggrin )
  20. Billy

    Billy Bit Poster

    Usually on the train going to and from work. That's at least an extra hour a day with my nose in a book.

    I'm studying for 70-216 at the minute with MS Press books. I find that you can read the theory on the train, get home infront of a PC and then do the exercises... I find that I must have the TV off and not have the distractions of the internet!
    Certifications: A+, N+, Linux+ MCSA & CCNA

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