Sklills train Scheidegger

Discussion in 'Training & Development' started by czesiekuk, May 20, 2005.

  1. czesiekuk

    czesiekuk New Member

    Hello my name is lukas, I'd like to start a CCNP training with Scheidegger, but before I decide to pay them I'd like to now Yours opinions about them :) (becaouse ther is lots of other companion I can chose) and witch Yours help I want to chose best one.

    thx for all info
  2. tripwire45
    Honorary Member

    tripwire45 Zettabyte Poster

    Greetings, lukasz. Welcome to CF. Rather than start yet another thread about the merits of various training providers, you might want to do a search of our site for "Scheidegger" to see what has already been mentioned. CertForums cannot promote one provider over another but individual members have posted their personal opinions. Hope that helps.

    BTW, please take a moment to pop up to the New Members Introduction forum and tell us a bit about yourself and how you found our site. Thanks. :)
    Certifications: A+ and Network+
  3. czesiekuk

    czesiekuk New Member

    sory I'm returned from work and I'm wery tired to read anything:-( i will read every topics tomorow:-) but short thing about my:
    I'm 24, and I was born in Poland, 8 Months ago I’m came to London. After that time I decide to study some IT skills and about that was my question. I wary like computers and all the things around them(especially networks). I’m also C and C++ programmer, and in Poland I was a system administrator(Linux environment ). Pleas give my all info about the best CCNP training(if You can’t on the forum, my e-mail is open for all opinion:-D).

    Greetings for all Members:-D.

    BTW: I’m sorry for every grammar and other mistakes but I’m working as a bartender and I’m drunk:-) and English isn’t my native language:-).

    Thx czesiek;
  4. Jakamoko
    Honorary Member

    Jakamoko On the move again ...

    I like you already, czesiekuk :biggrin
    Certifications: MCP, A+, Network+
    WIP: Clarity
  5. punkboy101
    Honorary Member

    punkboy101 Back from the wilderness

    Me too lol. Welcome to the gang lukasz. AS Trip said, have a look throught the site for anything schiedigger. Hope we can help you along your chosen path. :D
    Certifications: CCNA
    WIP: Nada
  6. tc27

    tc27 Bit Poster

    Be careful, people will be very quick to promise you the world because your going to give them alot of money.

    Do a search on Scheidegger here and on the wider internet and draw your own conclusions.

    By the sound of it your already pretty well experienced and qualified, why not try looking for an IT job now you might not need to spend 2-3k on a homestudy CCNP course?

    PS your gonna meet lots more pretty girls working as a bartender than in IT believe me! :dry
    Certifications: None....
    WIP: Seeing where my job takes me!
  7. JazzyJay

    JazzyJay Bit Poster

    I started studying through a Scheidegger course but fouind the course material to be well out of date, After I informed them they said it was the latest material they had and that was about it, I was also told in the interview I had unlimited time to study when you only have 14 months, If you overlap you have to pay for an extension £100 I think but I was told by the salesmen I had unlimited time to complete which was obviously bullsh**.
    Its fair enough if there IS a time limit but not being told can make the difference between signing up or not dependant on your circumstances, I have to travel for work sometimes which means spending time away from home and although I may or may not complete in that time, I simply cannot predict one month to the next so had I been told I would not have not signed up.
    I wrote them a letter to cancel as I hadn't payed any money to date only a deposit but I wont get that back as I used the product for a month which is fair enough.
    I have lost all confidence in these "Long Distance Trainers" and have decided to take the College route who specialise in most I.T qualifiactions like MCSE, A+ and Cisco stuff.
    I've enrolled for their weekend course for A+ at a snippet compared to Scheidegger and thhe like, £325 for a 12 week course in Comptia A+ which includes exam fee's which you sit at their premises so I.T training is on hold for now until September and then ill have to to start knuckling down and get underway once more coupled with being a father for the first time too!, OUr baby is due on 1st October so should be a challenge and a half! lucky the course is on Saturdays I suppose as I would not have had much time durung the week I doubt. :blink
    Certifications: CompTIA A+, OCR Level 2
    WIP: Network+, 70-270
  8. JonnyMX

    JonnyMX Petabyte Poster

    Just remember that anything the salesman told you or promised you in the initial interview forms part of your contract with them even when it is unwritten. It's the same when you make any kind of deal. Two people come to an agreement.
    If you don't get what was promised, they have mis-sold the product and you can easily take them to a small claims court.
    Run that by them. I'm sure they won't find the concept of an over-enthusiastic salesman too hard to swallow.
    Certifications: MCT, MCTS, i-Net+, CIW CI, Prince2, MSP, MCSD
  9. JazzyJay

    JazzyJay Bit Poster

    Your exactly right Jonny, I questioned it all as soon as I had suspicions of the material I was reading through.
    Spoke to citizens advice and they had said that because I hadn't paid any money other than a deposit I had every right to cancel if I felt the product had been mis-sold.
    Like you said, being mis-sold a product by an over eager salesmen does not seem to hard to beleive eh especially when these courses are being sold to a single client for over £2000!!
    Certifications: CompTIA A+, OCR Level 2
    WIP: Network+, 70-270
  10. ez250i

    ez250i Banned

    I would just like to say I had an awful experience with Scheidegger and would not even recommend them to my worst enemies. I was one of the ery few people to get a refund from them. Part of the reason was because I'd spread the word how bad they were if they didn't.

    I also have noticed about the people on here who praise them;
    a) its their only post, (near enough)
    b) they're not very good at lying

    I can spot the vast majority of them being Scheidegger employees. Don't hesitate to ask any questions.
  11. Jakamoko
    Honorary Member

    Jakamoko On the move again ...

    You're posting style seems familiar. Please beware.
    Certifications: MCP, A+, Network+
    WIP: Clarity
  12. Arroryn

    Arroryn we're all dooooooomed Moderator

    Can I just do a *bumpety bump* on this?

    I've just had my first issue with Scheidegger, majorly, a whopping 3 months into the course.

    Had a problem with the finance Co, so I was going over the enrolment details when :eek: - I was signed up for A+ through to CCNP, not N+ onwards, where I have already completed a fair few of the assignments.

    They could have been buggers, but everyone I have spoken to about this (today) was very reasonable, gave relevant advice, direct numbers to help. It was resolved in about fifteen minutes. The correct course material is being sent out to me, and I have nothing to worry about.

    Be nice to people, and they'll be nice to you. That's about it.
    Certifications: A+, N+, MCDST, 70-410, 70-411
    WIP: Modern Languages BA
  13. AJ

    AJ 01000001 01100100 01101101 01101001 01101110 Administrator

    Well said!!

    "It's nice to be nice" :biggrin
    Certifications: MCSE, MCSA (messaging), ITIL Foundation v3
    WIP: Breathing in and out, but not out and in, that's just wrong

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