Return of the Werewolves to Bosonville

Discussion in 'The Lounge - Off Topic' started by BosonMichael, Apr 22, 2010.

  1. GSteer

    GSteer Megabyte Poster

    Well, there can only be one option for the sheriff surely?

    Pimp Daddy Joe

    He knows how to run things, hnur hnur, an ironfist and an iron heart are the needs of the weak, sorry week.

    Now where'd I leave that cloverleaf....
    Certifications: BSc. (Comp. Sci.), MBCS, MCP [70-290], Specialist [74-324], Security+, Network+, A+, Tea Lord: Beverage Brewmaster | Courses: LFS101x Introduction to Linux (edX)
    WIP: CCNA Routing & Switching
  2. nugget
    Honorary Member

    nugget Junior toady


    It probably fell out of your pocket and down the backseat of your cart the other night when you were fumbling with your belt.:ohmy
    Certifications: A+ | Network+ | Security+ | MCP (270,271,272,290,620) | MCDST | MCTS:Vista
    WIP: MCSA, 70-622,680,685
  3. GiddyG

    GiddyG Terabyte Poster Gold Member

    Sheesh! I been out taxing you divils all day and what do I find? Someone wants to lynch me... why/ I aint never done nuffin to you. If I die, the next 'fficial is reet 'ard/ Think I'm bad... just you wait n see...

    Anyway, I vote fer the stonemason. Him n his kiddie toys... and he aint declared 'em proper to Customs.
  4. BosonMichael
    Honorary Member Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    BosonMichael Yottabyte Poster

    Umm... Claude... this isn't a lynch vote. It's a vote for Sheriff. :oops: :biggrin

    Would you care to let your vote stand, oh taxman? :p

    "...and then Claude picked his pants back up and walked out of the Town Square." :twisted:
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2010
    Certifications: CISSP, MCSE+I, MCSE: Security, MCSE: Messaging, MCDST, MCDBA, MCTS, OCP, CCNP, CCDP, CCNA Security, CCNA Voice, CNE, SCSA, Security+, Linux+, Server+, Network+, A+
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  5. JK2447
    Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    JK2447 Petabyte Poster Administrator Premium Member

    Bah my hammer is tellin me one thing and my chisel t'other! I vote the undertaker for Sheriff, he hath nerves of granite!
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2010
    Certifications: VCP4, 5, 6, 6.5, 6.7, 7, 8, VCAP DCV Design, VMConAWS Skill, Google Cloud Digital Leader, BSc (Hons), HND IT, HND Computing, ITIL-F, MBCS CITP, MCP (270,290,291,293,294,298,299,410,411,412) MCTS (401,620,624,652) MCSA:Security, MCSE: Security, Security+, CPTS, CCA (XenApp6.5), MCSA 2012, VSP, VTSP
    WIP: ServiceNow Certified System Administrator Certification
  6. twizzle

    twizzle Gigabyte Poster

    i seen you with your chisel in your hand, working the wood, fnar fnar!

    Whats that a rustling in the bushes? is it me or a wee beastie? or is it me with my beastie?? i been watching that Randy candy again. God these telephoto lenses are good!
    Certifications: Comptia A+, N+, MS 70-271, 70-272
    WIP: Being a BILB,
  7. GiddyG

    GiddyG Terabyte Poster Gold Member

    That's what I meant... you twisted my words, you divil you! What I said was he's a trustworthy sort and I'd vote him for sheriff any day. 8)
  8. BosonMichael
    Honorary Member Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    BosonMichael Yottabyte Poster

    I see you're missing your bold vote, but I assume it's there anyway. ;)
    Certifications: CISSP, MCSE+I, MCSE: Security, MCSE: Messaging, MCDST, MCDBA, MCTS, OCP, CCNP, CCDP, CCNA Security, CCNA Voice, CNE, SCSA, Security+, Linux+, Server+, Network+, A+
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  9. BosonMichael
    Honorary Member Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    BosonMichael Yottabyte Poster

    ahahahhaahah! Classic! Vote recorded, mate! :biggrin

    Looks like we've got a tie vote so far... and 4 left to vote!
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2010
    Certifications: CISSP, MCSE+I, MCSE: Security, MCSE: Messaging, MCDST, MCDBA, MCTS, OCP, CCNP, CCDP, CCNA Security, CCNA Voice, CNE, SCSA, Security+, Linux+, Server+, Network+, A+
    WIP: Just about everything!
  10. GSteer

    GSteer Megabyte Poster

    Ah tank thee. That's worth a fair bit that, wonder what else I've lost down there, what what. I owe you a pot or two for that.
    Certifications: BSc. (Comp. Sci.), MBCS, MCP [70-290], Specialist [74-324], Security+, Network+, A+, Tea Lord: Beverage Brewmaster | Courses: LFS101x Introduction to Linux (edX)
    WIP: CCNA Routing & Switching
  11. Gingerdave

    Gingerdave Megabyte Poster

    Lo Neighbours

    My vote is for James the stone mason
    Certifications: A+,MCP, MCDST, VCP5 /VCP-DV 5, MCTS AD+ Net Inf 2008, MCSA 2008
    WIP: MCSA 2012
  12. cisco lab rat

    cisco lab rat Megabyte Poster

    Jiggy jiggy

    I vote Claude for the role!!, nice to have the law in ones pocket!!!

    Claude the Customs Official
    Certifications: Yes I pretty much am!!
    WIP: Fizzicks Degree
  13. zebulebu

    zebulebu Terabyte Poster

    I vote for the Stone Mason. I like's em strong...
    Certifications: A few
    WIP: None - f*** 'em
  14. BosonMichael
    Honorary Member Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    BosonMichael Yottabyte Poster

    Well, it looks like it has come down to the final vote... Rob, what will it be?
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2010
    Certifications: CISSP, MCSE+I, MCSE: Security, MCSE: Messaging, MCDST, MCDBA, MCTS, OCP, CCNP, CCDP, CCNA Security, CCNA Voice, CNE, SCSA, Security+, Linux+, Server+, Network+, A+
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  15. BosonMichael
    Honorary Member Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    BosonMichael Yottabyte Poster

    Rob has sent me a PM voting for Randy Candy for Sheriff.

    James the Stonemason - 5 (by Col, Josiah, Claude, Garrett, Zeb)
    Claude the Customs Official - 4 (by Aloysius, Feltch, Ria, Joe)
    Aloysius, the Lounge Lizard Lawyer - 1 (by Randy Candy)
    Pimp Daddy Joe - 1 (by Eig)
    Rob the Undertaker - 1 (by jk2447)
    Randy Candy the Prostitute - 1 (by Rob)

    James the Stonemason has been elected Sheriff.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2010
    Certifications: CISSP, MCSE+I, MCSE: Security, MCSE: Messaging, MCDST, MCDBA, MCTS, OCP, CCNP, CCDP, CCNA Security, CCNA Voice, CNE, SCSA, Security+, Linux+, Server+, Network+, A+
    WIP: Just about everything!
  16. BosonMichael
    Honorary Member Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    BosonMichael Yottabyte Poster

    Day 1

    The sun shines brightly, and the birds chirp happily in the trees. Life is good in Bosonville, a village that was mysteriously found abandoned several years ago. No trace of the people who lived there was ever found... it was as if the people who lived there had decided to just walk away from their homes and businesses.

    New Villagers have come to Bosonville in the past few years with the goal of starting a new life for themselves in the abandoned village. However, for them, the nightmare has just begun.

    One of the women of the Village is wandering around throughout the town, looking for her daughter that has seemingly wandered off in the night. All day, the Villagers search for her, eventually finding her torn body in the woods.

    The Villagers assemble in the Town Square. Most are worried about wild animals lurking about. But one old man stands and says, "We are cursed by Werewolves! You all know of the tales of the lycanthropes... of men who change to wolves at night. Do you not wonder why the previous Villagers of Bosonville disappeared? I say that they were killed off because Werewolves lived in their midst! Sheriff Stonemason, justice must be served! Whoever has information about the guilt or innocence of any Villager should speak up now!"
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2010
    Certifications: CISSP, MCSE+I, MCSE: Security, MCSE: Messaging, MCDST, MCDBA, MCTS, OCP, CCNP, CCDP, CCNA Security, CCNA Voice, CNE, SCSA, Security+, Linux+, Server+, Network+, A+
    WIP: Just about everything!
  17. BosonMichael
    Honorary Member Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    BosonMichael Yottabyte Poster

    Day 1

    Votes to Lynch:
    Feltch the Peeping Tom - 5 (by Col, James, PDJoe, Aloysius, Josiah)
    Josiah the Farmer -2 (by nugget, Claude)
    Randy Candy the Prostitute - 1 (by Garrett)
    Col the Scribe - 1 (by Feltch)
    Ria the Town Drunk - 1 (by Eig)

    3 Villagers not yet voted:
    Rob the Undertaker (trebor_88 )
    Ria the Town Drunk (MLP)
    Zeb the Strong (zebulebu)
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2010
    Certifications: CISSP, MCSE+I, MCSE: Security, MCSE: Messaging, MCDST, MCDBA, MCTS, OCP, CCNP, CCDP, CCNA Security, CCNA Voice, CNE, SCSA, Security+, Linux+, Server+, Network+, A+
    WIP: Just about everything!
  18. Col

    Col Byte Poster

    Fiddlesticks and Flapdoodle!! There are no such thing as werewolves. Any sane human being knows that - although I acknowledge that there is something of a shortage of sane human beings in this village. It sounds more like a desperate attempt to cover the tracks of their foul misdeed. And who is lurking about at all hours of the night? My money is on that degenerate Feltch The Peeping Tom.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2010
    Certifications: A+ Network+ MCP MCDST MCITP
    WIP: CCENT Security+
  19. Gingerdave

    Gingerdave Megabyte Poster

    Col, while I agree that Filch is a stain upon this fair village, I have to disagree that he is the cause. During my travels I have come across many blight that are passed by touch and no one has done more touching round here than Randy Candy, The blight starts there and hopefully will finish there.
    Certifications: A+,MCP, MCDST, VCP5 /VCP-DV 5, MCTS AD+ Net Inf 2008, MCSA 2008
    WIP: MCSA 2012
  20. JK2447
    Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    JK2447 Petabyte Poster Administrator Premium Member

    The land speaketh to me through stone, it say lynch the peeping tom! for he hath the spine of a blancmange! We need villagers as touch as stone to get through these dark times.

    As sheriff and stone mason I'm concerned he might spy upon thy lady friend. . . . and get his rocks off. . . .
    Certifications: VCP4, 5, 6, 6.5, 6.7, 7, 8, VCAP DCV Design, VMConAWS Skill, Google Cloud Digital Leader, BSc (Hons), HND IT, HND Computing, ITIL-F, MBCS CITP, MCP (270,290,291,293,294,298,299,410,411,412) MCTS (401,620,624,652) MCSA:Security, MCSE: Security, Security+, CPTS, CCA (XenApp6.5), MCSA 2012, VSP, VTSP
    WIP: ServiceNow Certified System Administrator Certification

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