Passed my A+ OS Exam today!!!

Discussion in 'A+' started by iSiDiS, Jul 21, 2005.

  1. iSiDiS

    iSiDiS Bit Poster

    Wooo hoooo

    Passed my A+ OS exam today; got my A+ Hardware a fortnight ago - onwards to Network+ and Security+.....

    I found the most helpful things were Learnkey A+ interactive disks - ISOs that install on your PC (i find that reading stuff doesnt stick in my brain). There were 11 disks in total; 7 for hardware and 4 for software. They cover all the topics required to pass with Mike Meyers presenting as well as pre and post tests. There is also a company called Testout who do similar discs. I used them and some ******** pdfs which have around 400 questions similar to the exam questions (infact about 10 of the exam questions I had where in the pdfs).

    Do a search in google for "A+ exam test" or something similar, as there are a number of sites with multiple choice questions similar to the real thing.

    I got my vouchers from - also try ************** for real questions from the test.

    Hope this helps...

    Sen Mod edit(AJ): Links to Braindump sites removed and also reference another BD site. Please be aware that this site does not condone the use of these sites and will edit all posts that contain references or links to them. Please make sure you are aware of the Rules and Conditions of the Site, also reread the FAQ for further information.
    Certifications: A+, Network+, 640-821, 640-811, 640-553
  2. Inqueision

    Inqueision Bit Poster

    cheers isidis

    congrats on passin :thumbleft

    i did a mock today for the first time, got 68% needed 80% im still classin that as a good sucess as ive been stoppin and startin throu the year and things have come up that needed my attention.

    just refining the bits i need like IRQ'S, DMA'S, I/O, Connections, IEEE standards, and the OSI layer

    apart form that i feel comfortable bein thrown questions (but im not over confident!)

    WIP: A+ & Network+ now, not mcse (yet)
  3. tripwire45
    Honorary Member

    tripwire45 Zettabyte Poster

    Congratulations on the pass but please don't promote braindump sites. If you use them, that's your choice but CertForums does not condone or support the use of these so-called "resources".
    Certifications: A+ and Network+
  4. nugget
    Honorary Member

    nugget Junior toady

    I would say congrats on the pass but if you're using braindump stuff who really passed the exams? You or them?
    Certifications: A+ | Network+ | Security+ | MCP (270,271,272,290,620) | MCDST | MCTS:Vista
    WIP: MCSA, 70-622,680,685
  5. Inqueision

    Inqueision Bit Poster

    *looks round* have i missed somethin here??
    WIP: A+ & Network+ now, not mcse (yet)
  6. bigern

    bigern Bit Poster

    Congrats on the pass. :D
    Certifications: A+, Network+, MCP 271
    WIP: MCDST, 70-270
  7. tripwire45
    Honorary Member

    tripwire45 Zettabyte Poster

    If you look at the original post, you'll notice that one of the staff edited it to delete the names of known braindump sites which iSiDiS apparently used to help him pass his A+ OS exam.

    A braindump is a site that states that it posts the questions and answers that can be found in the "real" certification test rather than posting mock exam questions. They way braindumps work is that a test taker, immediately upon completing the test and exiting the testing center, writes down as many of the actual certification test questions as they can remember (and supposedly the *correct* answers). They then go online and post all of them on the braindump site.

    This is in violation of the Non-Disclosure Agreement that each test taker electronically signs prior to taking the test. If the actual test content is made public, it invalidates the certification exam since people will be regurgitating answers they learned on the dump site rather than demonstrating their actual knowledge and skills.

    Most reputable certification forums (including we at CF) do not support the use of braindump sites and posting the URLs of these sites on our board is strictly forbidden. I hope that clarifies the issue a bit for those of you who might not have known what was going on.

    Nuff said.
    Certifications: A+ and Network+
  8. Boycie
    Honorary Member

    Boycie Senior Beer Tester

    Well done on the pass. Enjoy a few cold ones tonight

    Certifications: MCSA 2003, MCDST, A+, N+, CTT+, MCT
  9. Inqueision

    Inqueision Bit Poster

    cheers for that trip yer i did see the web site he posted

    now its all fallen into place
    WIP: A+ & Network+ now, not mcse (yet)
  10. iSiDiS

    iSiDiS Bit Poster

    Just a quick reply to the question of brain dump sites as resources - I totally agree with the other comments posted - if you do use them (braindumps) its best to only use the night before the exam - they are better as a sort of "mock test" than an actual study aid - as after you go over it once or twice you really only remember the correct answer, as opposed to knowing why something would be correct - the actual A+ exam is multi-choice and in alot of the questions one of the incorrect answers is very similar to the correct one; but just slightly incorrect (basically to someone with a little knowledge it looks like it could be correct), so its good to also know why some answers would be incorrect, as opposed to memorising the correct answer from a braindump). As well as that, most of them have alot of errors in, so you could be memorising the wrong answer!

    Just look at the actual objectives on Comptias website and when you know the stuff it lists, you'll pass.
    Certifications: A+, Network+, 640-821, 640-811, 640-553
  11. AJ

    AJ 01000001 01100100 01101101 01101001 01101110 Administrator

    In reply to your post.

    Hmmmm Is it wise to use them at all- I think CF has made it's stand perfectly clear as to this.

    Which prooves why BD are a BAD idea

    I'm sorry but BD are a bad idea. Not only do they break the "Non-Disclosure Agreement" but they also degrade the work and effort of other Certified people.

    PLEASE folks - Don't use these places. It is very easy to get "advice" from these sites, but you are only cheating yourselves, your employers and the Certs by doing so.
    Certifications: MCSE, MCSA (messaging), ITIL Foundation v3
    WIP: Breathing in and out, but not out and in, that's just wrong
  12. tripwire45
    Honorary Member

    tripwire45 Zettabyte Poster

    I agree with AJ. Even if you think braindump sites might help you in the short run, by patronizing them, you are supporting unethical and illegal behavior.
    Certifications: A+ and Network+
  13. nugget
    Honorary Member

    nugget Junior toady

    You just don't get it do you!

    Quite hypocritical really. First you tell us you used these materials, and then you agree with us that they are wrong to use.

    They aren't a 'mock test'. They are cheating.

    They aren't a study aid either. They are cheating.

    You're only doing yourself a disservice here if you don't know the right information.

    If this happens to you then it's your own fault for cheating.

    The message here is that if you use or promote Braindump materials, it's cheating, and it will not be tolerated here.
    Certifications: A+ | Network+ | Security+ | MCP (270,271,272,290,620) | MCDST | MCTS:Vista
    WIP: MCSA, 70-622,680,685

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