Passed Linux+ / LPIC-1 !

Discussion in 'Linux+' started by Les1977, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. Les1977

    Les1977 Bit Poster

    Well I took the plunge, and am now Linux+ / LPIC-1 certified!

    I have been playing with Linux for nearly 10 years, so a some of it wasn't new, but this was an invaluable learning experience! :-D

    I used the CompTIA (powered by LPI) Linux+ Complete study guide by Sybex.
    It's a great book, however watch out, there are a couple of typos in there (there was a command or two that had double quotes, where single quotes were required), but if you try out all the commands, you will pick up on them.
    Certifications: CompTIA A+, Network+, Linux+ / LPIC-1
    WIP: 70-680
    AhmedTSayed and j666gak like this.
  2. Notes_Bloke

    Notes_Bloke Terabyte Poster

    Congratulations :beers2

    Certifications: 70-210, 70-215, A+,N+, Security+
  3. BB88

    BB88 Kilobyte Poster Gold Member

    Awesome stuff. I am going to be studying for it soon. Was the exam hard?
    Certifications: CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+, MCSA: Office 365,, 70-410, 70-680
    WIP: CompTIA: Security+
  4. Les1977

    Les1977 Bit Poster

    Thanks guys!

    I didn't find it too difficult, but I had done a lot of studying (since March!).

    As well as the Sybex guide, I installed several distros including Centos, Fedora 14, and some others, as virtual machines on Ubuntu.

    The stuff in the Sybex guide is great, and half the stuff I learned in it, I use all the time now, it really does make using Linux much easier, and the book is worth keeping as a reference.
    Certifications: CompTIA A+, Network+, Linux+ / LPIC-1
    WIP: 70-680
  5. Sparky
    Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    Sparky Zettabyte Poster Moderator

    Congrats mate :)
    Certifications: MSc MCSE MCSA:M MCSA:S MCITP:EA MCTS(x5) MS-900 AZ-900 Security+ Network+ A+
    WIP: Microsoft Certs
  6. j666gak

    j666gak New Member

    Les1977 - Congrats on the pass, great job!

    Yesterday I passed the Security+ exam... I decided next it would be a good to do the Linux+ so I started last night. I have read that upon passing both exams for the Linux+ that you can submit your passing score to the LPI to get their LPIC-1 certification, however once you have the LPIC-1 certification you can then also forward on your pass for the Novell Certified Engineer certification. See on the LPI website for more info.

    Three certifications for two exams sounds good to me!


    P.S. if you are working on the 70-680 you might want to have a look at the free training videos on Prof Messer
    Certifications: CompTIA Net+, Sec+
    WIP: CompTIA Linux+, CCNA, CEH
  7. Les1977

    Les1977 Bit Poster

    Good on you! I am thinking of Sec+ at some point, if only to extend the expiry dates of my A+ and N+!

    Yes, this is true! Sign up at LPI before you take your exams (you must use the same e-mail address you used to sign up for ComTIA). I have already had the scores from my first exam forwarded to LPI, just waiting on the second to filter through the system.

    Re the Novel certs, apparently you earn two! The Novell Certified Linux Administrator, and the Data Center Technical Specialist. So, four certs in total! :-D

    I watched the Prof Messer vids for the 70-680 last year, but decided to get Linux+ first.

    I didn't bother with any videos for Linux+ since, they weren't free, and the Sybex guide was quite adequate. A tip for you though, whenever the book says "go read the manpages" or something to that effect, do it! The book seems to quickly gloss over certain important parts, and belabour others!

    I have to say though, unlike other study courses I have taken, almost everything covered is actually useful! Like day to day, getting the most out of your box useful! It was worth the money just to get me to fill the gaps in my knowledge! I'm pretty sure you will enjoy it! :-D
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2012
    Certifications: CompTIA A+, Network+, Linux+ / LPIC-1
    WIP: 70-680
    j666gak likes this.
  8. j666gak

    j666gak New Member

    Thanks very much. I haven't done the A+, but there are sooo many other certs and different training that I want to do!

    I have just registered now with the LPI. At which part of the exam to you have to say that you want the score forwarding to LPI? I can see it is easy to get Novell CLA, but I can't see how you get the Data Center Technical Specialist? I'd be interested to know how you get on getting all of the certs through and how easy it is.

    I had seen in you signature on here that you had WIP: 70-680, which is why I mention Prof Messer's free videos. Thanks for the Sybex recommendation , I will take a look. I have got the Linux+ course from TrainSignal which covers all of the material, for $250 and Transcender testing engines for both exams i'm happy. I am new to Linux and really only come across it recently for work using Security Onion, Backtrack, Firewalls and Splunk so i'm really looking forward to it and hope it will help me in the day to day stuff as well.

    Best get cracking
    Certifications: CompTIA Net+, Sec+
    WIP: CompTIA Linux+, CCNA, CEH
  9. Les1977

    Les1977 Bit Poster

    You tick the box 'forward my scores to LPI' right at the beginning of the exam, before the questions start. It is in amongst all the stuff you wouldn't normally take the time to read before the exam starts. So read it carefully this time!

    Apparently you automatically qualify for DCTS when you get the CLA. Check out this blog:

    CompTIA Linux+ and LPI LPIC-1 | Greg Porter's Blog

    I will keep this thread updated, as the test scores are submitted to various sites.

    As an update the scores made it to CompTIA, and I now have the pdf version of my certificate. Interestingly, on this one, there is NO expiry date!
    It earned me 'ce' credits extending my A+ cert to March 2018, however my Network+ cert was not extended.

    The scores have also now all been forwarded to LPI, but I guess it will be a couple of days before I am officially certified with them, as it is now the weekend.

    Once I have gotten my certificate number, and notified Novell, I will post back on here.

    I heard somewhere that there are numerous mistakes on the TrainSignal Linux videos, so as with any study material, do check everything out (google and manpages).

    If you are new to Linux, this will be a fairly steep learning curve, however, like I said, all the stuff is very very useful, and in no time at all, you will be right into it! :biggrin
    Certifications: CompTIA A+, Network+, Linux+ / LPIC-1
    WIP: 70-680
    j666gak likes this.
  10. j666gak

    j666gak New Member

    Thanks for the info and link to Greg Porter's blog, very useful. It would be really good if you could updated the thread with how you got on.

    I had heard similar about the TrainSignal course, however they pulled it and and have got another instructor to re-do the course and have just released it again. Also it includes Transcender test engines worth $209 for both exams, so $249 for the lot doesn't sound bad.

    It will be a steep learning curve, its a good job that I like a challenge :)
    Certifications: CompTIA Net+, Sec+
    WIP: CompTIA Linux+, CCNA, CEH
  11. BB88

    BB88 Kilobyte Poster Gold Member

    Brilliant, thanks for that!
    Certifications: CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+, MCSA: Office 365,, 70-410, 70-680
    WIP: CompTIA: Security+
  12. Les1977

    Les1977 Bit Poster

    So a quick update.

    A couple of hours after my last post, LPI was updated, and I am now certified with them.

    I then forwarded the scores to Novell, where, upon completion on my details, I received the Novell certified Linux administrator certification!

    This morning I received 3 e-mails from Novell. It turns out as well as the Novell CLA, I have been awarded the Data centre technical specialist, AND Suse 11 Technical specialist too!

    There is no sign of any .pdf versions of the certificates yet, but this is the weekend.
    (Incidentally, I looked on the Novell forums, and they provide .pdf certs only, no hard copy)
    I am also automatically enrolled in two of their certification programs too, so I may look into those, depending on how widely deployed I think Suse is compared to Red-Hat for instance.

    As somebody said about this on a forum somewhere, I think I will be careful not to over sell myself with these. The real advantage for the viewpoint of someone who reads your CV is, that they may have heard of Novell, where they may not have heard of LPI etc.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2012
    Certifications: CompTIA A+, Network+, Linux+ / LPIC-1
    WIP: 70-680
    j666gak likes this.
  13. j666gak

    j666gak New Member

    Great stuff, nice when companies actually work together

    5 certs for 2 exams isn't bad going. Although I know what you mean about the CV
    Certifications: CompTIA Net+, Sec+
    WIP: CompTIA Linux+, CCNA, CEH
  14. Les1977

    Les1977 Bit Poster

    Yep, pretty cool!

    I received an e-mail today from Novell, with a pdf attachment. The 'Novell Certified Linux Administrator', so that's one from them so far!

    Interestingly the London Stock Exchange uses SuSE servers, as do a major defence contractor, and a few others. So worthwhile to have!
    Certifications: CompTIA A+, Network+, Linux+ / LPIC-1
    WIP: 70-680
  15. Les1977

    Les1977 Bit Poster

    As a quick update:
    I contacted Novell about the DCTS, and the Suse 11 Tech spec, and they say those certifications are now given out by the partnernet program. I contacted them, and it seems you have to be a company to sign up with them! I have e-mailed them again, to ask, how, as a private individual, I can obtain the pdf certificates, so we shall see what happens.
    My thought is not to hold my breath, but I can't really grumble at 3 certificates to hang on my wall. Besides, as far as Novell are concerned I am certified as DCTS, and Tech spec, and they have provided the verifications for those, for any prospective employers.

    DCTS, and SuSE 11 Tech Spec, are listed on my credentials pages as "PartnerNet Specializations"

    I got a reply from PartnerNet, and you do have to be a member, to receive the pdf certs for DCTS, and SuSE Tech spec.

    So bottom line is 3 certs, (Linux+, LPIC-1, and Novell CLA) still, very good though, and I am pleased!
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2012
    Certifications: CompTIA A+, Network+, Linux+ / LPIC-1
    WIP: 70-680
  16. Les1977

    Les1977 Bit Poster

    My certificate from LPI arrived yesterday, which I thought was pretty quick, especially for international post.
    Just waiting on the CompTIA cert turning up now.
    Certifications: CompTIA A+, Network+, Linux+ / LPIC-1
    WIP: 70-680
  17. ageisp0lis

    ageisp0lis New Member

    Hey Les1977, I have just earned my CompTIA Linux+. I was wondering who you had to contact at LPIC-1 or Novell to get your certs from them. I am not sure how standardized this process is or where to go for it, so would appreciate if you supply links and/or e-mail addresses you used to make that request. I have seen Greg Porter's blog but this is not exactly clear either, it seems I'm supposed to receive LPIC-1 automatically if I checked that box?

    Update: I got e-mails that made it happen pretty automatically, so I'm set for being certified, my only question now is how do you get PDFs??
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2012
  18. Les1977

    Les1977 Bit Poster

    Congrats on the pass!

    You should have signed up with LPI before taking the exams, using the same e-mail address that you used for CompTIA.

    LPIC do not provide a PDF version of their certificate, but you do get a very nice (much nicer than CompTIA) certificate through the post. Mine arrived two weeks before the CompTIA cert did.

    Novell on the other hand, only provide a PDF cert, which is automatically e-mailed to you, a few days after your scores have been submitted.

    For anyone else that is following this thread the CompTIA Linux+ cert only showed up in the post a few days ago!
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2012
    Certifications: CompTIA A+, Network+, Linux+ / LPIC-1
    WIP: 70-680
  19. mackie

    mackie Nibble Poster

    Certifications: IAB, Sage 50, MOUS and MCP
    WIP: A+
  20. Please email us at clarym497 at hotmail dot com and(or) (740) 217-7670 if you need training videos, resources, or updated mock examinations.

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