Passed GCP Professional Cloud Architect exam

Discussion in 'Other IT certifications' started by Pseudonym, Nov 24, 2022.

  1. Pseudonym

    Pseudonym Kilobyte Poster

    Been hitting the books hard for a couple of months to get this boxed off before I start my new contract next week and managed to get a pass. Unfortunately no score breakdown is provided, just a pass or fail.

    I used Dan Sullivan's study guide, Ranga Karanam's video course on Udemy, and labs and practice exams from whizlabs. I'd highly recommend the first two, especially the video course. The practice exams were very useful but the format wasn't the best example of exam questions at times, some of the questions were taken directly from Google's sample exam questions and actually had incorrect answers. Some of the translations were also very poor. Overall, still worthwhile because I couldn't find any decent alternatives. The labs on the other hand were terrible. Most of them didn't work at all. I also was not able to get a refund in spite of this, so I'd avoid whizlabs unless you really have to use them. Their trustpilot reviews are almost certainly fake, too. Although, these 4 resources together will give you everything you need to pass the exam.

    I'm going to do the AWS DevOps engineer cert next. I don't have loads of prod experience in AWS so I figured that'll open up the rest of the contract market to me, considering I already have experience in Azure and GCP.. then definitely focus on learning python, and perhaps go through the Odin Project. Then finally onto the OSCP.

    Booked a week in Venice with the wife over New Years, so I'll just be settling into my contract for the next few weeks, then a couple of weeks furlough and off to Venice.

    Anybody else got plans for the holidays?
    dmarsh likes this.
  2. Rob1234

    Rob1234 Megabyte Poster Forum Leader

    Congrats, I have been thinking about doing some Google Cloud certs but doing AWS security at the moment.
    Certifications: A few.
  3. JK2447
    Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    JK2447 Petabyte Poster Administrator Premium Member

    Congrats mate, I've got the google certs on my to do list
    Certifications: VCP4, 5, 6, 6.5, 6.7, 7, 8, VCAP DCV Design, VMConAWS Skill, Google Cloud Digital Leader, BSc (Hons), HND IT, HND Computing, ITIL-F, MBCS CITP, MCP (270,290,291,293,294,298,299,410,411,412) MCTS (401,620,624,652) MCSA:Security, MCSE: Security, Security+, CPTS, CCA (XenApp6.5), MCSA 2012, VSP, VTSP
    WIP: ServiceNow Certified System Administrator Certification
  4. Kitkatninja
    Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    Kitkatninja aka me, myself & I Moderator

    Major congrats mate :)
    Certifications: MSc, PGDip, PGCert, BSc, HNC, LCGI, MBCS CITP, MCP, MCSA, MCSE, MCE, A+, N+, S+, Server+
    WIP: MSc Cyber Security
  5. Sparky
    Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    Sparky Zettabyte Poster Moderator

    Congrats on the pass :)
    Certifications: MSc MCSE MCSA:M MCSA:S MCITP:EA MCTS(x5) MS-900 AZ-900 Security+ Network+ A+
    WIP: Microsoft Certs

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