
Discussion in 'Training & Development' started by rapiod27, May 3, 2005.

  1. rapiod27

    rapiod27 Banned

    Hello Tribe,

    As some of your threaders will know I am on the nitlc engineers course.

    So far, I have required the help of the tutors several times, they pick up the phone within a few rings and help.

    The manuals are easy to use (even for a 'neon gladiator' like me!) more coffee please----

    I have already seen the results on the student success and I am more than happy. After all it took me 2 years to make up my mind!.
    Looking forward to the in house meetings where they run the 'get your hands dirty' stuff, thats when I think I will start to put it together. he thinks---

    All in all, 10/10 so far.....lets see if they can keep it up.

    Pass the salt.

  2. william1970

    william1970 New Member

    Hi People! This is my 1st posting! Hope it helps!

    I can give you some advice on NITLC or Computeach. These 2 are about the best you will find. But they ain't cheap.

    I was with NITLC for years. I never did finish the course. I'm convinced these training providers only give a damn about money. Once the money dries does the support. But these 2 companies are amongst the best for actual course material and support. And don't get conned into 'extending' your course. If you have the courseware and it is currently up to date with Microsoft or whatever, you can still sit exams. You don't need to be paying for an extra 3 months of extended tuition fees - unless of course, you really feel like you need support. At the end of the day, I didn't put enough work in - you are responsible for your own life and your own destiny and what you do with your time. I learned that lesson the hard way in retrospect. Also DONT take ANYTHING into the exam room with you - I made the bad mistake of taking my notes in and got accused of cheating. I had to contact Microsoft in America to get the decision overturned - they were fine, the Americans - but NITLC did nothing to help me and I had to fix this myself. I was worried to death for 6 weeks over xmas of 2003.

    I live within 2 miles of Computeach and wish I'd spent my £3500 with them. Why? Not because NITLC are no good - I found them to be very nice professional helpful people. The programmers there are particularly talented. The reason I say this is because of TESTING LOCATION. You really need to think about WHERE you are going to sit exams. I live in Stourbridge - so to take advantage of the course exam fees (paid for in advance - 1 attempt included in fees, for each exam), I had to travel from here to Newark on testing day. Even leaving at 9.00 AM some mornings, for a 1.00 PM exam, sometimes meant I arrived late. That damned M42 is the WORST motorway next to the M6 for crapness! And after 4 hours of driving the LAST thing you feel like doing is taking an exam.

    Think REALLY hard about where you are going to sit exams - it really matter that you know the area and are comfortable in the surroundings. It is worth visiting the testing centre you fancy before booking anything - to see if you are comfortable with the surroundings and that the people providing the exam are going to sit you in an area where you will not be disturbed - focus is critical during the exams and you will be amazed at how fast the time goes! Above, study, study...never get overconfident and be SURE you are ready before you go for it! Stud those exam objectives do not need to know ALL the coursework...the objectives test your understanding...not what you have memorised. If you can demonstrate to the exam provider that you know the answers, you will qualify for sure.

    I am going to restart my training soon. I'm thinking of going with It would mean I don't get the support that you would get with the likes of NITLC or Computeach...i.e Job help, CV help, etc... but ultimately I believe that studying is a sole pursuit. It does not matter what I or anyone else thinks. It is up to the individual to learn. So if you are happy to go with these 2 companies, you could do far worse. But what is to stop you getting materials of your own and just booking an exam at an authorized testing centre?

    I hope you all do well in your chosen study paths. Hope my rabbling has helped in someway. Help from others is always hard to get - everyone wants to make a profit and help usually costs. I will gladly help anyone if I can - and not for profit. After all, if we are not learning then we are surely dead?

    Kindest Regards, William.
  3. AJ

    AJ 01000001 01100100 01101101 01101001 01101110 Administrator

    Thanks for that William, some positive advice there for all :thumbleft
    Certifications: MCSE, MCSA (messaging), ITIL Foundation v3
    WIP: Breathing in and out, but not out and in, that's just wrong
  4. drum_dude

    drum_dude Gigabyte Poster

    Ok, I no nowt about Computeach so I will not comment on them. However, as a student of NITLC I have to put right 2 things mentioned earlier

    Big mistake indeed, what on earth made you think you could take notes into an exam? I'm surprised MS let you off with it as u have to sign an agreement stating that you understand the rules of the exam. However, the mistake was your fault, I don't see why a Training Provider would be obliged to fix this for you?

    My test centre in brum won't even let me take a sodden can of coke in with me!

    You don't have to take exams at NITLC?? They will book exams for you anywhere you like in the UK. There is no such thing as the "to take advantage of the course fees" setup! The only exams that I took at NITLC were the ones linked to my workshops...The rest I did at Spring IT in Birmingham where I am given free sandwiches and a can of pop (that I have to finish before going into the test centre)!

    Superb advice and very well put..but so easily overlooked!

    Good luck with your training.
    Certifications: MCP, MCSA 2000 , N+, A+ ,ITIL V2, MCTS, MCITP Lync 2010 & MCSA 2008, Sonus SATP SBC 1k/2k
    WIP: Hopefully Skype for Business and some Exchange stuff...
  5. rapiod27

    rapiod27 Banned

    Always nice to hear from you tribesmen.

    As you all may know I did a lot of research into this, nitlc seemed to top them all on the 'getting down to it' side of the coin.

    Most of the others, as you said, don't give you the support and the problem is that you don't get to 'do it for real.' They do.

    I want to learn on paper and then get to take things appart, looking forward to it.

    I am taking my exams in the north west, so location doesn't seem to be a problem anyway, even though they are in Nottingham.

    No, I think I have made the correct choice. After all, what good would be passing my exams, if I have never used these god given hands of mine.

    The goose is in the oven.

  6. JonnyMX

    JonnyMX Petabyte Poster

    Ho Hum...
    At the end of the day, you sit your exams at an approved testing centre.
    I'm studying with IT Skills and they use Pearson VUE and someone else (Thompson?) to do their exams. So there's always someone close to you where you can go. They also pay all your resit costs until you get through the exam. Not that I've failed one yet. :rolleyes:
    Certifications: MCT, MCTS, i-Net+, CIW CI, Prince2, MSP, MCSD
  7. rapiod27

    rapiod27 Banned

    Hi Jonny.

    Yea, I looked into the IT skills franchise, I am pleased you are happy with them.

    For me, it was the lack of 'in-centre' days that totally put me off them. Your'e very isolated with software learning.
    You can have as many exam passes as you wish, but without the hands on ability, its all a bit of a waste of time.

    The last interview I went to with XML, they wanted me to show them real skills. The cheeky beggars threw me onto the server and said ' show us what you can do'. I was up the creek.

    This time I will be ready.

    Santa in da house!

  8. JonnyMX

    JonnyMX Petabyte Poster

    They do offer in-centre for all their modules, but I haven't bothered to go on them. At the end of the day, I've got a server, SQL and Visual Studio at home so I've got all the practice I need (within reason).
    Certifications: MCT, MCTS, i-Net+, CIW CI, Prince2, MSP, MCSD
  9. rapiod27

    rapiod27 Banned

    Yea OK jonny. I am with you can I put this, you just seem to like them a little bit, too much......

    Any takers.....
  10. JonnyMX

    JonnyMX Petabyte Poster

    I'd rather get on with them mate.
    But like the others have said, this forum is about exchanging positive ideas. Unless I'm very much mistaken I haven't slagged off any other training providers or made unsubstantiated accusations unlike some others.
    I gave them my money and would like to think I made a good decision, rather than beat myself up that I might have made a mistake.

    I really don't to argue with anyone on this forum on behalf of each other's training providers.
    On the other hand, if you want to have a witch hunt, go nuts.

    This really isn't helping any of the others.

    You can look at my Microsoft transcript if you like (if I can find the password).
    Certifications: MCT, MCTS, i-Net+, CIW CI, Prince2, MSP, MCSD
  11. Jakamoko
    Honorary Member

    Jakamoko On the move again ...

    To anyone reading this Thread, please make yourselves aware of THIS Pinned Thread at the top of this Forum before making any further replies.

    Thank you.
    Certifications: MCP, A+, Network+
    WIP: Clarity
  12. rapiod27

    rapiod27 Banned

    Just saying what I observe to be clear and is clear to all.

    I think it was your 'link' to website that did it for me.

  13. JonnyMX

    JonnyMX Petabyte Poster

    Please read Jakamoko's post immediately above your own.

    OK. The previous submission in the thread asked if I had any more information on my training privider. I supplied the URL because I use it.
    With all due respect, it isn't your job to moderate this forum.
    If you have a problem with me, please take it to the staff and don't make all the other members sit through your continuous moaning.

    Please can we just be adults and post constuctive stuff here.
    Certifications: MCT, MCTS, i-Net+, CIW CI, Prince2, MSP, MCSD
  14. Phoenix
    Honorary Member

    Phoenix 53656e696f7220 4d6f64

    See here Raboid, a little word of advice
    in your short time here you dont seem to of provided much in the way of constructive posting or contribution to our community, as you are aware, thats kind of how we grow and continue to provide a quality community for cert students to get advice from
    You seem to be ignoring the advice given to you by our long standing members, and even our admins, I advise you once more, do not continue your current attitude of being detremental and confrontational to anbody not holding the same views as you, whilst we encourage opinions, we will not tollerate trolls or flamers, I doubt the admins will give you another warning.

    please refur to THIS THREAD as well as our RULES
    Certifications: MCSE, MCITP, VCP
    WIP: > 0
  15. tripwire45
    Honorary Member

    tripwire45 Zettabyte Poster

    I concur with my esteemed colleague. I know you're new here but your attitude is out of line, rapiod27. If you have something constructive to say, then we encourage your participation. If not, back off.
    Certifications: A+ and Network+

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