NITLC Courses

Discussion in 'Training & Development' started by Chrisss, Oct 6, 2004.

  1. Chrisss

    Chrisss New Member

    Hello everyone. Just signed up to this wonderful palce :)

    I've been looking at computer courses after years of wanting to get into IT. I started a course at uni but didn't enjoy myself and found the course a waste of time. Out of the people I've had round my house NITLC seem the best with a course I like (TSE), and relatively cheap in comparison.

    A couple of questions:
    Are they any good? Would people recommend them?

    How are they at helping finding job for people? Is their help with CVs and such useful?

    Is it actually worth the money? I don't mind spending that much if I think it will be of help to me and the direction I want to go.

    Thanks a lot everyone!

  2. AJ

    AJ 01000001 01100100 01101101 01101001 01101110 Administrator

    Did my MCSE with them and never had any probs with them.

    Support OK and advice good.

    What career path do you want to take?
    Certifications: MCSE, MCSA (messaging), ITIL Foundation v3
    WIP: Breathing in and out, but not out and in, that's just wrong
  3. Chrisss

    Chrisss New Member

    Everyone seems to be giving good reports on them. I really didn't like the Computeach bloke. He was far too pushy and offered a course I really didn't like which included some VB programming.

    Something like a network admin, or whatever they call such jobs, I think, would be great for me. I've always loved doing things like that ever since myself and friends got computers. Got boxes full of bits and pieces around the house and remember setting up my first network with a parallel cable. Oh what fun that was.

    At the mo I'm working with my dad fitting kitchens which really really isn't for me.
  4. Jakamoko
    Honorary Member

    Jakamoko On the move again ...

    Agreed there - no complaints from me either :D
    Certifications: MCP, A+, Network+
    WIP: Clarity
  5. sas

    sas Bit Poster

    I am doing a course with NITLC myself right now (TSE course) and i am finding it great...Good help and advice on the student web site aswell as from tutors if you need it. Was very wary myself before i signed up but its worth it m8...considering alot of IT related jobs i am seeing these days are saying the need for certification rather than an actual academic qualification (which still really helps though). Just saying there great (in my opinin), and that certificaton is a good road to go down to get into the industry.

    Good Luck m8, whatever you decide :D

    WIP: Studying for A+
  6. Chrisss

    Chrisss New Member

    When you say certification instead of just qualifications, do you mean actually doing the whole process with a company instead of, say, passing A+, MCSE, whatever, by yourself?

    I've just got an application form from a friend of my mum who works for the NHS. There's an IT support job going there. I think I will wait and see how I get on with that and then decide what I want to do with regards courses.
  7. Jakamoko
    Honorary Member

    Jakamoko On the move again ...

    I'm fairly sure sas means industry certs, ie A+, MCSE, etc, gained thru self-study with a course provider or off your own back, compared with academic certs (HND, Degree, etc), thru a course at college or Uni.

    Sorry if I mis-represent you sas :oops:
    Certifications: MCP, A+, Network+
    WIP: Clarity
  8. Chrisss

    Chrisss New Member

    Yeah, I was thinking that's what he meant after I posted that. I did mean to ask if he meant degrees and such against MCSE, etc.
  9. sas

    sas Bit Poster

    @ Jakamoko - ur spot on mate, thats wot i was meaning
    WIP: Studying for A+
  10. Phoenix
    Honorary Member

    Phoenix 53656e696f7220 4d6f64

    you will find in all but the largest of bluechips/financials a degree is not worth as much as industry experiance and industry certs

    atleast in the UK this is the case
    havnt really had a problem myself and i am still yet to go and do a degree

    good luck with the course, from what i have heard they are a good training providor, cant say i have ever used them, after getting bitten with my first MCSE, i have self studied ever since :)
    not a problem now i found the joy of vmware! :)
    Certifications: MCSE, MCITP, VCP
    WIP: > 0

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