How long does it take to self-study for A+ and Network+ ?

Discussion in 'General CompTIA Certifications' started by Len, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. Sparky
    Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    Sparky Zettabyte Poster Moderator

    Are you REALLY sure? :biggrin
    Certifications: MSc MCSE MCSA:M MCSA:S MCITP:EA MCTS(x5) MS-900 AZ-900 Security+ Network+ A+
    WIP: Microsoft Certs
  2. m3lt

    m3lt Byte Poster

    Well it was winter and the harsh cold environment could have contracted the floppy. I know its plastic and it doesnt contract as metal, but hey at least I tried to come up with something lol. :tongue

    As for what CMOS stands for, well you can check:






    Did I mention that here on this exact forum someone posted the official CompTIA A+ acronyms ?
    Right here:

    Booo hooo :cheers :iluvcf

    PS: Oh and Sparky I so hope you did not mention the lack of "-" linking metal-oxide-semiconductor. Thats not fair lol :P
    Certifications: A+
  3. Modey

    Modey Terabyte Poster

    Floppy shrinkage when it's cold is a serious issue.

    We are still on IT right? :)
    Certifications: A+, N+, MCP, MCDST, MCSA 2K3, MCTS, MOS, MTA, MCT, MCITP:EDST7, MCSA W7, Citrix CCA, ITIL Foundation
    WIP: Nada
  4. BosonMichael
    Honorary Member Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    BosonMichael Yottabyte Poster

    Perhaps they don't see the harm in it that I do, being in the IT and certification training industry well on 11+ years now. I've seen others fail or overstudy specifically because of questions like this one.

    Eh, ask what you will; my warning's been given for those who care to take the time to read it.
    Certifications: CISSP, MCSE+I, MCSE: Security, MCSE: Messaging, MCDST, MCDBA, MCTS, OCP, CCNP, CCDP, CCNA Security, CCNA Voice, CNE, SCSA, Security+, Linux+, Server+, Network+, A+
    WIP: Just about everything!
  5. m3lt

    m3lt Byte Poster

    I got it while reading this:

    It's about data recovery on "dead" HDD's which basically consists of freezing them so the arms/readers contract and stop "touching" or messing around with the platters.

    Going back to the topic, you should have a look at the links CompTIA provides on their website, Len.
    They have some sort of IT Career Plan there to help decide which areas of IT you like the most by answering some questions, sort of those questionaires you find in Facebook. :biggrin
    Certifications: A+
  6. helen_elizabeth

    helen_elizabeth New Member

    I trained a while ago as an electronic engineer and have considerable if slightly-dated knowledge of PCs. I'm working through an A+ book and while I understand all the principles fine, the memorising of the various Pentiums, speeds, cache, sockets etc and similarly RAM types etc I'm finding very hard going - and also not really relevant. If you needed to know that stuff you'd surely look it up. A TP has told me that they get rookies through the A+ in 3 months with 6 - 8 hours study a week - this sounds very unlikely.

    I'm rambling a bit, but my questions are:
    - how do you ever memorise all this stuff?
    - does anyone believe the 6 - 8 hours study a week to complete in 3 months? This is supposedly for someone who's new to IT.

    The TP is offering me a lot of support through the course, which is very attractive as I currently don't have any. But I'm not sure I believe them! If it's too good to be true it probably is....
  7. greenbrucelee
    Highly Decorated Member Award

    greenbrucelee Zettabyte Poster

    you don't need to know all that with the A+ but knowing the package type would be beneficial

    Do not believe anything a TP says, all they are interested in is taking your cash and making you pay more than you should. All you need is the books and some determination and pratice and thats it.

    All my certs were done through self study, I have done 6 exams and bought books to study from for those exams and I have spent no where near what a TP would charge you for one certification course and most of the time the TPs fee doesn't include the exam.

    If you have no knowledge then the A+ could take you a while but if your determined you will do it and if you need help us friendly lot can advise you for FREE.
    Certifications: A+, N+, MCDST, Security+, 70-270
    WIP: 70-620 or 70-680?
  8. craigie

    craigie Terabyte Poster

    It has taken me exactly 0 Days (never sat the exam).

    Most people a month or two I think from what I have seen on here.
    Certifications: CCA | CCENT | CCNA | CCNA:S | HP APC | HP ASE | ITILv3 | MCP | MCDST | MCITP: EA | MCTS:Vista | MCTS:Exch '07 | MCSA 2003 | MCSA:M 2003 | MCSA 2008 | MCSE | VCP5-DT | VCP4-DCV | VCP5-DCV | VCAP5-DCA | VCAP5-DCD | VMTSP | VTSP 4 | VTSP 5
  9. Len

    Len Byte Poster


    He could always try Strata? Not sure if/when its out though :rolleyes:

    That "interest quiz" on the CompTIA website gives me:


    * keeps things organized and in order
    * makes sure that projects stay on track
    * makes sure that information is standardized so that procedures are easy to follow
    * gives careful attention to organization, procedure and structure
    * can manage systems that require attention to precision and organization

    Best Fits:

    * Technical Writer
    o ensure that standards are maintained in technical documents and products
    * Database Administrator
    o ensure that computers systems for tracking information are maintained and function effectively
    * Network Designer and Administrator
    o ensure that procedures and order are followed and maintained in the functioning of office computer networks
    * Computer Programmer/Engineer
    o write very detail-oriented computer programs
    o IT jobs in accounting, stocks and bonds companies and other businesses where you would use IT to develop financial tools and services"

    Seems I'm not that into technician roles after all.. maybe... stupid tests -_-
    Certifications: BND IT Practitioners
    WIP: Comptia A+
  10. soundian

    soundian Gigabyte Poster

    I took about 3 months, but more like 20 hours per week. I didn't need any support, apart from the support available here and my own desire to do well.
    Don't bother memorising all the CPU stuff. A good guess at the socket/slot is all you need. Concentrate on the other stuff like CAT speeds, video resolutions etc.
    Memorising big lists of lists is, unfortunately, part of the A+. Use some type of flashcard system, I used which is an adaptive flashcard system.
    Leaving exam costs aside, it cost me around £120 to get a test computer (and upgrade little bits of my main computer) and a book, and hence my A+.
    So, all in, £340. Subtract the cost of a slightly upgraded main PC and a fully functional test PC.
    How does that compare to the price quoted by your prospective TP? (rhetorical question)
    Certifications: A+, N+,MCDST,MCTS(680), MCP(270, 271, 272), ITILv3F, CCENT
    WIP: Knuckling down at my new job
  11. MissAngila

    MissAngila Banned

    It take about 3 months
  12. skulkerboyo

    skulkerboyo Megabyte Poster

    Ignore miss angila. It (cant tell gender from pic) is about to be banned for trying to push a braindump site on us

    Certifications: MCITP:SA, MCSA 03, MCSA 08, MCTS(680+648),A+,N+,ITILV3 Foundation, ITIL Intermediate: Operational Support and Analysis
    WIP: 70-417
  13. Qs

    Qs Semi-Honorary Member Gold Member

    I'll PM Boyce.
    Certifications: MCT, MCSE: Private Cloud, MCSA (2008), MCITP: EA, MCITP: SA, MCSE: 2003, MCSA: 2003, MCITP: EDA7, MCITP: EDST7, MCITP: EST Vista, MCTS: Exh 2010, MCTS:ServerVirt, MCTS: SCCM07 & SCCM2012, MCTS: SCOM07, MCTS: Win7Conf, MCTS: VistaConf, MCDST, MCP, MBCS, HND: Applied IT, ITIL v3: Foundation, CCA
  14. Hooligan

    Hooligan Bit Poster

    personally I find you a little rude and semi intense. If you dont want to take guidence from the US army intel anaylst guy then just ignore it. with the attitude you have I would never employ you and nor would any other employer so maybe hide your personality in any future interviews mate.

    i am new to this forum - all the posts i have read have been very helpful but when i read negative aggressive comments like yours then it becoms a turn off.

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