Hiya Guys & Gals

Discussion in 'New Members Introduction' started by playaz, May 23, 2005.

  1. playaz

    playaz Bit Poster

    Hi everyone,

    Just a quick introduction cos I don't wanna bore you all too much! :)
    I've now graduated yet find it tough to break into I.T, my biggest pitfall is my knowledge base is too wide & varied. In a sense, you could almost say I know 'bits and bobs' of everything. I've been doing web-related languages for a few years now such as HTML, ASP, PHP and along with databases like Access & MySQL. I am desperate to get into I.T especially as I've been working in a insurance company for almost a year (and I hated almost every minute!)

    I too have had the Skillstrain (Schneidegger) salesman call round trying to persuade me to part with £2500 to take a Cisco CCNA course. He was very persuasive and I almost said yes there and then, however greater research on my part and I've decided to put the course on hold at least for a couple of months.

    I haven't got any real commercial experience, and have literally no experience in relation to A+/MCSE/CCNA or other IT certifications and I am slightly worried that this all might be too much for me. My brother works in IT and thinks I have the ability but I don't share his confidence but I am desperate to get into IT and start earning some money. :biggrin

    p.s sorry that was so long... i get carried away sometimes. :D
    WIP: A+
  2. tripwire45
    Honorary Member

    tripwire45 Zettabyte Poster

    Greetings, playaz. Welcome to CF. No worries about the length of your post. Glad you told us something about your situation. IT is sometimes tough to break into but I wouldn't call it impossible. If someone who works in the field thinks you can pull it off, I'd say go for it and see.

    You might want to start with an A+ certification. It's pretty much the "entry-level" but also seems to be what alot of employers look for as part of the base qualifications of a technician. Of course, we are not talking about pulling down big bucks right off the bat. As 'm sure you're aware, when you are breaking into any new field, there's a certain amount of "paying of dues" that must occur before you have the experience to progress to larger positions.

    You obviously have an interest in programming (which is an area that completely escapes me). Maybe you should pursue filling in the gaps in your knowledge base as a programmer. Just a thought but I'd hate to think that you'd have to put aside your current knowledge base for another part of the field.

    In any event, welcome to our corner of cyberspace. I hope we can prove helpful to you in your pursuits. :)
    Certifications: A+ and Network+
  3. Jakamoko
    Honorary Member

    Jakamoko On the move again ...

    Hi Playaz, and welcome aboard.

    Strange how having broad knowledge in many areas, whilst specialised in only a few can disadvantage you, but I guess that's life.

    Good luck however you choose to proceed, and enjoy your time here :)
    Certifications: MCP, A+, Network+
    WIP: Clarity
  4. AJ

    AJ 01000001 01100100 01101101 01101001 01101110 Administrator

    WElcome to the forum :biggrin
    Certifications: MCSE, MCSA (messaging), ITIL Foundation v3
    WIP: Breathing in and out, but not out and in, that's just wrong
  5. Tyler D

    Tyler D Gigabyte Poster

    Greetings playaz :biggrin .There are plenty of people around these boards who have little or no IT experiance,but decide to take the IT cert route.
    With the right attitude,determination and dedication im sure yourself and many others(myself included)can achieve our career goals. :)
    All the best with which ever route you decide to take.
    Certifications: A+,70-270
    WIP: 70-290
  6. playaz

    playaz Bit Poster

    I think the A+ Cert would be a great start, I think this wouldn't be too difficult for me with my existing knowledge. Can anyone suggest the best way to go about this, and preferably cheap too as I don't wanna pay thousands of pounds for A+.

    Thanks :)
    WIP: A+
  7. punkboy101
    Honorary Member

    punkboy101 Back from the wilderness

    Welcome to CF playaz. :D
    Certifications: CCNA
    WIP: Nada
  8. Mitzs
    Honorary Member

    Mitzs Ducktape Goddess

    Welcome Playaz!

    Here is our A+ board.

    I would look though it. It has a lot of good info in it. I also would start with Mike Meyers all in one for A+. He is the best in the field when it comes to this subject.


    Also if you can afford a cheap spare computer I would invest in one so you have something to pratice on.
    Certifications: Microcomputers and network specialist.
    WIP: Adobe DW, PS
  9. nugget
    Honorary Member

    nugget Junior toady

    Hi and welcome to the forum. I can't add anything more than the really good advice mentioned already. :D
    Certifications: A+ | Network+ | Security+ | MCP (270,271,272,290,620) | MCDST | MCTS:Vista
    WIP: MCSA, 70-622,680,685
  10. playaz

    playaz Bit Poster

    Cheers, I'll try a get a cheap 2nd hand Mike Meyers book if I can to try and save a bit of money (currently out of work!). Looks interesting though, A+ looks ideal for me to start on.

    P.S How much would I roughly pay for the exams, and how long on average does it take to pass these?

    WIP: A+
  11. KeithNN

    KeithNN Byte Poster

    Hiya (and welcome fellow newbie, btw)

    Last time I looked the A+ cost £100 plus VAT per exam (there are two) if you do it through Vue (The last two exams I booked through Prometric they didn't actually charge me VAT so look into them too!) and assuming you don't find any vouchers. When I did my A+ I managed to study for each exam in roughly a month (reading the Myers book and an out of date Exam Cram title) but then I was out of work at the time and put quite a few hours in during the day. I didn't have too much experience with PCs either back then (2002) - had Windows 98 on a P200MMX, installed a DVD+Card combo, CD re-writer and that was about it!

    I'd like to add that that exam (and the knowledge I got from it) got me started in my ICT Technician job at a school. It's a definite starting point!
    Certifications: MCSA/MCSE, MCDST, MOS Mstr, Sec+,Net+,A+
    WIP: 70-284
  12. playaz

    playaz Bit Poster

    Thanks for the post Keith! Your informative response has given me a greater sense of hope & determination to get certified! IT Technician is another route that I too would like to get into, with an A+ qualification that should open a few doors :)

    Thanks again for the information, I feel much better now - I am currently out of work so I am hoping to get through the book in no time at all. Is there a site that lists all the local A+ test centres in my region (Midlands).

    Thanks again :)
    WIP: A+
  13. noelg24

    noelg24 Terabyte Poster

    Welcome aboard playaz...glad to have you on board :D
    Certifications: A+
    WIP: my life
  14. KeithNN

    KeithNN Byte Poster

    You're welcome, playaz.

    If you pop along to the Vue or Prometric sites and register with them you'll be able to browse their lists of test centres in your area. You'll find some use both systems (I travel about 40 miles to Sheffield where they have 3 machines running Vue and 3 running Prometric). A good tip I was given is to book your exams in advance so you've got a goal to aim for! It works for me (and don't forget you can still reschedule the exam if you're not prepared in time!)

    Good luck with the A+ - YOU CAN DO IT! :rocks
    Certifications: MCSA/MCSE, MCDST, MOS Mstr, Sec+,Net+,A+
    WIP: 70-284
  15. Phoenix
    Honorary Member

    Phoenix 53656e696f7220 4d6f64

    your not technically supposed to pay VAT in the UK on exams, so VUE may be up to something there

    Prometric have never charged me VAT and i've probably sat close to 30 exams with them

    Cost for a+ exams is just over 100 quid each
    microsoft exams is 84 generally
    as is Cisco exams i believe
    Certifications: MCSE, MCITP, VCP
    WIP: > 0
  16. KeithNN

    KeithNN Byte Poster

    I thought that, too. Vue didn't charge me VAT for either of my A+ exams in mid-2002. I took the Network+ at the end of 2003 and I was charged VAT. The same again for my 70-270 in January this year. I swapped over to Prometric for the 290 last month (long story, don't ask) and was surprised when I wasn't quoted VAT on my invoice. Even waited until my credit card bill came until I was convinced!! At the moment I'm sticking with Prometric and using Vue only if the other machines are booked up!

    EEK! I've been paying £88! :eek:
    Certifications: MCSA/MCSE, MCDST, MOS Mstr, Sec+,Net+,A+
    WIP: 70-284

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