Hi people

Discussion in 'New Members Introduction' started by JasonH, Jul 12, 2005.

  1. JasonH

    JasonH New Member

    Hello everyone,

    My name is Jason Humphrey, and I have recently been made unemployed so that I could concentrate on gaining a career in IT. I especially like helping my friends, colleagues and family when a PC problem develops. The number of times I have recovered homework and other important information!

    Anyway, nice to know this forum exists. TTFN. :biggrin
    Certifications: A+ Certification
    WIP: MCSA, Network+ & CISCO
  2. Boycie
    Honorary Member

    Boycie Senior Beer Tester

    Hi Jason,

    Welcome to CF. Sorry to hear about you recently loosing your job. Hope you find one you enjoy more soon. :D
    Are you training by yourself or with a provider?
    Certifications: MCSA 2003, MCDST, A+, N+, CTT+, MCT
  3. KeithNN

    KeithNN Byte Poster

    Hi, Jason. Welcome aboard and good luck with your studies! Don't worry about losing your job - they didn't deserve you anyway :wink:
    Certifications: MCSA/MCSE, MCDST, MOS Mstr, Sec+,Net+,A+
    WIP: 70-284
  4. JasonH

    JasonH New Member

    Has anyone any advise on where to go once I have completed my Network+ course.

    I have a mini-network running Windows Server 2003 and 3 x Windows XP clients and always tweaking with them.

    I was thinking of the MCDST, but this only deals with Helpdesk support and although this is an area that I like doing, what are the salaries likes - particularly in the South West (Devon in particular).

    CISCO is another option.

    I recently saw a chap from NITLC. He seemed were keen to enrol on a course that would give me credentials in all fields - A+, N+, CCNA. MCSA for under £4500. Anyone recommend this option.

    In the meantime, what sort of Jobs can I expect with just NVQ Level 2 in IT, ECDL and A+ under my belt. Most of my career has been in Admin until now.

    Cheers Guys

    Certifications: A+ Certification
    WIP: MCSA, Network+ & CISCO
  5. AJ

    AJ 01000001 01100100 01101101 01101001 01101110 Administrator

    Hi Jason and welcome to the forum
    Certifications: MCSE, MCSA (messaging), ITIL Foundation v3
    WIP: Breathing in and out, but not out and in, that's just wrong
  6. Tyler D

    Tyler D Gigabyte Poster

    Greetings Jason :biggrin
    Certifications: A+,70-270
    WIP: 70-290
  7. tripwire45
    Honorary Member

    tripwire45 Zettabyte Poster

    Greetings Jason and Welcome. As far as where to go after your Network+, that's pretty much up to you. There are no real right or wrong answers. It depends on what part of IT interests you and where your skill sets lead you. Many people take the MS route because it is popular but that's not the only option. You can also do the MS *and* Cisco. The CCNA is only one test and would give you a good grounding in basic networking. There is nothing wrong with doing your MCDST and starting off in helpdesk work. Remember, you are not stuck there forever and it is a great way to get experience.

    Hope this helps some. Visit the Training and Jobs forums for more information as well as the various MS and Cisco forums we offer at CF. They may add some dimension to these subjects.
    Certifications: A+ and Network+
  8. Jakamoko
    Honorary Member

    Jakamoko On the move again ...

    Hi Jason - welcome to CF :)
    Certifications: MCP, A+, Network+
    WIP: Clarity
  9. nugget
    Honorary Member

    nugget Junior toady

    Hi and welcome to the forum.:D
    Certifications: A+ | Network+ | Security+ | MCP (270,271,272,290,620) | MCDST | MCTS:Vista
    WIP: MCSA, 70-622,680,685

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