Goals in 2k8

Discussion in 'The Lounge - Off Topic' started by MrNerdy, Sep 28, 2007.

  1. nXPLOSi

    nXPLOSi Terabyte Poster

    Well in all honesty, 2007 wasn't a great year for me, and I can't wait til 12.01 on 31st December to wipe the slate clean and try to have a better year. Not only did I lose my last Grandparent this year, my girlfriend lost her Grandad and my aunt has been battling cancer all year. I also never managed to really knuckle down and get some exams under my belt, only the two A+ exams to my name. So, here we go;

    Work/IT Related...

    1. Pass Network+ early in the year
    2. Pass 70-270
    3. Pass 70-290
    4. Pass 70-291 to complete MCSA.
    5. Continue working hard in my current job and be earning 5K more by the end of the year


    1. Being strong and caring for my Aunt as she finally beats cancer, and take her out and about whenever I can.
    2. Keep saving hard for a decent deposit on a flat/house for my girlfriend and me.

    At the moment thats probably about it, im sure more ideas will pop into my head in the run up to 2008 through! :biggrin
    Certifications: A+, Network+, Security+, MCSA 2003 (270, 290, 291), MCTS (640, 642), MCSA 2008
    WIP: MCSA 2012
  2. BosonMichael
    Honorary Member Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    BosonMichael Yottabyte Poster

    - Continue to improve product development and train writers at Boson
    - MCSE: Messaging 2000 and 2003
    - MCSE: Security 2003
    - MCITP: Windows Server 2008 (depending on release dates at work)
    - Recertify CCNP/CCDP
    - Write another book
    - Start taking Taekwondo with my oldest son
    - Take a mission trip
    Certifications: CISSP, MCSE+I, MCSE: Security, MCSE: Messaging, MCDST, MCDBA, MCTS, OCP, CCNP, CCDP, CCNA Security, CCNA Voice, CNE, SCSA, Security+, Linux+, Server+, Network+, A+
    WIP: Just about everything!
  3. no_one_here

    no_one_here Bit Poster


    1. Do better on the jobs front than I did this year. Shouldn't be difficult.
    2. Stay on the boards and help people.
    3. Obtain an MCSA.
    4. Do a Linux cert (LPIC Level 1). I already use Debian Sid as my desktop, so I think I can do this.
    5. Get myself fit (at least a bit fitter than I am currently).

    Certifications: ITIL Foundation, MCDST Network+ A+
    WIP: 70-270
  4. antr

    antr Bit Poster

    IT Goals

    Pass MCDST and A+ qualification.
    Demand more money from my job afterwards :twisted:

    Move out
    continue to play sunday league football after a heavy night out :p
    become fitter
    enjoy life in every way possible (so try to get away from birmingham once nxt yr)
    Certifications: n/a :(
    WIP: MCDST, A+
  5. zimbo
    Honorary Member

    zimbo Petabyte Poster

    Two Things for me rather in 2008

    1. Enter the world of Cisco - starting with CCNA - if it takes me all year then so be it! 8)

    2. Spend more time with CF again, i havent been around much the past 3-4 months, with all the uni pressure and i still owe a lot to this place!! :biggrin

    Have a good 08 everyone! 8)
    Certifications: B.Sc, MCDST & MCSA
    WIP: M.Sc - Computer Forensics
  6. csx

    csx Megabyte Poster

    My Goals:

    Post on CF a lot more!
    Continue with life in the gym and get bigger :)
    Start Open University towards IT Degree in Computing and Business
    Certifications: A+, Network+, 70-271 & 70-272, CCENT, VCP5-DCV and CCNA
    WIP: Citrix
  7. MLP

    MLP Kilobyte Poster

    Goals - Certs / Qualifications
    MCDST - 1st Quarter
    70-270 - 2nd Quarter
    70-290 - 3 / 4th Quarter
    Apple Certs - hopefully taking training courses for these through work, but passing the actual exams, may be a 2009 thing
    Look into finishing my degree in Computing, through open learning etc.

    Finally got a permanent I.T. job this year, so the plan is to build upon this, and take on more responsibility.

    Other Stuff
    Finally finish decorating the house (Only taken 14 months to do one room so far)
    Learn to play Guitar with my little girl

    Good luck to you all with your goals, and have a great christmas.
    Certifications: HND Computing
  8. tripwire45
    Honorary Member

    tripwire45 Zettabyte Poster

    It started. My wife and I visited the gym together for the first time this morning and she "showed me the ropes". I haven't belonged to a gym in over 20 years and the experience has changed somewhat...basically in terms of the available equipment.

    I used some sort of aerobic machine to warm up and then went through all their weight machines. They are arranged in numerical order from 1 to 28, so I went to each station, read the instructions and tried each one out. I'm 6'3" so taller than the average person, which means I have to adjust the machine to fit my height and so forth. Figuring out what weight to start out with was both challenging and humbling. I had to stop a few times between machines to let me nausea subside but I made it through all of the machines.

    I've got an appointment on Wednesday morning to get a more formal tour on how to use the equipment and the various rules of the gym. I've hit a plateau in my current level of exercise and need to ramp up to the next level to keep losing weight and achieve my health goals for the coming year.

    Why wait until January 1st?
    Certifications: A+ and Network+
  9. noelg24

    noelg24 Terabyte Poster

    Coming in 2009, you too can have your very own "Tripwire45 Calendar" :biggrin its a number 1 seller for sure...
    Certifications: A+
    WIP: my life
  10. greenbrucelee
    Highly Decorated Member Award

    greenbrucelee Zettabyte Poster

    I need to get fit, I must start swimming as I am not allowed to lift weights or run anymore and I am getting fat.

    My swimming shorts don't even fit so I need some new ones.
    Certifications: A+, N+, MCDST, Security+, 70-270
    WIP: 70-620 or 70-680?
  11. onoski

    onoski Terabyte Poster


    Just out of curiosity may ask why you are not allowed any of the above exercise? Well if it is medical then that's fine don't need you to elaborate.

    I for one went on the exercise bike today after several months of being lazy, did hurt myself a while ago whilst lifting 16kg x2 kettle bells. I would like to start this again in the new year to further improve my over raw physique.
    Certifications: MCSE: 2003, MCSA: 2003 Messaging, MCP, HNC BIT, ITIL Fdn V3, SDI Fdn, VCP 4 & VCP 5
    WIP: MCTS:70-236, PowerShell
  12. tripwire45
    Honorary Member

    tripwire45 Zettabyte Poster

    I prefer "cheesecake" to "beefcake" anyday. :twisted:
    Certifications: A+ and Network+
  13. greenbrucelee
    Highly Decorated Member Award

    greenbrucelee Zettabyte Poster

    Its kind of complicated, a few years ago me a few mates decided to cheer up a friend who was suffering from depression at the time. So we went bowling and then went to a nightclub that would play music he likes.

    At the end of night we were talking about what to do next and some lad came behind me and hit me on the head with a bag full of beer bottles. There was a bit of a fight and the guy got arrested, I was fine or so I thought.

    One month later I woke up and I couldn't see, it too 3 hours before my sight started to return.

    To cut a long story short I had various tests on my eyes and the doctors determined that I had week blood vessels in the back of my eyes, being born premature the was a weakness there all the time but being hit on the head has caused an issue which would have happend later in my life happen earlier.

    The doctors say I am not allowed to do anything which may cause strain on the blood vessels such as running or lifting anything heavy (actually I am not allowed to lift anything over 15kg in case my eyes go).

    My eyes have haemorrhaged a few times but touch wood its been about a year since they last went.
    Certifications: A+, N+, MCDST, Security+, 70-270
    WIP: 70-620 or 70-680?
  14. noelg24

    noelg24 Terabyte Poster

    u and me both my dear boy but I was thinking more of the women of CF and maybe ur wife :twisted:

    regarding getting fit...I also need to do the same...I already cycle alot but its not really doing much...about 7mths ago I was weighed about 13 and a half stone (85Kgs no idea in lbs)...whilst I was in London visiting my family, I weighed myself again and to my shock I was a stone heavier :eek: and that was it...I thought this wont do...if I am going to be heavier I want it to be in muscle and not fat (which resides in my gut!!)...altho my legs are muscly after the amount of cycling I have been doing...but I need to get some weights pulled and turn the fat into muscle...

    So from Jan me and my mate from work are hitting the gym together and its going to be a serious workout!! I mean I will sweat till I end up bathing in it!! YUCK!! lol...
    Certifications: A+
    WIP: my life
  15. Arroryn

    Arroryn we're all dooooooomed Moderator

    Aww it's about time you lazy geeks scraped yourselves into the gym :)

    GBL - sorry about the problem with your eyes. Believe it or no, I do know some guys that do pilates and such, that is meant to be quite good along with light exercise. I couldn't recommend it personally (only tend to do high impact stuff) but it might be ideal for you?

    Noel - 13 1/2 stone is pfft... normal. lol. My weight fluctuates between 13 and 13.5 stone, and that's around 185lbs. It depends on your muscle/body fat ratio as opposed to anything else. I used to do manual labour before getting into my office jobs, and that's when my weight went up. I didn't go to the gym, but I had a body like a rock star (manually packing 20 tonnes or so a day 'll do that to you!)

    These days, I have to exercise a hell of a lot more, and I'm nowhere near as toned as I used to be. But I'm hoping the prep I do for my LEJoG and the other events I plan to do will get me back in 'the zone'.

    If any of you are after exercise advise, you should send Raff a PM or ping. He gave me some spot on advice at the last gathering, on quick high-intensity training for the cycling.
    Certifications: A+, N+, MCDST, 70-410, 70-411
    WIP: Modern Languages BA
  16. onoski

    onoski Terabyte Poster


    Wow! glad you pulled through okay and with time you'd be fully recovered. Thanks for sharing:)
    Certifications: MCSE: 2003, MCSA: 2003 Messaging, MCP, HNC BIT, ITIL Fdn V3, SDI Fdn, VCP 4 & VCP 5
    WIP: MCTS:70-236, PowerShell
  17. mallet

    mallet Kilobyte Poster

    Iam already started excersing more then I was last year, so abit of improvement. I also got a website that needs to be online. I need quite alot of content to be done. Javascipt and php have already been implemented and tested. And Already brought the domain name. The other Goal is getting a perm job, been stuck with 3 IT contract jobs that end cause the project work is finished.
    heres hoping that it goes well for everyone.

    Sorry to hear that man, I can relate to something very similar to what happen to a very close relative. Glad your ok dude. Did the Doctor say an ETA when your eyes will fully recover?

    Certifications: MCP
  18. zebulebu

    zebulebu Terabyte Poster

    Having just started a new job I think i can safely say all my technical goals this year will be 'job-oriented' :biggrin

    I'm considering a CCNP, but that will depend on whether the job needs me to do it. If not, then I'll be putting myself through some formal ESX training, some certifications for NetApp SANs and some more Juniper training (implementing SSL VPN boxes is one of my projects for the coming year). At the very least on the Cisco side I need to learn the basics of MPLS which, considering I haven't touched a Cisco router for four years will probably be enough of a challenge in itself.

    My 'other' goals will be harder to achieve. The first involves either repairing my relationship with my wife to the point that it is a loving, caring marriage again, or knocking it on the head and separating. That sounds incredibly harsh, but I've basically been living in a 'companionship' marriage for eighteen months and that's not where I want to be - I would rather be on my own than go through another year like the one I've just had.

    The second involves trying to get a doctor to diagnose just what the bloody hell is wrong with me. Having been ill for three years now (I started feeling bad around xmas 2004) I have got almost to the end of my tether with a whole list of things that are wrong with me - I basically have no quality of life whatsoever but cannot get a doctor to even admit there is anything wrong. It is immensely frustrating to sit through test after test only to be told there's nothing wrong when I feel (physically) like shite all the time.

    Finally, I'm hoping that, whatever happens with my marriage, I can get the **** out of Crydon. My profile does not exaggerate just how dismal Croydon really is - when John Betjeman was writing about friendly bombs destroying Slough he obviously hadn't visited Croydon at that point - otherwise he would have wished for the bombers to level Croydon instead. It is an utter, abject shithole.
    Certifications: A few
    WIP: None - f*** 'em
  19. Luddym

    Luddym Megabyte Poster

    MY GOALS FOR 2008

    1. Pass 70-293
    2. Pass 70-294
    3. Pass 70-297
    4. Pass 70-620TS

    (All for my MCSE 2003, by June Hopefully as Ive been studying for the 293 on and off for 3 months, getting ready to take the 294 soon, and the 70-620 should be relatively easy to pass with a week of study.)

    5. Attend my VMware course in Feb, and hopefully become a VCP shortly thereafter.

    6. By the Middle/Later end of the year, apply for 3rd lines roles so that I can get out of the 1st line / 2nd line job I do right now and into a company that pays at least market rate and doesn't expect me to be the only on call IT guy for 18 sites and almost 800 employees.....and do it as a 'value added service' which means I don't actually get paid for it, nor get time off in lui.

    7. Look and hope at getting my foot on the property ladder.

    8. Very possibly proof read and rewrite my novel and try to get published. (Though this has been on my to do list for 2 years now.)
    Certifications: VCP,A+, N+, MCSA, MCSE
    WIP: Christmas Drunkard
  20. Becki

    Becki Byte Poster

    Well to start:

    601 A+ Exam
    Complete Nvq Level 3 in IT
    Network+ Qualification
    Complete ADITP
    MCDST Qualification
    *and make a start on my MCSA*

    Hopefully get the job ive applied for at Wolverhampton

    And finaly move out of parents in with the boyfriend in our own place:p
    Certifications: NVQ IC3 A+ Network+ MCDST MCITP MCTS Vista & 7

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