Employee Training and Development Enhancing Employee Performance -A Study

Discussion in 'Training & Development' started by Yaroslav12321, Aug 7, 2024.

  1. Yaroslav12321

    Yaroslav12321 New Member

    Employees are widely regarded as the organization's most important asset due to their crucial role in ensuring heightened customer satisfaction and the delivery of high-quality products and services. In the absence of adequate training and development opportunities, individuals may not be able to fully realize their potential in accomplishing their tasks. Employees who possess the necessary skills and abilities to effectively carry out their job-related responsibilities are more likely to retain their positions for an extended period of time, primarily as a result of experiencing greater levels of job satisfaction. Training and development is an essential mechanism employed to optimize employee performance and foster their growth in terms of efficiency, productivity, job satisfaction, motivation, and innovation within the organizational context. The identification of appropriate learning opportunities for employees is crucial for organizations to have a competitive advantage in the contemporary global market. The performance of employees has a significant influence on the financial outcomes of a firm. Hence, it is incumbent upon organizational leaders to possess an understanding of the significance of training and development's influence on employee performance and evaluation. The implementation of employee training as well as employee development programs serves as a means for both the business and its employees to achieve a wide range of objectives. These objectives encompass enhancing employee morale, fostering a sense of security, promoting employee engagement, and cultivating the essential abilities required to effectively carry out certain job responsibilities. Furthermore, it is imperative for organizational leaders to utilize systematic methodologies in evaluating employee performance, wherein the outcomes are typically influenced by several aspects such as human attributes, organizational dynamics, environmental conditions, motivational factors, skill proficiency, aptitudes, and role perceptions. The main aim of the study to identify what is the fundamental goal of employee training and development is to enhance overall employee performance, what synergy is there in between Training, Development, and Performance & what factors impacts on ETD for enhancing EP.

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