Do you practise Martial Arts?

Discussion in 'The Lounge - Off Topic' started by JK2447, Mar 9, 2010.

  1. JK2447
    Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    JK2447 Petabyte Poster Administrator Premium Member

    Hi All,

    New job, new year and need a new body! The new job will mean I'm home at 6 every night so thinking about going back to martial arts instead of a normal gym. Got a few belts TKD and Jujitsu but thinking Jujitsu.

    Anyone do any martial arts???? What did you choose and how are you finding it?

    Certifications: VCP4, 5, 6, 6.5, 6.7, 7, 8, VCAP DCV Design, VMConAWS Skill, Google Cloud Digital Leader, BSc (Hons), HND IT, HND Computing, ITIL-F, MBCS CITP, MCP (270,290,291,293,294,298,299,410,411,412) MCTS (401,620,624,652) MCSA:Security, MCSE: Security, Security+, CPTS, CCA (XenApp6.5), MCSA 2012, VSP, VTSP
    WIP: ServiceNow Certified System Administrator Certification
  2. GiddyG

    GiddyG Terabyte Poster Gold Member

    Me, the wife and youngest son do Shukokai Karate on a Tuesday night. They do 1 hour and I do the full 2. Thoroughly enjoy it. It's hard graft, especially the older you get. Can't get my legs up as high as I would like, but I'm working on it for the kicks.

    We chose it initially for the son to have another interest, and I got involved because it looked fun and I wanted to get fit too. Then the wife decided to join too. Both the wife and I have noticed we have lost a fair bit of weight too.
  3. greenbrucelee
    Highly Decorated Member Award

    greenbrucelee Zettabyte Poster

    I used to do Jui Jitsu but since I have permanet bleeding of the blood vessels in my eyes I am not allowed to do loads of physical excerise especially ones where I may get hit in the head.

    I haven't had a heamorrage for 3 years now, so I am hoping that I get the all clear next year and can go back to Jui Jitsu
    Certifications: A+, N+, MCDST, Security+, 70-270
    WIP: 70-620 or 70-680?
  4. SimonD
    Honorary Member

    SimonD Terabyte Poster

    I was going to do Origami but found that I didn't have the right skill set.
    Certifications: CNA | CNE | CCNA | MCP | MCP+I | MCSE NT4 | MCSA 2003 | Security+ | MCSA:S 2003 | MCSE:S 2003 | MCTS:SCCM 2007 | MCTS:Win 7 | MCITP:EDA7 | MCITP:SA | MCITP:EA | MCTS:Hyper-V | VCP 4 | ITIL v3 Foundation | VCP 5 DCV | VCP 5 Cloud | VCP6 NV | VCP6 DCV | VCAP 5.5 DCA
  5. Kitkatninja
    Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    Kitkatninja aka me, myself & I Moderator

    Used to do the MA:

    1. Shotokan karate - Shodan (1st Dan Black Belt)
    2. Freestyle karate - 2nd Degree black belt
    3. Nisen (Ishinryu) karate - 6th Kyu
    4. Kick boxing - Yellow belt (second belt)

    Plus also tried out (but did not grade) the following:

    1. Jeet Kune Do (JKD)
    2. Judo
    3. Tai Chi
    4. Kung Fu (Lee style & lau gar)
    5. Ninpo

    However due to work and study commitments, I've had to stop. Going back thru my training records, it's been 6 years since I've practiced at black belt level and 4 years since I've done any "proper" training (although I still practice the sai's and Bo once in a blue moon) :(

    Will wait until my son is 5 or 6, then we'll both do it together - just another 3 odd years (give or take) to go :)

    Last edited: Jan 8, 2011
    Certifications: MSc, PGDip, PGCert, BSc, HNC, LCGI, MBCS CITP, MCP, MCSA, MCSE, MCE, A+, N+, S+, Server+
    WIP: MSc Cyber Security
  6. BosonMichael
    Honorary Member Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    BosonMichael Yottabyte Poster

    My older son used to do TKD, and I was going to start right at the time he decided to quit. If my younger son starts up, my older son says he'll start again... and I likely will as well.

    I had also considered taking Aikido. Something about the style appeals to me. I'd also enjoy taking a Chinese martial art simply due to my affinity for the language and culture.
    Certifications: CISSP, MCSE+I, MCSE: Security, MCSE: Messaging, MCDST, MCDBA, MCTS, OCP, CCNP, CCDP, CCNA Security, CCNA Voice, CNE, SCSA, Security+, Linux+, Server+, Network+, A+
    WIP: Just about everything!
  7. Gingerdave

    Gingerdave Megabyte Poster

    Most recently I am doing the odd bit of Thai boxing and am doing some Gracie JiuJitsu which I find really interesting as it is a completely different approach to the more traditional Japanese Jitsu I have done previously.

    As a rundown of arts I have done:

    Shotokan Karate - was ok, but I dont like doing endless reps of lines - find it boring. Liked the kata though.

    Free Style Karate - better, was a more varied class with more sparring.

    Shoranji Kan Jitsu (The Jitsu Foundation) - found I was on the right side of the North/South (we really Yorkshire vs the rest of the uk) divide was great with it until I wanted to focus on more self defense and making trhows work. they wanted beutiful but impracticle tecniques. I left but still loved it.

    Traditional Jitsu - I have tried two other styles but I find the teaching very patchy.

    Thai Boxing - Really enjoy it, very simple to learn very taxing workout good fun.

    Escrima - did this for about 6 months, really enjoyed it but the guy who was providing transport for me stopped going.

    TKD - Was ok, but again the lines thing got to me. Liked the silly kicks.

    Premier Martial Arts - A mixed martial art imported from the US, they cherry pick from traditional styles. Loved the club where I trained at, but had't the time to commit to it. The style was ok at the basics but as I progressed I saw things that disagreed with things I had been taught previously and there wasnt an enviroment to really explore this.

    Gracie JiuJitsu - the Gracies has gone back and altered sports (Brazillian) Jitsu to be more street effective. I have my reservations about this (rolling on the floor with a chance of multiple attackers - no thanks) but they way the syllabus is constructed and the sessions and techniques tought. I dont know if there is a school near you but you can do it via the web at Gracie University

    As for which one to choose - go to all the clubs you can get to, see which one has the best atmosphere and teaching and go to that one as I find that makes a bigger difference then which style it is.
    Certifications: A+,MCP, MCDST, VCP5 /VCP-DV 5, MCTS AD+ Net Inf 2008, MCSA 2008
    WIP: MCSA 2012
  8. BosonMichael
    Honorary Member Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    BosonMichael Yottabyte Poster

    Yep! Gotta work out so you can show off your new dresses! :twisted:
    Certifications: CISSP, MCSE+I, MCSE: Security, MCSE: Messaging, MCDST, MCDBA, MCTS, OCP, CCNP, CCDP, CCNA Security, CCNA Voice, CNE, SCSA, Security+, Linux+, Server+, Network+, A+
    WIP: Just about everything!
  9. MLP

    MLP Kilobyte Poster

    My daughter and I have been training in Shotokan Karate for about 8 months. She's due to grade for 8th Kyu, and I'm grading for 9th Kyu, in about two weeks time - I missed a grading due to injury (broken foot).

    We chose Shotokan and the club we train at on the recommendation of my boss and his wife.

    I thoroughly enjoy it, although the fitness aspect is a bit of a shock for me, as is getting up on Saturday mornings to go train.

    The club I'm at has a strong focus on competition, and I'm hoping to be able to enter the championships either this year or next for kumite.

    Certifications: HND Computing
  10. JK2447
    Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    JK2447 Petabyte Poster Administrator Premium Member

    Thats brilliant that mate, I might drag my girl along with me. Our boy is nearly 1 tho so there's the whole baby sitting melarky but thanks mate, I'll ask if she fancies it too after reading that.

    Hope you can get back into it mate. I'd go the quacks and tell him you are thinking about going back, see what his professional opinion is. Fingers crossed thunderbirds are go!

    Yeah yeah I reckon Simon's done his fair share of hand to hand combat in his day 8)

    Be a shame not to get back into it after all that hard work Ken. I know what you mean about the study and kids eating up your time though. Constant juggle isn't it. Perhaps you should add juggling to your CV! You're already an expert!

    Lau Gar, thats the one with more punching than the others isn't it. A good club does that by me but I think its too energetic for me!

    Hope you start TKD mate, keeps you flexible I know that much!

    Cheers mate, good advice there. I'll see if there's any chatter on any forums in my area

    I need to be able to defend myself should I forget my man bag . . . :biggrin

    That takes me back. When I was a TKD white belt I borrowed a yellow so I could fight. That was the minimum grade to fight. Drew :rolleyes:
    Certifications: VCP4, 5, 6, 6.5, 6.7, 7, 8, VCAP DCV Design, VMConAWS Skill, Google Cloud Digital Leader, BSc (Hons), HND IT, HND Computing, ITIL-F, MBCS CITP, MCP (270,290,291,293,294,298,299,410,411,412) MCTS (401,620,624,652) MCSA:Security, MCSE: Security, Security+, CPTS, CCA (XenApp6.5), MCSA 2012, VSP, VTSP
    WIP: ServiceNow Certified System Administrator Certification
  11. simonp83

    simonp83 Kilobyte Poster

    Did Muay Thai until around last year when i started to have to commute an hour each way to work and study for the certs, even went to Thailand for a month to do it.
    Certifications: A+, MCP, MCDST, MCTS, MCITP
    WIP: 70-291
  12. twizzle

    twizzle Gigabyte Poster

    I used to do Wado Ryu karate, got to Blue Belt but gave up due to other comitments (as i'm sure many people do). I chose this style over Shotokan at teh time as Wado Ryu means way of peace and is slightly less agressive than Shotokan i found. It was definatley worth doing, Katas are enjoyable etc and i'd liek to get back into it but nowhere round here teaches that style.

    I've also tried Tai Chi Quong, which was relaxing. I did it mainly for teh calming influenece and mediatation. The forms are complex, i found more complex than teh karate katas! but again it was enjoyable.

    My lad is now doing Jujistu ishin-Ryu. He actually got his Brown/black belt last night and hopefully may start the junior trainer course. He's been doing this for four years, started as i suggested he learn it to help with his anger management. Its very close to Judo in what they learn, more holds, throws and grappling than kicks and punches, though they do learn some. It also has ties back to Wado Ryu Karate.

    I'd liek to get back into any of them but feel i'm too unfit to last an hours lesson now. I jog 2.5 miles twice a week and that damn near kills me! I'm so unfit. I'd also liek to learn Aikido, or Kendo but think the cost would stop me there (on a tight budget as it is)

    On a seperate note, i'd also liek to learn Archery as i've tried that in the past and found it relaxing, May be i can combine the two? Martial arts and archery, but nowhere near by does that..(cant think of the name for it now??)
    Certifications: Comptia A+, N+, MS 70-271, 70-272
    WIP: Being a BILB,
  13. Bri1981

    Bri1981 Byte Poster

    Had my first Krav Maga lesson with a personal trainer at the weekend, was good fun and seemed quite varied.
    I'm still aching now though!
    Certifications: See signature
    WIP: MBA entry diploma
  14. cisco lab rat

    cisco lab rat Megabyte Poster

    Baseball bat mate, does the trick everytime.

    Used to do Jujitsu until I managed to crack three ribs, I got better then I cracked them playing rugby, took up running and injured my knees. So far sitting on my sofa getting nice and fat I have managed to break to date zero bones or injure myself even once.

    Lazy is the way forward, you can watch celebrity jungle dancing all night long on the sofa
    Certifications: Yes I pretty much am!!
    WIP: Fizzicks Degree
  15. Fergal1982

    Fergal1982 Petabyte Poster

    Tai Chi for me.
    Certifications: ITIL Foundation; MCTS: Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010, Administration
    WIP: None at present
  16. cisco lab rat

    cisco lab rat Megabyte Poster

    bless you
    Certifications: Yes I pretty much am!!
    WIP: Fizzicks Degree
  17. BosonMichael
    Honorary Member Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    BosonMichael Yottabyte Poster

    But he needs a dainty, little one. Preferably one that matches his fingernails. :twisted:

    I crack myself up.
    Certifications: CISSP, MCSE+I, MCSE: Security, MCSE: Messaging, MCDST, MCDBA, MCTS, OCP, CCNP, CCDP, CCNA Security, CCNA Voice, CNE, SCSA, Security+, Linux+, Server+, Network+, A+
    WIP: Just about everything!
  18. twizzle

    twizzle Gigabyte Poster

    becarful, with his baseball bat in that man bag of his, he may crack you up! Thats if he can hit you while you roll on teh floor laughing at the paisley flower decorations on the bat!
    Certifications: Comptia A+, N+, MS 70-271, 70-272
    WIP: Being a BILB,
  19. BosonMichael
    Honorary Member Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    BosonMichael Yottabyte Poster

    Pfft. He hits like a gurrrrl! :twisted:
    Certifications: CISSP, MCSE+I, MCSE: Security, MCSE: Messaging, MCDST, MCDBA, MCTS, OCP, CCNP, CCDP, CCNA Security, CCNA Voice, CNE, SCSA, Security+, Linux+, Server+, Network+, A+
    WIP: Just about everything!
  20. twizzle

    twizzle Gigabyte Poster

    You ever been hit by a woman and her handbag??? with the stuff they put in it, sometimes its liek being hit round teh head by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick!
    Certifications: Comptia A+, N+, MS 70-271, 70-272
    WIP: Being a BILB,

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