cerco training

Discussion in 'Training & Development' started by ant2005uk, Dec 28, 2004.

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  1. Jack

    Jack New Member

    Hi, im considering doing the fast track course with cerco. Im just wondering what types of IT jobs they get people. They seem to place a lot of weight on having a driving licence.
  2. Jack

    Jack New Member

    Hello, is anybody still around in this thread?
  3. Jakamoko
    Honorary Member

    Jakamoko On the move again ...

    They're not a company that gets a lot of mention around here m8, but as I posted on another Thread - if you want more info on them, why not just give them a quick call ?

    Can't do any harm ... :)
    Certifications: MCP, A+, Network+
    WIP: Clarity
  4. Knave

    Knave Bit Poster


    I went to the London centre and it was a reasonably straightforward affair. They were very professional and were able to answer the 101 questions I had armed myself with.

    Having spent time looking around I have decided to train with another company but Cerco were a very close second and this was just down to personal preference.

    Whilst they are charging more than home study would cost, they were not hard selling me anything, and believe me I went fully expecting a hard sell and from the outset was quite sceptical of the whole thing. Since the interview they have not contacted me and they did tell me at the time it was now up to me to decide what to do next and they have been as good as their word on this.

    As with previous advice I would recommend that anyone thinking of taking this fast track route call them and find out as much as you need to know and to most definitely attend an exploratory interview. Also there are several other companys doing this type of training and I would look at those too. You have nothing to lose by doing so.

  5. Baron210

    Baron210 Bit Poster

    As a new starter in the world of IT (Desktop Support), I have trained with, and passed the Cerco Exam with scores of 88% (Week 1) 86% + 87% (Week 2) networking, 100 % week 3 and a final theory and practical exam for week 4 (two 100% passes) and achived my certificate with them (84% online entry score).
    I must say how impressed i am with the training standards, and :D how welcome they make one feel, I am now waiting to gain some interviews and hoping to gain meaningful employment within the industry (Living right on the south coast - Selsey Bill West Sussex isn't ideal for local employment. but I am prepared to travel and / or re-locate if necessary), and work hard once employed to gain extra qual's.......

    Just my two pennys worth!!! :p
    Certifications: Cerco CCSN comptia A+ & N+
    WIP: Cisco CCNA (Aiming for CCNP)
  6. simongrahamuk
    Honorary Member

    simongrahamuk Hmmmmmmm?

    Glad that you're pleased with what you have received Baron.

    Why not pop over to the new members introduction forum and introduce yourself properly.

  7. _omni_

    _omni_ Megabyte Poster

    well congrats on passing the exam.
    but as much as it was enjoyable, do you really think it was worth paying £5000 for a certificate that isn't even recognised (outside of maybe a few companies)?
    Certifications: MCSE 2003, MCSA:M
  8. twobellies

    twobellies Bit Poster

    Hey Ant,
    I was going to go to their training centre in Nantwich but then I discovered Skillstrain who were offering a very similar qualification for half the price, the only difference being that skillstrain is home study. After all Cerco don't gaurantee a job.

    But this is only in my opinion and it'hat suited me at the time.

    Certifications: none yet!
    WIP: A+ N+
  9. AWD Freak

    AWD Freak Bit Poster

    Hello to all, I was in Baron210's class in Cerco too and in my opinion, for my money it was well spent, 3 days later and I have a job with ACL Limited and drive a company car with fully expensed fuel card, company phone and best of all I can save petrol now as I don't have to pay for it! Ohh yeah did I mention it pays well! :biggrin Good luck in deciding on which course you're going to take!

    Certifications: CCSN
  10. Jakamoko
    Honorary Member

    Jakamoko On the move again ...

    Are two of the last 5 posts a P1$$-take or what ??? :rolleyes:
    Certifications: MCP, A+, Network+
    WIP: Clarity
  11. unemployedstudent

    unemployedstudent Byte Poster

    Or an advert :rolleyes:
    Certifications: BAISA(hons) Degree, ECDL.
    WIP: A+, CompTIA N+, CCNA
  12. Sparky
    Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    Sparky Zettabyte Poster Moderator

    So you basically landed a job which gives you free petrol, that sounds amazing! :blink

    Just out of interest does your job have anything to do with IT? :biggrin
    Certifications: MSc MCSE MCSA:M MCSA:S MCITP:EA MCTS(x5) MS-900 AZ-900 Security+ Network+ A+
    WIP: Microsoft Certs
  13. AWD Freak

    AWD Freak Bit Poster

    Well if you call a good experiance an advert then go ahead Unemployedstudent, but Mr Admin, but as your vBulletin control panel should tell you, that me and Baron210 are not related in a business sence at all.

    I landed a job with ACL Limited as a support technician, (website www.acl-uk.com) it's a Oxford based company, basically they deal with the photo kiosks in Jessops, the office computers in Sainsbury's and printers too. As far as sallary goes, lets just say I wasn't expecting it to be that good as my first time in the IT field, also after 2 years I will have a pension with them and also BUPA healthcare benefits. All in all a good package and deffo can't complain.

    My plan is to stay with the company then after 6 months or so if they havn't provided further training for me, I am going to go for the Network + course and go from there. Where I really want to end up is in the Network Security sector and from what I've heard where the money is too.

    Certifications: CCSN
  14. Jakamoko
    Honorary Member

    Jakamoko On the move again ...

    Fair do's George - if I mis-read your post, then I apologise fully. We have had various "encounters" with Members who turn out to actually represent training providers, trying to paint them in a good light after threads to the contrary. Perhaps I'm just getting too cynical these days.

    Once again, apologies for any offence caused. :)
    Certifications: MCP, A+, Network+
    WIP: Clarity
  15. AWD Freak

    AWD Freak Bit Poster

    no offense taken Jakamoko matey, I understand what you mean as I run a vBulletin based board too and I get random dealers that try to pass emselfs off a private trade. Anywhos, like I said, in my own opinion anyways, if someone has either good credit hisotry for a CDL or just have £5k laying around and they have no qualifications or just wanting to go into the IT field in my all honest opinion I would recommend Cerco. Because I live in London that is most probably why I got a job so quick, but on the downside I would imagine that Cerco won't be a great for people out of the metropolitan area, most of the class I graduated with are currently doing quite well, like Baron210, one of the guys in our class of 5 got hired during our last week by Ikon, and I think all but 1 is not exactly applying himself hence he only had 1 interview the last time I've talked to him, see when I graduated I wasn't looking on just depending on Cerco, just so happened that they found me one before hand, as much as I can pay someone I doubt I want to rely on a company completely to set me up with a job. Thats my 0.02 for the day! :)

    Certifications: CCSN
  16. Jakamoko
    Honorary Member

    Jakamoko On the move again ...

    It's refreshing to hear someone with a positive story about a training provider, George - glad to hear it.

    Couple of free pints behind the CF bar for you for tonight, mate :wink:
    Certifications: MCP, A+, Network+
    WIP: Clarity
  17. rhino

    rhino Bit Poster

    Well its now been a year since I started the course at cerco and I still do not have the permanent job that they promised. I am contracting for them and have had no contact reguarding job opportunities since August last year. The job is not ideal but its a way of getting experience. I have to travel for 2 hours before I can work the majority of the time. So unless you live in good commuting distance to the cities I would n't waste my money. I'm not knocking the course, just being realistic about the job prospects if you live in the less populated areas of the country.
  18. Baron210

    Baron210 Bit Poster

    Just out of morbid curiosity Rhino, Where roughly do you live (I have had 6 interviews so far BTW, and am waiting on the results of the latest one - George / AWD Freak is trying to get me into ACL where he works).
    I secured a Job after two interviews, but this was not in IT support, and maybe in a mad move, I rejected the offer because it was Transport Management, and thats my old employment area, I just want to move on into IT support, so i'm still searching for employment, but i'm as keen as ever.
    I keep in contact with Cerco, and am told they are looking hard to get me a placement with one of their big name employers.
    Certifications: Cerco CCSN comptia A+ & N+
    WIP: Cisco CCNA (Aiming for CCNP)
  19. rhino

    rhino Bit Poster

    I live in East Anglia and travel an average of 250 miles a day. The company I work for are happy to pay a little extra for my travel but cannot give a full time position as they are not in East Anglia.
    As far as Cerco are concerned I am off their list and thats all that matters. They have new people on their lists to get employment.
    I am not anti cerco, just a realist. I know a few of the lads in my area have been on the list waiting for 6 months for employment.
    As I have said earlier Cerco is fine if you live in the right areas.

    Good luck with your interviews !
  20. Steve.L

    Steve.L Byte Poster

    I did a Cerco course in Sept of last year, they found me a short term contract with a large organisation, I terminated the contract with 3 days notice (their terms were one day) all hell broke loose basically telling me I let the company down blah blah blah..there was only 3 days remaining of the contract with no other prospect in sight, so I had to find something else in order to eat. I have heard nothing from Cerco since and I'm supposed to be on "payday".

    What a joke they are!

    Certifications: N+, MCP, MCTS, RHCT, VCP4 and 5, RHCSA
    WIP: ccna

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