Anyone recommend me a decent Router with adsl modem + wireless AP

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by OnFire, Feb 15, 2005.

  1. OnFire

    OnFire Nibble Poster

    On the look out for a router as above, upgrading a standard ADSL usb modem. Never had any experience with a router and such, so figured might as well get one and have a tinker.

    Seen a few about but on each one I have seen, I do a google with the model name or number, and then type "problem" and it seems each one is littered with problems.

    Anyone know what would be a really good one to get. I'm after 4 port router with built in adsl modem and if poss a wireless AP purely for future proofing.

    Many thanks in advance if you can help.
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    WIP: last!!
  2. OnFire

    OnFire Nibble Poster

    BTW I wanted one that tells me info like line noise and stuff too. (Do they all do that?)
    Certifications: See Signature
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  3. nugget
    Honorary Member

    nugget Junior toady

    I have a Draytek 2500WE that I would recommend, but they are a bit expensive. This will do what you ask but just to play around with I think it's too expensive for you. Sorry but I don't know much about any others.
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