after passing Linux +

Discussion in 'Linux+' started by parman05, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. parman05

    parman05 Byte Poster

    After you pass the Linux plus I know you get your lpic-1 also, and a SUSE one. Novella also emailed me a handfull of congratulations your now certified as a bla bla bla. Anyone know anything about these?
    Certifications: A+, Network +, MCTS WIN7 (70-680), MCITP WIN7 (70-685), MCSA WIN7, Linux +,LPIC-1, Novell CLA 11, SUSE 11 Tech Spec, DC Tech Spec
    WIP: 70-640, 70-642, security +, CCNA
  2. Rob1234

    Rob1234 Megabyte Poster Forum Leader

    Took this answer from another forum:

    If you pass the CompTIA Linux+ (LX0-101 and LX0-102) exams, earning you the Linux+ cert, you ALSO automatically earn:

    1. The LPIC-1
    2. The Novell CLA (Certified Linux Administrator)
    3. Novell Data Center Technical Specialist

    You have to register with LPI on their website to get an LPI ID number, and when taking the Linux+ exams you must select to send your score information to LPI. When you get the LPIC-1 you automatically get the Novell CLA (and by extension the Novell DCTS), so you have to register with Novell as well to get all 4 certs in one fell swoop.
    Certifications: A few.
    parman05 likes this.
  3. Asterix

    Asterix Megabyte Poster

    4 for the price of 1, that would look nice on the CV!

  4. parman05

    parman05 Byte Poster

    Thanks a lot.

    I'm sure it will look good when i finally find time to put it on there. The great thing is a landed a job before i even had it. :biggrin
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2013
    Certifications: A+, Network +, MCTS WIN7 (70-680), MCITP WIN7 (70-685), MCSA WIN7, Linux +,LPIC-1, Novell CLA 11, SUSE 11 Tech Spec, DC Tech Spec
    WIP: 70-640, 70-642, security +, CCNA

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