Adding Mentoree (If thats a real word) to a CV

Discussion in 'Employment & Jobs' started by Jaron78, Jan 24, 2021.

  1. Jaron78

    Jaron78 Gigabyte Poster Forum Leader

    At the beginning of the month, my Manager asked me to set some OKR's.
    We had a bit of a chat and I said Id like to branch out and get some networking experience. He was more than happy with that and put me in touch with one if the Sr. DevOps Network Engineer's.

    Ryan has kindly set up a mentorship scheme where he will mentor me in Networking and DevOps. I will take time out of my day to day role and work with Ryan on what I think will be building out a Networking Lab in Atlanta (Waiting for everything to be signed off).

    Ive spoken to my Line Manager who is happy for me to take time out of my working day and work with Ryan. Ryan, my line manager and I have a meeting on Thursday to cross the T's and dot the i's.

    That's the background. I will be working with Arista and Juniper and configuring Switches and Routers. Question being, would this be something you would add to a CV?
  2. Juelz

    Juelz Gigabyte Poster

    I’m not sure, it’s more something to bring up at an interview than write on the CV IMO.
    JK2447 and Jaron78 like this.

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