
Discussion in 'Windows Server 2003 / 2008 / 2012 / 2016' started by l4ter, Jun 3, 2013.

  1. l4ter

    l4ter Nibble Poster

    Hey Guys,

    had a few problems with my username and password, but have now rectified it (thanks admin!)

    I took the 70-643 Tuesday 28 may and failed (680). exactly one question, was a blow but I was sure that I wasn't far from passing (so re booked it Thursday 30 may and passed (860) I would write more about the exam if it would help all.

    This journey is very nearly to the end, and I truly feel that I am on my own (study wise) but one more to go (70-647) and no material for the next one.

    All the way through I have used videos (nuggets if you will) these training video have been very helpful as they explain in great detail what to do and how to do it (practical real-world stuff) the exam is a different animal.
    Certifications: BSc Computing, A+, N+, MCITP Enterprise
    WIP: MD-100

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