You added your favorite movies / TV programs to your profile. Let me guess, Star Wars and Star Trek
Awarded: Dec 26, 2014
Favorite Quotations Added to Profile
You added your favorite quotations to your profile, here's mine: "In a few minutes a computer can make a mistake so great that it would have taken many men many months to equal it."
Awarded: Dec 26, 2014
Added Work In Progress
Added Work In Progress to your profile. Isn't it time to get the books out?
Awarded: Dec 26, 2014
Added an Avatar
You added an avatar to your profile, I bet it was an image from Star Wars!
Awarded: Dec 26, 2014
Added Certifications
You added your current certifications to your profile, thanks for sharing.
Awarded: Dec 26, 2014
Country Added to Profile
You added your country to your profile. We wont tell the authorities, we promise.
Awarded: Dec 26, 2014
Bit Poster Title Gained
You gained the 'Bit Poster' title, a 'Bit' further up the ladder.
Awarded: Dec 26, 2014
Posted Your First Message
You posted your first post at CertForums, keep em coming.
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