You added your occupation to your profile. I once gave being a doctor a shot, but I didn’t have the patience for it.
Awarded: Dec 26, 2014
Real Name Added to Profile
You added your real name to your profile. Wow, you are brave, now we know your name, address and telephone number we can sell them to Nigerian scammers!
Awarded: Dec 26, 2014
We know how you found us.
You told us how you found CertForums, thanks for letting us know.
Awarded: Dec 26, 2014
Interests Added to Profile
You added your interests to your profile. You like to do what at the weekend....? We didn't need to know that!
Awarded: Dec 26, 2014
Added an Avatar
You added an avatar to your profile, I bet it was an image from Star Wars!
Awarded: Dec 26, 2014
Posted Your First Message
You posted your first post at CertForums, keep em coming.
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