why do you go wherever?

Discussion in 'Employment & Jobs' started by moominboy, Nov 2, 2005.

  1. moominboy

    moominboy Gigabyte Poster

    just got an e-mail from Totaljobs,

    A chance to progress in your role is the most important factor for IT jobseekers when looking for a new job. According to a recent survey* conducted by Totaljobs one in four of you rated development opportunities as the deciding factor when choosing your next employer. This was closely followed by pay (16%) and working for a well known organisation (14%).

    And the most sought after employers as voted by IT jobseekers are:
    1. Microsoft
    2. IBM
    3. Accenture
    4. BT
    5. NHS

    and just wondered what were everyone's reasons for choosing who/what/where and when to go to a certain employer/job role?
    Certifications: ECDL
    WIP: A+
  2. simongrahamuk
    Honorary Member

    simongrahamuk Hmmmmmmm?

    After being made redundant from my last job which was a reseller I found myself applying for jobs anywhere I could get.

    I ended up in my current post, a network manager for a school because it was an environment that I enjoyed working in when doing installs / support in my last job.

    I really enjoy the school environment, because you get to do allsorts of varied things such as supporting some wild and wierd applications!

    I think that working for the LEA (local education authority) is where I can see myself staying in some sort of capacity, working in schools, but not necessarily based in a school.

    I also have good job security, as hardly anyone ever gets sacked from the public sector, and a decent pension scheme.

  3. Kitkatninja
    Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    Kitkatninja aka me, myself & I Moderator


    Fair enough question, I guess.

    I also work for a school now, left my last place because:

    1. low wages (£12,000 - £14,500 scales)
    2. too much work, with only 8 techs (this was for over 22 sites)
    3. Arguments over petrol money
    4. Management said that we'd get a pay raise if we took on more responsibility - guess what happened...
    5. there was more, but don't what to get into it - that year that place lost 75% of their tech's... :(

    So when - answer when the bad outweights the good.

    Like I said, I work in a school now - choose this because wanted to start to go up the ladder. Was a tech at my last place, got this post as a Senior tech, now dual roling as senior tech and assistant manager, and in 2007 when the teachers can't dual role - I'm going for Network Manager. The money is alot better than my last place, the hours are alot better. And also the locality - I use to drive up to 1 & 1/2 hours to get to a site, now it's a five min drive to work there & back.

    "I also have good job security, as hardly anyone ever gets sacked from the public sector, and a decent pension scheme." - simongrahamuk

    And this is also a bonus :biggrin

    I guess when to go for a certain job role is when you feel ready for it, there's not point going for a role that you aren't ready for, or being put in a role that you dislike.

    Next person...
    Certifications: MSc, PGDip, PGCert, BSc, HNC, LCGI, MBCS CITP, MCP, MCSA, MCSE, MCE, A+, N+, S+, Server+
    WIP: MSc Cyber Security
  4. tripwire45
    Honorary Member

    tripwire45 Zettabyte Poster

    I work as a technical writer for a software company. Basically, if there needs to be some sort of documentation in plain English, the job is mine. That includes manuals, online support, Help on the product itself and the occasional piece for marketing. Why did I take it?

    It's probably the perfect job for me. I had done some free lance writing before as well as working as a contract tech. Being able to join the two in a regular "day job" is just great. Because I'm not responsible for maintaining servers and such, I don't work weird hours and almost nothing I do can be turned into some sort of emergency.

    I still get to do freelance projects on the side which means, I don't have a lot of downtime. On the otherhand, being busy is a sign of success.

    I changed careers a few years ago and worked hard putting myself back through school by working slave jobs. I'm gratified that it actually worked. I've worked in big techie environments (HP) and definitely prefer smaller companies. I actually have more opportunity to growth since in a small firm, I work more closely with support and engineering. Actually, my role interfaces with just about everyone since sooner or later, someone will need something documented.
    Certifications: A+ and Network+

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