Which certification to take first to get a good job?

Discussion in 'Employment & Jobs' started by BurtS, Sep 9, 2005.

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  1. BurtS

    BurtS Banned

    Hello! I came across a friend discussing about Microsoft certifications. He is presently working with an IT company in a prestigious job, he further informed me that a Microsoft certified professional earns not only more but gets various good job offers. This motivated me to opt for Microsoft certifications, but I was too confused which to take first. Will anyone suggest me how to start and how long will it take to be certified? My aim is to get a job with a handsome remuneration. Please advise me which certification is most preferred by the employer? Thanks for your suggestion in advance.
  2. simongrahamuk
    Honorary Member

    simongrahamuk Hmmmmmmm?

    Welcome to CF BurtS!

    The first thing that you need to understand is that having a certification does not guarantee you a job. It simply proves that you have skills in a certain ares.

    If you want to work in IT, or if you already do, a certification simply gives you something to put on your CV to show prospective employers.

    If it's the £'s that you are after then it is actually being able to prove that you can do the job that will earn you the money, not the cert.

    If I havent put you off, and I really hope that I haven't then have a look here for more information on Microsoft Certification.

  3. AJ

    AJ 01000001 01100100 01101101 01101001 01101110 Administrator

    After breaking into IT nearly 3 years ago I can not fault Simongrahamuk's post. After being told of the IT personnel shortage and the big £££ that you could earn, I have found that the certs mean different thing to different employers. But whatever, it is always the experience thing that hurts the most for your first hit into IT.

    Good hunting my friend and try not to get too despondent in the cert/job hunt.

    Remember CF is always here to help. :biggrin
    Certifications: MCSE, MCSA (messaging), ITIL Foundation v3
    WIP: Breathing in and out, but not out and in, that's just wrong
  4. Jakamoko
    Honorary Member

    Jakamoko On the move again ...

    Cant really add too much to what the Guys have said already, but I would like to invite you to pop along to the New Members forum and drop a quick "hello". It helps for us all to get to know each other, and hopefully you plan to stick around CF :)
    Certifications: MCP, A+, Network+
    WIP: Clarity
  5. tripwire45
    Honorary Member

    tripwire45 Zettabyte Poster

    I'm glad your certified from is earning a good living at his company but don't count on certifications alone being your key to riches and fame. The golden days of certifications are gone and buried along with the dot.com crash.

    Today, you have to convince an employer that you have the experience and skill sets they are looking for. Don't expect your first IT job to pay big bucks. It won't. You have to work your way up just like anyone else (Geez...I just answered a question like this in the A+ forum...must be a hot topic). :tongue

    Training providers often try to get you to buy their program in part by saying that their is a shortage of IT workers (not true) and that certification is the way to certain wealth (also not true). The reason that some people in IT make pretty good incomes is not just the paper they've got but the years it took to learn their craft and the effort they take to stay current and stay sharp.
    Certifications: A+ and Network+
  6. Pete01

    Pete01 Kilobyte Poster

    A lot of the best people I've worked with who've inspired me the most have no certs.

    Having said that I'm doing them again to increase my worth and marketability with a view to becoming a contractor. I also am trying to break into networking from doing 1st/2nd line support.

    Hands on experience is without a doubt very useful. I'd suggest starting with A+ and try and get your foot in the door. Be wary of companies that offer a full MCSE/CCNA/A+/N+ 'then a job at the end of it'. I'm reading too many stories of people shelling out loads of cash and getting ripped off.

    I'd suggest taking it one step at a time
    Certifications: MCP (NT4) CCNA
    WIP: 70-669, Learning MSI packaging
  7. knightofnuada

    knightofnuada Nibble Poster

    I would definately be wary of the claims of some of the Training Providers out there... £35K for CCNA qualified was one of the jobs that my "Sales Rep" showed me as a prospective future career. That is not an entry level wage by any stretch of the imagination! I'd be happy to take on a job that offers me my current salary (which is well below the £20K mark!)!

    It's the same with any career really, you aren't going to step into a job that offers you £25K+, with Company Car, Pension, Health Care, Gym, Expense Account as a first appointment. You have to start somewhere, that usually means at the bottom!

    If you do take the Training Provider route take a very large pinch of salt when it comes to some of their claims, expecially about jobs at the end.

    Secondly, if you're only after a basic cert, the A+ is definately done by self study ... And cheaper than the Training Provider route!
    WIP: A+, Network +, CCNA
  8. Veteran's son

    Veteran's son Megabyte Poster

    In my case, I have an IT diploma and my first IT

    With regard to education, I hope that it is sufficient
    to gain an entry-level IT job.

    What I do need, however, is more IT job experience. :(

    I will update my resume soon and will hopefully find
    an IT job. 8)
    Certifications: A+
    WIP: N+

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