Upgrade exam question

Discussion in 'MCDST' started by ade1982, Jan 23, 2011.

  1. ade1982

    ade1982 Megabyte Poster

    I asked this on a different board a week or so ago, but I think this is a more appropriate place to do it.

    Someone said that to pass the Win 7 MCDST upgrade exam, you should use the books from the 70-680 and 70-685.

    I was thinking about this the other night: Aside from the 2 exams, are there any disadvantages to doing 70-680 and 70-685, over the upgrade exam, as if you have to buy the books / do the course, you might as well get two certificates for it? Or is the upgrade exam much easier or less in-depth than the two seperate exams?
  2. ethernet0

    ethernet0 Byte Poster

    Check this thread out: http://www.certforums.co.uk/forums/thread39830.html

    As I thought, 70-682 is a 50% split of the questions from 680 and 685. I don't see any disadvantage in doing both - you gain an extra cert in an MCTS for a start. You will still need to buy both books and learn as if you were doing two seperate exams.
  3. ade1982

    ade1982 Megabyte Poster

    Thanks! Answers it perfectly.

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