They keep telling me i'm Overqualified for these roles...

Discussion in 'Employment & Jobs' started by arisen, Nov 3, 2005.

  1. arisen

    arisen Byte Poster

    I've applied for 40 jobs so far (mostly technical support/helpdesk/junior devel.) when i have been able to get some feedback on my rejections, they have told me it's because they believe i'm overqualified and would get bored quickly (and leave, presumably).

    I'm in a bit of a jam here because i haven't been able to finish my PhD yet, but the only experience of worth that i can put down on my CV relates to my research/work at uni.

    As soon as they get a load of that, they automatically believe i'd get bored within a week. Doesn't say much about the scope of the jobs they are offering though, does it? :dry

    Should i start applying for some more advanced roles? or trim the CV?

    Help me out guys, how should i handle this?

    Certifications: BEng, PRINCE2, ITIL, Net+
    WIP: MSc, Linux+ 2009, RHCE
  2. Bluerinse
    Honorary Member

    Bluerinse Exabyte Poster

    That is a tough one arisen, someone with your education (degree) and goal of a PhD, might well become bored with the work offered in these entry level jobs. They wouldn't necessarily want to take you on board, train you up to do the job and have you leave after a short time because it doesn't interest you enough. The catch is that you need an entry level job to give you the experience you need in order to land a job that would really interest you in the future.

    What is your degree btw and what are you studying for the PhD are they computer related in any way?

    I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try trimming your CV and see if that helps you get to the interview stage.

    I am sure others will be along shortly that will add more to what I have said.

    Good luck,

    Certifications: C&G Electronics - MCSA (W2K) MCSE (W2K)
  3. arisen

    arisen Byte Poster

    Thanks for your thoughts Bluerinse, my degree was joint honours Electronic and Electrical Engineering/Computer Systems, and the PhD is in Grid computing and distributed systems monitoring.

    I have some pretty good experience working on a major multi-organisational project within uk grid computing as well as working at my uni on various projects; network support, specialsed software installation/support etc. all on Red hat.

    You think this experience would catch a recruiter's eye in relation to more advanced roles? maybe linux admin, developer roles, rather than entry level technical support?

    If that's not going to be the case i guess my CV is in for the chop! :biggrin
    Certifications: BEng, PRINCE2, ITIL, Net+
    WIP: MSc, Linux+ 2009, RHCE
  4. simongrahamuk
    Honorary Member

    simongrahamuk Hmmmmmmm?

    Personally with experience like that I'd be looking for more than just an entry level job.

    Why don't you create yourself a 'dumbed down' CV for the entry level jobs? Keep your existing one for the higher ones.

  5. arisen

    arisen Byte Poster

    Well, problem with trimming the CV is, what do i cut and what do i leave in?

    If i cut out PhD studies/experience entirely, it leaves a 3 year gap in my CV! :( If i keep some in, it's inadequate/inappropriate for entry level anyway.

    Then again, for higher roles, the job descriptions always seem to specifiy 'commercial experience'! i'm beginning to hate those two words i've read them together so much...
    Certifications: BEng, PRINCE2, ITIL, Net+
    WIP: MSc, Linux+ 2009, RHCE
  6. simongrahamuk
    Honorary Member

    simongrahamuk Hmmmmmmm?

    Have you tried 'being creative' with your CV?

    Say that you gained the commercial experience during your PHd.

    Perhaps you could say that you started you PHd, but became disillusioned as you desperately want to work in support, and not in higher end stuff.

    I'm sure that someone on this forum said 'Tell them that you can do anything, figure out how later'.

  7. Jakamoko
    Honorary Member

    Jakamoko On the move again ...

    An option would be trim the CV then take a basic helpdesk job for now - bear in mind these are relatively easy to get into and relatively low skilled, therefore they would be less likely to be concerned if you decided to move on in 6 months. Once you get that under your belt, you should be able to move on (read "up") easier after that.

    HTH :)
    Certifications: MCP, A+, Network+
    WIP: Clarity
  8. Kitkatninja
    Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    Kitkatninja aka me, myself & I Moderator


    I've had problems similar to this before I landed my first job in IT. This is a problem - you leave what you've done in the CV, they tell you that you're over-qualified. You trim the CV down, they tell you that you're not qualified enough and want someone with...

    All I can say is keep on applying and sending out your CV/application forms. It may be dis-hearting but it'll make the job that much sweeter when you get it.

    A Couple of idea's -

    1. Trying applying for temp jobs with companies directly, instead of using agency's.
    2. Do voluntary work (downside is - of course - you're doing it for free).
    3. It may help getting some professional qualification along side with your academic ones - A+/N+.
    4. You may want to try one of these professional CV/cover letter writers - I don't know how good they are as I've never tried them (so I won't swear by them :) ).
    5. Try to network with other tech's via local user groups, and internet relay chat channels (this tip was on a job site).
    6. Don't be shy to use the Jobcentre Plus , not only do they advertise job, but they also provide additional services that you may find useful.

    You may have tried all/some/none of these already. Some of this you may find rubbish, some of this you may find really useful. Which ever way, I hope that everything works out for you.

    Certifications: MSc, PGDip, PGCert, BSc, HNC, LCGI, MBCS CITP, MCP, MCSA, MCSE, MCE, A+, N+, S+, Server+
    WIP: MSc Cyber Security
  9. arisen

    arisen Byte Poster

    Thanks Simon and Jakamoko for your thoughts.

    Wagnerk > Those are great suggestions and yes, i've tried/thought about trying most if not all of 'em.
    1> I'm starting to do this yes, apply direct to companies and bypass the agencies
    2> I've been networking around trying to get some voluntary placements; got a lead that i'm hoping might pan out
    3> Been trying to get down and finish my Net+, not enough hours in the day etc.
    4> Yeah looks like a good CV consultancy service, been thinking of giving them a go
    5> I use jobcentreplus all the time! good postings and minimal agencies! :)

    Cheers 4 all the input guys
    Certifications: BEng, PRINCE2, ITIL, Net+
    WIP: MSc, Linux+ 2009, RHCE
  10. sneezie

    sneezie Nibble Poster

    There's great advice here.

    Have you tried applying for graduate job roles? They like taking on people with good academics. I get quite a few phone calls about help desk/support jobs, which I'm not interested in.

    When I was at Uni, there was this guy who was doing his PhD and he helped the lecturer in lab lessons. When he completed his PhD, he aimed for the graduate level jobs and got a really good networking job. So there are companies out there who wouldn't think you're over qualified. It just takes time to find a job. I understand it's very tough and can be frustrating. But hang in there, something will come up :D
    Certifications: Degree
    WIP: MCAD in

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