Re: Computeach

Discussion in 'Training & Development' started by Prestd, May 11, 2004.

  1. Prestd

    Prestd Bit Poster

    :x Hi all,
    I have just joined forum after reading a few interesting posts.
    First of all I need your advice. as you probably guessed from the subject i am a computeach student and have been for the last 2 years. For the last few months i have attempting over and over again the mock exams for win2k pro and server for which they require a pass mark of 90% - which is damn near impossible. Anyhow I am just about at the end of my tether now with these exams now seeing as the material they provided me with doesnt seem to cover everything the exam. Is anybody out there in the same situation as me who can provide some advice about how to pass these exams. And failing that how to get a refund from them.

    Any kind of advice would be much appreciated

  2. tripwire45
    Honorary Member

    tripwire45 Zettabyte Poster

    90%??? That's brutal. The real exam doesn't require that (I don't think). BTW, welcome to certforums. Glad you found the place. I have zero experience with Computeach which isn't surprising since I'm posting this from the U.S. Someone will be along presently who will have more information. I just thought I'd extend a hand in friendship and offer some hospitality. Hope you enjoy your stay. :)
    Certifications: A+ and Network+
  3. AJ

    AJ 01000001 01100100 01101101 01101001 01101110 Administrator

    Hi there, I can only echo trips comments (90% is not realistic). There are some Computeach people here. Have a browse around and have a look, there are some posts here.

    Make your way over to the New Members section and introduce yourself

    Certifications: MCSE, MCSA (messaging), ITIL Foundation v3
    WIP: Breathing in and out, but not out and in, that's just wrong
  4. flex22

    flex22 Gigabyte Poster

    How did you read my mind :?:

    I'm in exactly the same position.

    90% for questions taken from transcender, with pretty much nil help.
    And we're supposed to do these things closed book.Hmmm :!:

    Here's some books, have a nice day :!:

    Oh but hang on, the books don't actually give you the answers to barely half of the questions.

    Ok mods, don't srping just yet, I'm not starting a rant at my lovely "training provider :lol: " just stating some facts.

    Every fellow student I have spoken to is dissatisfied with this requirement.

    let's try and help each other through these questions.But seeing as though I'm near broken with this cr@p, I can't think how I can help you.

    We can chat on msn if you like Prestd, so we can go through the q's sometime.
  5. Prestd

    Prestd Bit Poster

    Yeah, my feelings exactly flex.

    Its no wonder they boast such a high pass mark and "guarantee" you a pass - You can't actually take the real thing unless you're an absolute genius.

    How many attempts have you actually had at the said exams? have you tried the server one yet?

    Yea i'm up for chatting on msn sometime, i'm expecting the potentiallyupsetting arrival of my fourth failed exam tomorrow morning, so i'll get back to you then
  6. flex22

    flex22 Gigabyte Poster

    Your on my level mate, glad to know someone else who has same thoughts on this.It also makes the free retake policy pretty much redundant (one of the reasons I went with them, grrrrr :x ).As if you pass a mock paper 90% closed book comfortably, then the chances of you failing the real exam are very slim.

    Apparently though, get this.Computeach told me that I can actually attend the in-centre at Dudley, without :!: passing the mock paper.

    Yep, so I heard, but..................

    If you don't pass, then they don't pay for your retake.
    I won't tell you what I think about this, because I'll be breaking the forum policies on bad language..So I'll levae it their.

    Add "flex22" to you contact list.

    Speak soon.
  7. r4merlin

    r4merlin Nibble Poster

    Damn I just signed up as well. Will see how it all goes.
  8. Matt16

    Matt16 New Member

    Hey all,
    Newbie to the forum after looking around for comments on the beast (Computeach)! :evil:
    Have got to the point of fustartuion so they gave me a year off! was ready to go visit.
    Its nice to see though that I am not the only one who has had problems with them, wiser with hind sight and all that.
    I will get back into it soon as I have payed for it now and doubt if I will get a refund.
    Have been getting 90% plus in pretty much all the web sights that give Q's so am wondering how I will ever get a pass in the test papers. Incidently I work in a networking environment and the relevance is remarkable :?
    Hope you all are ok and look forward to your comments and suggestions
  9. tripwire45
    Honorary Member

    tripwire45 Zettabyte Poster

    Welcome, Matt16. Glad you found the place. Please take a moment and post a bit about yourself in the New Members Introduction forum. :)
    Certifications: A+ and Network+
  10. Jason316

    Jason316 New Member

    What do you think of Computeach in general, I have seen other forums members slating them as scam artists? :!: :?:

    The big question really is should I even bother signing up with them?

    Honest answers only please.
  11. nugget
    Honorary Member

    nugget Junior toady

    Sorry that I can't be of more help but as I live in Switzerland I can't judge from first hand experience.

    After hearing what a lot of people have to say about them, I wouldn't touch them. Of course there are exceptions to everything and there are probably good center's around but it seems that in the case of these people, not too many.
    Certifications: A+ | Network+ | Security+ | MCP (270,271,272,290,620) | MCDST | MCTS:Vista
    WIP: MCSA, 70-622,680,685
  12. minime

    minime New Member

    Hi guys!

    Yep I'm in the same position. Have been doing this course for an embarrasing two years now, because it is a little upsetting to use that crappy program you have to download to take the tests and practice on. Anyway been reading both good and bad points about computeach. I looked around on the net and found a software similar to trancenders to aid my studies. havn't taken my first exam yet still reviewing cz I had to take time out because it just got to me! Arghh. So glad that i'm not the only one here!!! :x I thought they do pay for your re-sits, emailed them earlier to ask about this so will post back when I get a response!
  13. Uruloke

    Uruloke Nibble Poster

    In exactly the same boat, just failed my A+ Software mock again, the thing is. They ask for 90% to pass the mock exam, but there are questions in their mocks that are not covered in any of the course materials they have provided to me!! How am I supposed to know the answers if they haven't provided me with the materials to learn them???

    I'm really not happy with the whole thing and feel I have blown the best part five grand on nothing.
    Certifications: GNVQ (Going Nowhere Very Quickly!)
  14. postal postie

    postal postie Nibble Poster

    on my last in day center at dudley there was a guy doing his exams for computer building ( i think that was the course)

    he said that half the questions in the exam were not in the mocks.

    anyway i don't know about that.

    i wouldn't call computeach scam artists.

    i just don't think they tell you that you have to be a VERY motivated person.
    they also don't tell you the time limit you have on the course but that's another thing.

    i think if you are a very motivated person and you are willing to work hard then you can do it.
  15. Mr.Cheeks

    Mr.Cheeks 1st ever Gold Member! Gold Member

    Well Said - you rarely see positive comments relating to this training provider, what Postie has mentioned is quite true...

    ...but saying that, what do i know...
  16. zimbo
    Honorary Member

    zimbo Petabyte Poster

    my opinion is if you motivated why do you need training? people (like me) have attained certs through self-study!

    sorry if im sounding like im promoting self-study but its true - if there is a will there is a way!
    Certifications: B.Sc, MCDST & MCSA
    WIP: M.Sc - Computer Forensics
  17. Mr.Cheeks

    Mr.Cheeks 1st ever Gold Member! Gold Member

    What happens if you need help? have coll / selfstudy - distant learnin is Self Study + help from tutors...
  18. postal postie

    postal postie Nibble Poster

    true but what you get with computeach is:

    books: software (they cost a fortune)
    a specific direction. (it would be daunting for me not knowing if i'm going in the right direction with my studying)
    in centre days in the classroom
    tutor support
    free food when you go to dudly :)
    continued career help. they will HELP you find a job. for ever (apparantly) according to them anyway.
    having not got that far i couldn't possibly say yet.

    fair enough you could probalby do the whole course for a fraction of the price but each to their own

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