NITLC and their claims....

Discussion in 'Training & Development' started by Remus, Mar 18, 2005.

  1. Remus

    Remus Bit Poster

    Hey folks

    I was wondering if anyone out there has experience of NITLC and their claim that when enrolled on the course they'll find you a job 6 months in?

    The guy that came to see me said, "If you don't find a job in 6 months I'll eat my own shoe live on TV". Seriously!!! :hhhmmm

    Also, as I'm interested in both, would you all reccommend I do the standard MCSE or the MCSE:Security Specialization? What I'm thinking is that It'll be easier for me to find a career with the Security Specialization as I'll be part of a minority compared to those with the standard MCSE? Or shall I just stick with the standard one? Oh god I don't know! :confused3

    I look forward to you replies guys.
    Certifications: C&G MCSIM lvl2
  2. tripwire45
    Honorary Member

    tripwire45 Zettabyte Poster

    I don't know about the NITLC but if someone gave me the "eat my shoe" offer, I'd probably ask for it in writing as part of the legal contract. :tongue .

    Actually, if something seems too good to be true, it usually is. I'd be a tad cautious here.

    Having said that, I wouldn't pick a certification course just because I thought it would make it easier to get a job or because I thought it would pay more money. If I wanted to go that route, I'd have studdied to be a DBA (sorry to say this, but databases drive me nuts).

    Pick a certification/career path that you think you have a talent for and something you love. Even if you get a job very easily and it pays alot of money, if you go to work everyday hating it because the work bores you and is not a good fit, what have you really gained.

    You are more likely to get a job...and the one you want, if you are applying yourself to an area that truly interests you (security or whatever...) and that you are excited about. Enthusiasm is part of what an interviewer looks for as well as experience, education, and demonstrated skills and you are more likely to communicate that if you are pursuing a course chosen because you love the work...not just because the position might be more in demand.

    As far as security least in the US, everybody and their pet snake Reggie has been studying for certs in IT security since September 11, 2001 when the World Trade Center in New York was destroyed. I don't know if that interest has spilled over to your side of the Atlantic, but you might find that there are already plenty of experienced IT security experts around and that competition is a bit more fierce than you anticipate.
    Certifications: A+ and Network+
  3. Remus

    Remus Bit Poster

    Thanks for the info trip.

    I suppose I'll have a better understanding of what area I wish to branch off to when I've been studying for a while.

    All I know now is that I wish to be in the Technical/Systems Engineer side of the Industry, as I have some experience of setting up networks and maintaining them and have enjoyed doing it. I also find that I pick things up quickly as my deep interest in the field allows me to absorb any new information I'm given without thinking too hard about it.

    The area I DON'T wish to be in is the HelpDesk/1st Line Support side (Call centre stuff). I find that I lose my patience too quickly if I'm trying to explain something to someone without actually being there myself. I have a need to be in complete control of things! :onthePC
    Certifications: C&G MCSIM lvl2
  4. tripwire45
    Honorary Member

    tripwire45 Zettabyte Poster

    LOL I know the feeling. In my current position, I share space with tech support and get to listen to their calls. It can be amazing what an end user can call about as far as what they consider a problem. In my case though, it is helpful. Since I'm the tech writer for the company, one of my jobs is to create content on our website that customers can go to and use to solve common problems. I have to say that because I work closely with the helpdesk staff, when I write an FAQ for our site, it really *is* a "frequently asked question". :wink:
    Certifications: A+ and Network+
  5. Remus

    Remus Bit Poster

    lol! yeah, I have a friend who works as a 'Product Advisor' for a major company that sell computers over here. He often gets calls from lost souls telling him that something isn't working when it turns out they haven't even plugged it in! :lolbang

    Man, I'd go crazy!
    Certifications: C&G MCSIM lvl2
  6. poopy

    poopy Banned

    the guy came to see me from ntlc and said some people get jobs earlier than others. I would think most of them do so later in the course. He did show me some that changed work in the first parts of the courses.

    Where are they based exactly? :p
  7. AJ

    AJ 01000001 01100100 01101101 01101001 01101110 Administrator

    NITLC are based in Newark. I did my MCSE with them, and yes there was the claim of a job within X months of either gaining my first MCP or the full MCSE.

    I actually did get a job before I finished my course but that was doing it myself. I wated to get my course nearly over before I really started looking for a new job (job security, wife and kids and all that stuff). I had been doing the same job, Assistant Manager in a Leisure Centre, for nearly 18 years before I landed an IT postion.

    It wasn't just NITLC who told me this CLAIM but I did have an "interview" with Computeach and they said roughly the same thing.

    So take from that what you will. As far as I can see, the training providers will help you in your search for a new job/change of career, but I do think that if you really want it then it is up to you.

    just my 2p's worth anyway
    Certifications: MCSE, MCSA (messaging), ITIL Foundation v3
    WIP: Breathing in and out, but not out and in, that's just wrong
  8. rapiod27

    rapiod27 Banned

    Hello to the tribe good to be back!

    I had a saleman come and see me a few weeks ago, the impression I got was that some students have done well in early stages (this includes a friend of mine) on Nitlc courses.

    The others are supported to find work and any 'shoe eating on tv' was offered if you end up with no job at the end.

    I'd want him to eat a whole 'shoe shop', after a 2 year of hard graft!!!

  9. EMacd

    EMacd Bit Poster


    I'm with nitlc and the saleman who visited me was very careful to say that there was NO job on offer through them although they would provide career advice, etc, etc.
    His comment was that people find it easier to get jobs after starting certs, but an employer is going to look favourably on not having to spend money on a prospective employee.
    it also shows...wossname...the thingy that you do things for yourself.
    It's Friday...

  10. ant2005uk

    ant2005uk Byte Poster

    Both Computeach and NITLC visited me a few months back, I havnt signed up to anything yet, firstly due to the huge cost of the course(s) im considering. Also im looking into these companies, checking them out to make sure they are as good as they make to be being very careful and cautious. Both companies seemed to paint a very pretty picture, was all too good to be true. 45K a yr in 2 or 3 years hmm I dont think so. Pass the salt bucket. How can any training outfit promise such big things? Surely only the individual is capable of getting the job. In the meantime im just doing a learndirect course, least it hasnt bankrupted me and in the meantime looking for my 1st IT job
  11. Tom Chambers

    Tom Chambers New Member

    Yeah i've heard this but i've also heard that they don't actually specify the type of job you do and what you will be paid. For example a job in PC world on the tills is computer related but prob not what you're looking for?

    I'd asked them more questions!!
  12. drum_dude

    drum_dude Gigabyte Poster

    45k a year?? They told me 100k a least! And that was for a 1st line position too!!

    I'm gonna have to call in the lawyers!!!!
    Certifications: MCP, MCSA 2000 , N+, A+ ,ITIL V2, MCTS, MCITP Lync 2010 & MCSA 2008, Sonus SATP SBC 1k/2k
    WIP: Hopefully Skype for Business and some Exchange stuff...
  13. ant2005uk

    ant2005uk Byte Poster

    100 K a year? thats definatley over exagerating lmao. I would say 15k at the most lol.

    My big concern is that on most jobs ive seen advertised on the web, you need at least 2 or 3 years experience (for the high end jobs that is) so I guess that means you could end up only on 13k a year working on a 1st line helpdesk after completing an MCSE. I have not seen one job advertised for more than this amount, that doesnt say you need experience. So obviousley the salesman are telling a pack of lies unless they can use some form of special magic or the jobs are secretly hidden somewhere. Just my thoughts lol.
  14. Jakamoko
    Honorary Member

    Jakamoko On the move again ...

    Think drum_dude was being a tad tongue-in-cheek, there Ant :ohmy - however, it does give you a feel for how sales and exagerration go hand in hand :x
    Certifications: MCP, A+, Network+
    WIP: Clarity
  15. drum_dude

    drum_dude Gigabyte Poster

    :p Cheers Gav for explaining that!

    Yes, I was being a bit tongue in cheek there! I should have made that clearer...sorry :rolleyes:

    To be honest, I'm totally happy wiv NITLC! I think it was 4 grand well spent and jobwise it is paying dividends.

    Ok they didn't get me a job, but hey? I never asked!!! What they did get me was a whole bunch of new mates, confidence in pursueing an IT career, great piss ups in Newark, this forum and the balls to chase my chosen career path...compared to that, 4 grand doesn't seem too much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Infact it seems to me to be a bargain...My next one is a GCSE in english!!! LOL
    Certifications: MCP, MCSA 2000 , N+, A+ ,ITIL V2, MCTS, MCITP Lync 2010 & MCSA 2008, Sonus SATP SBC 1k/2k
    WIP: Hopefully Skype for Business and some Exchange stuff...
  16. Laura

    Laura New Member

    I had a salesman come out from NITLC also and he had lots of little charts about how many people can earn doing different IT jobs. The thing is, I think they take those salaries from those living nearer London where the cost of living is higher and the salaries are higher there than compared to the rest of the UK.

    I am hoping to start the MCSE course, but it is a lot of money - although the comment somone made about piss ups in Newark sounds temping. :p
  17. drum_dude

    drum_dude Gigabyte Poster

    Well they should really explain that when it comes to salaries everyone's situation is unique! I know a few MCSE's that earn a "London" salary in the City of Worcester! But what is a London salary? I've seen "IT" jobs for London ranging from 10k a year all the way up to 40k, just like I've seen the same for Birmingham and other places

    Be carefull that you don't fall into this "IT Salary/Industry Generalisation" trend that seems to be the hip at the moment!!! For instance, just to put some perspective on this, in birmingham Cap Gemini pay there service desk staff 6 quid an hour through Manpower, their rivals 2 miles away, ITNET, pay 10 quid starters...thats just one example!

    So how much of a value do you put on your future? One of the other reasons I shelled out a lot of my money for training is because I wanted to put a high (mental) value on my quals or certs! By doing this it has sort of driven me to dig out the best in myself whilst pursueing my career...i.e. I don't take crap paying jobs, I have held this attitude since I got my first MCP and it has worked! I'm working in a great enviroment with good money and very good people! If I had gone the self study route I would probably be still on my A+!!! The good thing about shelling out thousands for my course is that it forces me to keep going...the thought of wasting the money by doing nowt sickens me!!!

    So you could say that 4,000 grand for me was a good investment and a very cheap one compared to a college degree!!!


    Certifications: MCP, MCSA 2000 , N+, A+ ,ITIL V2, MCTS, MCITP Lync 2010 & MCSA 2008, Sonus SATP SBC 1k/2k
    WIP: Hopefully Skype for Business and some Exchange stuff...
  18. rapiod27

    rapiod27 Banned

    Hello Tribe,

    I have finally made my mind up after 12 months looking...I have been interviewed and sold to by everyman and his dog. looking at the total bunch of companies I have got to go with Nitlc...

    I take the view that, 'some do and some don't', but if you don't start somewhere you will never 'do',.

    On the subject of salaries, you have to realise that you have to build up slowly to the big stuff! They don't pay £40K to some dude who has jsut done a course he has to build up years of skills....I need a cup of tea!

  19. rapiod27

    rapiod27 Banned

    ....dude I have just enrolled with them, the 'hands on workshops' at Newark was part of the clincher!.....

    ....Wots the pubs like....
  20. drum_dude

    drum_dude Gigabyte Poster

    They have a good selection of pubs in Newark, even the Rutland Arms Hotel that I normally stay in has a good bar!

    For the workshops I like to arrive in Newark on a Sunday so I can have a wonder round and get slowly rat ar*ed in the pubs around the town. And then go to the workshop on the Monday with a huge hangover...well thats what happened on my N+ one last December!!! ha ha...

    Good luck!

    Certifications: MCP, MCSA 2000 , N+, A+ ,ITIL V2, MCTS, MCITP Lync 2010 & MCSA 2008, Sonus SATP SBC 1k/2k
    WIP: Hopefully Skype for Business and some Exchange stuff...

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