MCSE and Job Security
The results of the recent SunPoll were not unexpected. Your opinion about the current program was that you did not get enough credit for "real world" experience, and that the certification does not translate to higher pay. However, something new is planned. A little birdie that is involved with the process told me that MCSE will no longer be the "premier" certification available from Microsoft. You will still be able to get it, pretty much like it is today. But a new certification will be created that will have a name akin to 'Microsoft Certified Technical Architect'. That title signifies a combination of proven technical skill, real world experience, and it is a blend of both Project Management and high-level technical architecture knowledge. And you only get this 'MCTA' cert if you successfully complete both a written exam and an interview - possibly with some hands-on demo's. Now that is something that might make a few people nervous.
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MCSE and Job Security
Discussion in 'News' started by tripwire45, Sep 12, 2005.
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