Hi from a 40(iiiishhhh) newbie -

Discussion in 'New Members Introduction' started by CMA's RAT, May 6, 2005.

  1. CMA's RAT

    CMA's RAT Bit Poster

    Have been watching some of the threads over the past few days as was looking to to do an A+, N+ then CCNA via home study. wanted to get some unbiased views regarding 2 companies (Compt... and Scheid...) :aaah and their courses - very eye opening and views + comments taken onboard -
    Got the A+ & N+ courses on interactive discs (from EBAY of all places) for peanuts that'll give a good grounding before looking for updates and exams - step after that is to go CCNA / P.

    First learned programming in the highly advanced (sic) language of CECIL :oops: - the storage media was punched cards and REAL tickertape.
    Now work for an international company as a service engineer for Human Resourse Management products but have never formalised the knowlege onto bits of paper so have remained stuck in a 18k job thats going no-where - a bit of surfing and picked up on others asking questions regarding the 2 companies - cancelled all further communication there and then -that has saved me a packet as both were talking £3k6-£3k9 for CCNA/P - since located CCNA/P CCID for £1300 all in. Located some home learning interactive discs for 2003 A+ & N+ on EBAY for less than £25 - good for a firm grounding even if don't sit the 4 exams (where are they done?)
    well thats me, now looking
    Certifications: CMS, OND's, C&G's
    WIP: A+ N+ CCNP
  2. tripwire45
    Honorary Member

    tripwire45 Zettabyte Poster

    Greetings, CMA's RAT and welcome to CF. You are hardly the oldest person here. I'm turning 51 in July so have a good ten years on you. Welcome aboard. Hope you like the place. :)
    Certifications: A+ and Network+
  3. CMA's RAT

    CMA's RAT Bit Poster

    Well you've nearly 10yrs on me - did notice yesterday while peeking that there were others of my era about. Have to laugh at times with the looks that come when confronted with the odd customer who think that IT's a purely youngster's game. I started to do a computing HND (paid for by The Stan.. W..ks who usually pay my bills - well some of them) for and the tutors hadn't heard of CECIL - yet it was the same college where I learnt it in the first place on an old IBM mainframe - before the college went all hi tech and got PET's - these names may bring up long forgotten (and may they return to rest in peace) memories :tune
    Certifications: CMS, OND's, C&G's
    WIP: A+ N+ CCNP
  4. Jakamoko
    Honorary Member

    Jakamoko On the move again ...

    Hi and welcome from me too CMA's RAT - thanks for the info so far. I hope we can help you materialise these pieces of paper :)

    btw - can I ask how your handle came about ?
    Certifications: MCP, A+, Network+
    WIP: Clarity
  5. Mitzs
    Honorary Member

    Mitzs Ducktape Goddess

    Welcome CMA, Good luck in your training.
    Certifications: Microcomputers and network specialist.
    WIP: Adobe DW, PS
  6. drum_dude

    drum_dude Gigabyte Poster

    Welcome from me too!!!

    I've got two CBM PET's in the attic plus a burnt out C64...one day they'll rise from the ashes...ha ha...

    Certifications: MCP, MCSA 2000 , N+, A+ ,ITIL V2, MCTS, MCITP Lync 2010 & MCSA 2008, Sonus SATP SBC 1k/2k
    WIP: Hopefully Skype for Business and some Exchange stuff...
  7. CMA's RAT

    CMA's RAT Bit Poster

    If your stomach can take it, and you're on EBAY - check out the ME page for NEWBIKEWARE - the RAT part'll become clear - the link there will highlight the CMA bit. :dry

    Couldn't afford a C64 -made due with an 800XL - my kids refuse to believe that programs once came on audio cassette tapes -till I found an old (20+yrs) "carrier command" tape and gave it to the kids-
    :blink what sort of music is it dad? is that what punkrock sounds like? :offtopic

    If there's anyone watching - like I was - for the same reason, checking my feedback links for the past few days will point you to the poeple who were selling the A+, N+ and other dvd's CDrs etc.

    Will need to know if anyone has any idea where I could take the A+ and N+ exams (and get the discount vouchers)?
    Certifications: CMS, OND's, C&G's
    WIP: A+ N+ CCNP
  8. drum_dude

    drum_dude Gigabyte Poster

    To take your CompTIA exams and others check out the following:




    Any of the above sites will allow you to find test centres near to you!


    Certifications: MCP, MCSA 2000 , N+, A+ ,ITIL V2, MCTS, MCITP Lync 2010 & MCSA 2008, Sonus SATP SBC 1k/2k
    WIP: Hopefully Skype for Business and some Exchange stuff...
  9. CMA's RAT

    CMA's RAT Bit Poster

    :super thanks for the addresses Sacha, carefully wrote down - several times as will otherwise go awol.
    Certifications: CMS, OND's, C&G's
    WIP: A+ N+ CCNP
  10. NightWalker

    NightWalker Gigabyte Poster

    Hi CMA's RAT, welcome :)
    Certifications: A+, Network+, MCP, MCSA:M 2003, ITIL v3 Foundation
  11. drum_dude

    drum_dude Gigabyte Poster

    No probs CMA's RAT, if you still get stuck let us know...we're always glad to assist!
    Certifications: MCP, MCSA 2000 , N+, A+ ,ITIL V2, MCTS, MCITP Lync 2010 & MCSA 2008, Sonus SATP SBC 1k/2k
    WIP: Hopefully Skype for Business and some Exchange stuff...
  12. punkboy101
    Honorary Member

    punkboy101 Back from the wilderness

    Welcome from me too. :D
    Certifications: CCNA
    WIP: Nada
  13. Tyler D

    Tyler D Gigabyte Poster

    Welcome :biggrin
    Certifications: A+,70-270
    WIP: 70-290
  14. CMA's RAT

    CMA's RAT Bit Poster

    :gmorning Hi to you other typers who welcomed me in last night - 2 kids for bed followed by a walking - no hobling - scout in the shape of my eldest returning home, meant that the pc took a drastic back seat until logging on today to check the pile of email - 27 of the same vein :rolleyes: - when are you comming back to work? Andy needs a 2nd systems engineer to help deal with the probs in the south east - xyz can't get the terminals to communicate, some doors of abc refuses to open for Mr Joh:sleeping
    I need to escape cos I feel that i'm really being :dsv

    It's reasuring to know that there are others who are willing to help and give advise - too much of the compensation culture has closed those avenues of experience for fear of comeback - I hope to be able to pass on my experiences (good and not so good) as I progress through the courses to aid those who follow.
    Certifications: CMS, OND's, C&G's
    WIP: A+ N+ CCNP
  15. Phoenix
    Honorary Member

    Phoenix 53656e696f7220 4d6f64

    Carrier command was teh daddy-o!

    More recently there was a nifty game called Hostile Waters that had some of the same qualitys, mucho fun!

    Welcome to the gang mate :)
    Dont worry about age, it dont mean a thing, there are some youngens here too that are still learning every day (myself included)
    we pride ourselves in our variety and ability to cater to all, even old farts like Trip!

    oops crossed the line there, no beer for me next time im in boise
    Certifications: MCSE, MCITP, VCP
    WIP: > 0
  16. AJ

    AJ 01000001 01100100 01101101 01101001 01101110 Administrator

    A belated welcome from me too :biggrin
    Certifications: MCSE, MCSA (messaging), ITIL Foundation v3
    WIP: Breathing in and out, but not out and in, that's just wrong
  17. Jakamoko
    Honorary Member

    Jakamoko On the move again ...

    If that would all fit on one sign, we'd have it above the door of CertForums ! Thanks for the kind words, CMA's RAT - enjoy the place :)
    Certifications: MCP, A+, Network+
    WIP: Clarity
  18. CMA's RAT

    CMA's RAT Bit Poster

    Don't get much time for games :( these days.
    Clearing out one of the "sheds" today, ready to construct another couple of PI bound mini towers and my eldest asked "whats this" - he'd found one of my 5½" fdd's - look of amazement when I handed him a full set of MSDOS 3 discs - - - in 5½" format, together with GUNSHIP2000 + expansion set also in 5½. Is it really only 10yr ago that we were using those dinos (yes even got an 8" fdd drive and a 20Mb hdd :oops: ).
    Certifications: CMS, OND's, C&G's
    WIP: A+ N+ CCNP
  19. nugget
    Honorary Member

    nugget Junior toady

    Hi and welcome to the forum. Gunship 2000 was a wicked game and your son doesn't know what he missed.:D
    Certifications: A+ | Network+ | Security+ | MCP (270,271,272,290,620) | MCDST | MCTS:Vista
    WIP: MCSA, 70-622,680,685
  20. CMA's RAT

    CMA's RAT Bit Poster

    Trouble was it couldn't keep up wit the commands - all to often it crashed :thumbdwn the desktop just when a convoy was about to be toasted :mad - got to the stage that this became the object of the dinner break relax
    Certifications: CMS, OND's, C&G's
    WIP: A+ N+ CCNP

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