Goals in 2K9

Discussion in 'The Lounge - Off Topic' started by Arroryn, Oct 28, 2008.

  1. Arroryn

    Arroryn we're all dooooooomed Moderator

    It's that time of year again, folks :)

    How were your goals for 2K8? Did you get many of them done?

    Mine wasn't as sucessful as I'd hoped, but I've still had quite a fulfilling year, I have to say. I haven't completed the CCENT (or CCNA) but I made the realistic decision that I'm not going to be needing the knowledge in that cert for some time... so it was silly to pursue it ATM.

    Coming off the bike late in 2K7 put paid to most of my charity ambitions for this year, but next year will see those back on track; held off buying a house due to the falling market, so next year will consist of watching the fallout of the recession very closely. And I lost nigh on a stone, so I must have fit some exercise in somewhere!!

    Goals for 2K9
    (IT-related and non-IT)

    • Save for a house
    • Start the MCSA
    • Complete OU courses A172 and AA100 (with AA100 being the first to count towards my degree)
    • Complete ITILv3 Foundation (if work pay for it)
    • Get LEJoG back on track
    • Get to know Sharepoint (thanks Trip :biggrin)
    • Complete at least one of the three billion personal projects I have on at any one time
    • Keep improving my standard of German (and start learning Mandarin, past saying 'I want a coffee')

    Come on. Step up, you ambitious bunch :)
    Certifications: A+, N+, MCDST, 70-410, 70-411
    WIP: Modern Languages BA
  2. Kitkatninja
    Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    Kitkatninja aka me, myself & I Moderator

    From the Goals in 2k8, I only completed the "maybe" one (MCITP: EA) and didn't do any of the others. But then again I did so many other things that I didn't originally plan for, so that made up for it :)

    Now for 2009

    Non-IT goals

    1. Finish paying off my huge loan off (hopefully), don't want to be in a huge debt pile ever again
    2. Get back into shape, eg flexibility & strength thru aerobic & personal MA training, weight reduce from 14st 2 to 13 st (or at least 13 1/2 st)

    IT Goals

    1. Wireless#
    2. Maybe Server+

    IT Goals that takes longer than a single year

    1. GCGI in IT (a Honours Degree level qual), will take at least another 3 years approx.

    I want an easy year this upcoming year, especially since I have a son :)

    Certifications: MSc, PGDip, PGCert, BSc, HNC, LCGI, MBCS CITP, MCP, MCSA, MCSE, MCE, A+, N+, S+, Server+
    WIP: MSc Cyber Security
  3. zebulebu

    zebulebu Terabyte Poster

    Start boxing again
    Get my Koi tattoo
    Go to VMWorld Europe
    Migrate our colo to the London office so I don't have to trek to bloody Yaaaarkshire every time I need to do hardware maintenance
    Grow my sideburns and tache out to monumental lengths
    Go to the chumpions' league final is Barca get there
    Buy an iguana
    Virtualise every machine in my home lab that is still on tin (currently four left)

    That'll do!
    Certifications: A few
    WIP: None - f*** 'em
  4. grim

    grim Gigabyte Poster

    i didn't make any for this year although passing my MCSE would have been enough :)

    2009 Goals

    pass CCNA
    start CCNP
    save some money
    find good job

    Certifications: Bsc, 70-270, 70-290, 70-291, 70-293, 70-294, 70-298, 70-299, 70-620, 70-649, 70-680
    WIP: 70-646, 70-640
  5. Ropenfold

    Ropenfold Kilobyte Poster

    Last years Career goals and what was achieved:

    Career Goals:

    Passed The MCDST, Passed the Network+, didn't find a IT job but with the amount of studying I did I never found the time.

    This years goals and hopes, in no particular order:
    Get a new Job ASAP
    Learn to drive
    Settle into new pad
    take my cycling more seriously, new kit and further distances
    Stay fit, stop smoking, drink less, eat healthier
    Improve my web design skills, maybe do some websites for free towards the end of the year
    Complete the 70-270, maybe towards the end of the year depending on my employment situation, I found the Network+ hard, no more hardware stuff for a while, until I'm working in it!:D
    Certifications: BSC (Hons), A+, MCDST, N+, 70-270, 98-364, CLF-C01
    WIP: ISC2 CC, Security+
  6. wizard

    wizard Petabyte Poster

    2008 for me has basically been a complete washout with only working 3 months of the whole year.

    Goals for 2009

    1. Continue with Open University Degree
    2. A steadyish income by setting up several income streams
    3. Visit places in the UK I've never been to before i.e. The Lake District, The Eden Project.
    4. Learn to chill out more
    Certifications: SIA DS Licence
    WIP: A+ 2009
  7. delorean

    delorean Megabyte Poster

    Have faith! Book your tickets now! VISCA BARCA!!!!!

    As for my goals re posting in the 2008 thread I got one of them done, getting my A+ so hooray for that!

    The N+ I had to put on the back burner a while along with everything else but I'm actually looking to get the N+ done before Christmas and get to starting the trek towards MCSA in the new year.

    As for 2009 I want more certs completed; by this time next year I envisage I will at least have MCSA done. I've a few travel plans too. Looking to go to Costa Rica, Colombia, Guatemala and Peru in the Spring and Japan in the Autumn.

    I've also considered studying for 'Proposal+' too. Watch this space... :blink
    Certifications: A+, MCP 70-270, 70-290, 70-291
    WIP: 70-680, S+, MCSA, MCSE, CCNA
  8. dmarsh
    Honorary Member 500 Likes Award

    dmarsh Petabyte Poster

    Ok here goes, not big on telling anyone my plans as they are likely to go down the pan !

    Finish MST 121
    Maybe start MST 221
    Maybe take exam 71-660
    Take an architecture course
    Save for a house oneday
    Start to exercise more, maybe pilates ?
    Get out more and have a life
    Find a gf
    Find somewhere to work and live ! :D
  9. ThomasMc

    ThomasMc Gigabyte Poster

    I've not got many goals for 2009

    Expand on my .NET knowledge(VB,ADO, and ASP .NET)
    Buy a house :blink
    Get my licence back
    Do something Virtual(VDI seems to float my boat)
    Join the BCS
    Certifications: MCDST|FtOCC
    WIP: MCSA(70-270|70-290|70-291)
  10. greenbrucelee
    Highly Decorated Member Award

    greenbrucelee Zettabyte Poster

    Save money
    Get the N+ (if not done by crimbo)
    Get the MCDST
    Get more server experience
    Try not get mad with the retards I work with.
    Carry on swimming
    Cut down on the curry
    Drink more beer :D
    Certifications: A+, N+, MCDST, Security+, 70-270
    WIP: 70-620 or 70-680?
  11. BosonMichael
    Honorary Member Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    BosonMichael Yottabyte Poster

    2008 Goals:
    - Continue to improve product development and train writers at Boson - [SUCCESS] - we've recently hired one of the best and brightest I've ever had the opportunity to work with.
    - MCSE: Messaging 2000 and 2003 - in the next couple of months, likely a [SUCCESS]
    - MCSE: Security 2003 - in the next couple of months, likely a [SUCCESS]
    - MCITP: Windows Server 2008 (depending on release dates at work) [FAIL] - as expected, due to release dates
    - Recertify CCNP/CCDP - [SUCCESS]
    - Write another book - [FAIL] - not enough time in the day!
    - Start taking Taekwondo with my oldest son - [FAIL] - he stopped taking it, so I had no reason to start. (It was $15/month extra adding me on to his membership - but it would be $89/month to do it on my own.) Perhaps I'll start if/when Brandon takes it.
    - Take a mission trip - [SUCCESS]

    2009 Goals:
    - Take another mission trip
    - Continue to improve product development and train writers at Boson
    - MCITP: Windows Server 2008
    - One or more of the baby CCNA exams, likely CCNA: Security (depending on release dates at work)
    - Start (and/or finish?) the CCSP (depending on release dates at work)
    - Take the CCIE written exam (depending on release dates at work)
    - Work with Hayden on his Cub Scout Tiger Cub badge
    - I hesitatingly say... start running again... knowing that this has [EPIC FAIL] written all over it... :oops:

    I would add "Run a (half-)marathon" if I hadn't proposed that same goal about 4 or 5 times in the past.
    Not gonna throw writing a book into the mix... if I can find the time to write it, I will. Same with a Bible-related software project I've got spinning around in my brain... if I can find the time to write it, I will.
    Certifications: CISSP, MCSE+I, MCSE: Security, MCSE: Messaging, MCDST, MCDBA, MCTS, OCP, CCNP, CCDP, CCNA Security, CCNA Voice, CNE, SCSA, Security+, Linux+, Server+, Network+, A+
    WIP: Just about everything!
  12. Dullage

    Dullage Byte Poster

    Ok...I wasn't around this time last year so no 08 plans to look back on. I did however get my A+ and hopefully next Tuesday I'll get my N+ :ohmy

    2009 let me see...

    - N+, If I fail next Tuesday
    - MCDST
    - Land my first IT job and gain that all important experience
    - Grow my lab. VMs etc...

    and as for non IT related...

    - Skydive, always been something I HAD to do at somepoint
    - Eat Healthier :x
    - Get out more with my camera

    Certifications: A+
    WIP: Network +
  13. Daniel

    Daniel Byte Poster

    Complete my MCSE :D

    I'm fit, I'm healthy, I've got a job, I've got a girlfriend.

    Couldn't ask for much more :biggrin
    Certifications: 70-270, 70-290, 70-291
    WIP: None, but learning SEO/SEM
  14. tripwire45
    Honorary Member

    tripwire45 Zettabyte Poster

    I felt it necessary to review last year's goals before considering the upcoming year.
    Given the unpredictable nature of 2008 (which isn't over yet), I'm hesitant to set goals for 2009. Of course, I am not just going to "wing it", but there are a lot of things I have little or no control over. I may have to revisit this thread again (but then, I didn't expand on my 2008 goals after I made the initial post) when I've got more time at the current job.
    Certifications: A+ and Network+
  15. Mr.Cheeks

    Mr.Cheeks 1st ever Gold Member! Gold Member

    Its too early for 2009 goals, we have 2 whole months left for 2008, why so early? :blink


    The rest of 2008 and the entire (whole 12 months) 2009;

    • 70-270
    • 70-621
    • CompTIA Network +
    • Learn Citrix a lot more
    • Learn Exchange a lot more
    • Get a Lap Dance, i mean, Laptop
    • Possible look to buy another house, depending on work and market rates.
    • Get a PS3/XBOX 360, depends on the 1st 3 items on this list
    • ...and most importantly, get more cheekier!
  16. Phoenix
    Honorary Member

    Phoenix 53656e696f7220 4d6f64

    I provided an update on my 2008 goals in the 2008 thread here

    I have drawn up an initial plan for the rest of 2k8 and 2k9, but will be able to more accurately predict my goals once I have secured employment

    I have attached my 2k9 Master goal list

    Attached Files:

    Certifications: MCSE, MCITP, VCP
    WIP: > 0
  17. Leehaa

    Leehaa Gigabyte Poster


    Didn't finish but that's because I had to concentrate on changing jobs after being made redundant - think that's a good enough excuse! Current job has better prepared me for finishing MCSA though so all good!

    ..kind of did this but been quite lazy so need to up it all next year

    ...well actually, as you get older it's quite flattering that they still ask :oops: (but watch out Wizard!! :twisted:)

    Yup - moved house and did the family/friends stuff...but need to do more...



    Finish MCSA and just continue learning new stuff


    Diet - eat a lot healthier
    Exercise - continue Yoga and participate in a few more running events

    Personal - spend a bit more QT with my husband...also spend some more QT just totally on my own.
    - Enjoy the house -we did a lot of decorating this year and haven't really stopped and
    appreciated what we have!
    Certifications: MCP, MCDST, ITIL v3, MBCS, others...
    WIP: BSc IT & Computing, RHCE
  18. craigie

    craigie Terabyte Poster

    2008 Goals

    Change careers from finance to IT CHECK
    Become 2nd Line support within 6 months CHECK
    Gain MCP status CHECK
    Gain MCDST status CHECK
    Gain MCTS: Vista status CHECK
    Gain MCSA TBC

    2009 Goals

    Gain MCSA: Messaging
    Gain Citrix Certified Administrator
    Gain CCNA
    Promotion to Systems Administrator
    Certifications: CCA | CCENT | CCNA | CCNA:S | HP APC | HP ASE | ITILv3 | MCP | MCDST | MCITP: EA | MCTS:Vista | MCTS:Exch '07 | MCSA 2003 | MCSA:M 2003 | MCSA 2008 | MCSE | VCP5-DT | VCP4-DCV | VCP5-DCV | VCAP5-DCA | VCAP5-DCD | VMTSP | VTSP 4 | VTSP 5
    Honorary Member

    UCHEEKYMONKEY R.I.P - gone but never forgotten. Gold Member

    Well my goals for 2008 didn't really go to plan! But then again life never does!8)

    The rest of 2008

    IT Related - Short term goals

    pass my N+
    pass MCDST

    learn and apply software packagng procedures

    2009 Goals

    IT Related - Long term Goals

    Comptia S+

    and as for non IT related...

    Move to a bigger house
    Do more swimathlons and cycle rides for charity!
    Get back into Running
    Do a local Triathlon
    Spend some time in Italy and France visiting Friends
    get apple mac
    make up my mind which one of these 3 consoles I should buy:- PS3/xbox 360/Wii
    Go to more beer festival and music festival (if I can find the time)
    Teach my Girlfriend the difference between Vimto and Vinegar:p
    Certifications: Comptia A+
    WIP: Comptia N+
  20. Arroryn

    Arroryn we're all dooooooomed Moderator

    Pheo - I notice from your PDF you've said lose 'another' 20lbs - is this a language faux-pas, or do I need to congratulate you on the dieting front? :)
    Certifications: A+, N+, MCDST, 70-410, 70-411
    WIP: Modern Languages BA

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