Computeach Vs. The Others.....

Discussion in 'Training & Development' started by Caberg, Feb 13, 2006.

  1. Caberg

    Caberg New Member

    Hello all....

    Just joined the forum and hoping basically I'm currently considering doing a CCNA & MCSA and then maybe onto a CCNP.... In sales at the moment but my brain is asleep and I would love to do something a bit more interesting every day. Based on the research I've done so far, networking seems to be the best mix for career prospects and stuff I like doing... soooo

    I'm going to continue browsing through previous posts and hopefully won't ask too many repeat questions, but I was wondering what the experts here :biggrin thought about the training companies out there.....

    So far been quoted £200 - £6000 for a distance learning course... are Computeach worth the money or are they all much the same...??

    All comments and advice welcome!



    Edit (J) : Moved to T&D.
  2. Sparky
    Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    Sparky Zettabyte Poster Moderator

    I think each provider has its own method of teaching the material. I have read posts where there is coursework assigned (modules) and others where you have to pass a training providers own in-house exam before you get to take the actual certification exam.

    Watch out for exaggerated wage claims in a first IT job which many training providers (I’m not naming any) can be guilty of promoting!

    Also its worth noting that its difficult to land an out-in-out networking job as your first IT job as desktop support is usually the first step before being let loose on servers. 8)
    Certifications: MSc MCSE MCSA:M MCSA:S MCITP:EA MCTS(x5) MS-900 AZ-900 Security+ Network+ A+
    WIP: Microsoft Certs
  3. Bluerinse
    Honorary Member

    Bluerinse Exabyte Poster

    Dave, the certifications you are going for could take a normal person years to attain. They are targeted at experienced IT people and you might find them a struggle.

    Have you considered self study for the A+ which is an entry level exam and then move on to the N+ and then maybe an MCP?

    There really isn't any point in having certifications without real world experience. You will just end up being a paper cert. Which is basically the term for someone that has passed the exams but has no real world experience. Just bear that in mind.
    Certifications: C&G Electronics - MCSA (W2K) MCSE (W2K)
  4. Caberg

    Caberg New Member

    Hi Bluerinse,

    I'd like to think I have an IT type mind and enough experience to get through at least a CCNA, I did a few years computer science & electronic engineering at uni around 10 years ago and my current sales job involves talking to IT depts at a fairly technical level....

    my main fear is that I am completely underestimating a CCNA.... so currently having a skim read of the idiots guide to get a better understanding before committing....

    as for the paper cert.... don't really see a way round that... and I just can't see myself doing telephone support for an ISP to build experience, just hoping that if I spend the next few years getting a CCNP then I could start a little higher than complete entry level without necessarily starting on a CCNP level.... am I dreaming????

    Open to suggestions also if I'm wasting my time trying to break into networking....


  5. Bluerinse
    Honorary Member

    Bluerinse Exabyte Poster

    You are not wasting your time Dave.

    It's just that in reality, without experience, nobody is going to let you start touching their network routers and switch configurations. They will have already been setup by experienced people. So, you get the cert and never get to use it, then it expires and you are back to square one.

    The route I suggested will lead you into IT in a manner that you can learn whilst getting some real hands on. Cisco is a vendor product, thier equipment is expensive and so small businesses are not going to buy them. Hence only large organisations with many employees use them.

    You have a better chance of gaining an entry into IT by working your way from small to medium, to large businesses.

    I hope you get my drift and good luck in whatever you decide :biggrin
    Certifications: C&G Electronics - MCSA (W2K) MCSE (W2K)
  6. doodlebug

    doodlebug Bit Poster

    I'm in a similar position to you ted, in sales but want to get out. My plan is to get some cisco certs and then look for a position in pre sales, where hopefully my sales experience will help me get a position. As for training companies, I'm not a big fan, spent a couple of grand with computeach last year doing a programming course, ended up more or less self studying and taking the exams under my own steam. Plus it was an expensive way to discover that I didnt want to program for a living !

    IMHO, the only thing Computeach gave me was someone on the end of a phone to ask questions of. There are enough people on here and other forums who can offer help.

    I recommend the self study A+ route suggested earlier, I'm about to take the exams. Including the exams fees and books I'll only have spent < £300. It's pretty basic but gives a good base and (depending on knowledge and time) can be done in 3 ish months.
    WIP: A+, CCNA
  7. Caberg

    Caberg New Member

    Thanks for your comments doodle.... I've pretty much decided not to go with computeach... they wanted £5k + and I had to commit within 7 days!!

    found one company who still provide support etc. and can do right up to a CCNP for under £500 iirc. Don't mind spending that sort of money.

    Got my CCNA for dummies book here and I think I'll give that course a go and maybe combine it with the MCSA then once I've passed them, see if I want to continue on to do a CCNP etc....

    Good luck with your exams!

  8. simongrahamuk
    Honorary Member

    simongrahamuk Hmmmmmmm?

    Just a quick word of advise here Dave, the CCNA for Dummies Book is a great read for an overview of the CCNA, but it in no way goes into enough depth for the exam.

  9. Caberg

    Caberg New Member

    don't worry Simon, I only bought the book to get an overview of what a CCNA actually is before deciding on what to do....

    all comments and advice always welcome :)

  10. Baron210

    Baron210 Bit Poster

    Hi Simon,

    I wanted a chance to "Prove my mettle" as far as a career change into IT was concerned, and so invested (for me) a substantial sum of money into a Training provider and Recruitee called Cerco (which is how I found this board BTW).
    I passed the intensive month's tests with flying colours, and though "I know it all now" and have just sat down and taken a practice simulation package and the mock exams for Cisco CCNA, and I kid you not, I failed miserably on most of the modules at first. You need to pass with 85% and take a re-test for CCNA every two years to become re-certified.
    I've learned from this experience "big time" and am now determined to "cut my teeth" properly in the industry, before re-embarking on the Cert (s)...
    At least I now have a good understanding of the theoretical process layers of the (OSI) Open Systems Interoperability model though (P)hysical, (D)ata-Link , (N)etwork , (T)ransport, (S)ession, (P)resentation and (A)pplication (I remember this as Please Do Not Throw Sausage Pizza Away)...

    Best regards Baron 210 (UK)
    Certifications: Cerco CCSN comptia A+ & N+
    WIP: Cisco CCNA (Aiming for CCNP)
  11. Hello World

    Hello World Nibble Poster

    Wait wait... Cerco are sending people HERE?

    Oh thats superb, I hope Jak's getting a cut.
    WIP: CCNA 1, IT Essentials 1(A+)

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