Comptia A+ latest questionaire 2015 where to find?

Discussion in 'General CompTIA Certifications' started by amar7, Sep 17, 2015.

  1. amar7

    amar7 Bit Poster


    where can I get the latest A+ questionare to test myself if I'm ready to take the exam or not?

    btw, I'm not planing on brain dump as this is the stupidest thing ever. Even if you manage to get the certification it's worthless if you didn't really learn the content to apply in work.
  2. amar7

    amar7 Bit Poster

    Something like this but for free? ***

    Is this forum even alive anymore?
  3. amar7

    amar7 Bit Poster

    Alright, this forum IS dead! :(
  4. SimonD
    Honorary Member

    SimonD Terabyte Poster

    No the forum isn't dead we just don't really do the whole Brain Dump thing, I know you said you aren't planning on dumping but essentially that's what you're asking about.
    Certifications: CNA | CNE | CCNA | MCP | MCP+I | MCSE NT4 | MCSA 2003 | Security+ | MCSA:S 2003 | MCSE:S 2003 | MCTS:SCCM 2007 | MCTS:Win 7 | MCITP:EDA7 | MCITP:SA | MCITP:EA | MCTS:Hyper-V | VCP 4 | ITIL v3 Foundation | VCP 5 DCV | VCP 5 Cloud | VCP6 NV | VCP6 DCV | VCAP 5.5 DCA
  5. amar7

    amar7 Bit Poster

    Idk what "brain dump" exactly means tbh, because I'm not a native speaker, but I guess it means just pure memorization without much understanding, right? That doesn't make sense anyway because

    1) Understanding is easier, because it allows to answer many question by understanding one concept (like IT security).
    2) Brain dump might get you through certification, but when you try to do any work in that field and make the cert to use, you quickly become an ovious incompetent employee and quickly be fired (if you get through the interview in the first place)

    I addition to that, some things need to be memorized/brain dumped still and has no/little value in work life anyway like the count of CPU pins. And brain dumping such information is needed anyway.

    I remember when doing my driving license, we had theory lessons and where doing a set of 40 random questions (just like the test would be) when practising. The better the understanding, the better the test results and some information needed to be memorized too. We did this, until the teacher said you are ready to take the theoretical test. In central Europe where I live, everybody studies driving theory like that and no one is less of a competent driver because of it.

    So that's how I see this and would like to get support in finding the A+ questionaire to be able to check my level of studying and readyness to take the exam. Would you be able to help me out at that?
  6. Juelz

    Juelz Gigabyte Poster

    I did my driving theory test not long ago and the test material IMO was basically a brain dump.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2015
  7. dmarsh
    Honorary Member 500 Likes Award

    dmarsh Petabyte Poster

    The real world disagrees with you, the exams are multiple choice, the question pools are limited in size, a braindumper can study for a couple hours and pass an exam in 30 minutes with 90%+.

    Genuine takers need to study 1-6 months, take exam for 2-3 hours and results typically can be 50-85%. Where anything below 70% is typically a fail.

    Yes there are no skills or knowledge gained, brain-dumpers don't care, they want to steal jobs from honest students and hard workers.
    Typically once they have the job they employ various tricks to not be detected and live off the efforts of their co-workers due to the 'team ethic'. They are not team workers however having proven themselves selfish, lazy and dishonest.

    You don't learn real skills and knowledge by learning the answers to an exact exam. You have to learn the process, try becoming a mathematician or car mechanic by learning the answers to one test.

    Nobody is a competant driver until they have driven on real roads in all different weather and situations for 2 years. The theory test is a paper exercise to get you up to speed before you put yours and others lives in danger in a real car. It doesn't prove competence, or real live experience, these were the original aims of most certification programs.

    Genuine test simulators are available from Transcender, Measure-Up, Boson. They are original questions created for the simulator and not STOLEN from the real exams. That is the mark of a braindump, and has basically made the cert industry and certifications worthless.
  8. SimonD
    Honorary Member

    SimonD Terabyte Poster

    So by your theory you should be as good a driver as me then? I mean my 30 years of experience of driving cars, bikes, lorries and buses means nothing really? My experience as a pursuit driver working with a Police service to chase joy riders obviously means nothing if you can read a test result and be as good as me at chasing down joy riders or 'knowing' what's going to happen on the road, it obviously means that the Advanced Driver course here in the UK are doing it wrong, years of experience count for nothing and everyone else is as good a driver as everyone.

    See what I am getting at? It's the same with certifications, sure you can cheat your way to an exam but with no real experience what good are you? I have spent the last couple of months playing with some network virtualisation software, studying over the last couple of weeks from various guides to ensure I know enough to pass the exam, I could dump it easily but why? When I have to work with the product I NEED to know it, not just the exam answers but actually the product itself and that's what I do, I run a lab, play with the software, read the guides and get to know the product (installation, usage, upgrades etc).

    You won't find much help here trying to cheat your way past the A+ exam, either you're good enough to know it or you're not, if you need to cheat on that exam then I would probably question your skills to stay in the IT Industry anyway tho.

    Yes I am being harsh but this is an entry level exam, they are only going to get harder.
    Certifications: CNA | CNE | CCNA | MCP | MCP+I | MCSE NT4 | MCSA 2003 | Security+ | MCSA:S 2003 | MCSE:S 2003 | MCTS:SCCM 2007 | MCTS:Win 7 | MCITP:EDA7 | MCITP:SA | MCITP:EA | MCTS:Hyper-V | VCP 4 | ITIL v3 Foundation | VCP 5 DCV | VCP 5 Cloud | VCP6 NV | VCP6 DCV | VCAP 5.5 DCA
  9. amar7

    amar7 Bit Poster

    I didn't ask for your driving exp(frankly I don't care) and you completely missed my point.
    Everyone has got to start somewhere, even you at some point had to learn from walking around in diapers to using the toilet, and some day you passed the driving test and where a driving starter, where you most definitly used brain dump, before you developed your broad experience, so please get off your high horse. We are all human beings trying to make a living and you don't know me enough to question my integrity.

    Any kind of study, wether it is school, uni, college, certification, driving license or whatever does contain a relevant part of theory, which always requires at least some brain dumping. It is the necessary step to start in any field or profession to even begin gaining experience.

    In simple IT terms that would for instance be:
    Knowing the count of different RAM pins is nothing but brain dump knowing the clocking/names of different CPUs is nothing but brain dump, knowing the storage capacity of floppy disks is nothing but brain dump. Work experience and implementation can follow.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2015
  10. amar7

    amar7 Bit Poster

    A useful brain dump, that can be applied in the real world. Brain dump, if it is basically memorizing facts and numbers is not a bad thing at all, even necessary, doctors do brain dump, lawyers do etc. what's wrong with people in the certification field that say they're bad and cheating is beyond me.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2015
  11. amar7

    amar7 Bit Poster

    Sorry, English isn't my first language. What I actually wanted to say was "[...] and nobody is less entitled to drive with it" and in driving school it was normal to use a book with practise questions while learning to test oneselfes level of knowledge. Even the teacher wouldn't allow the student to apply for the theoretical test, before he sees that the answers given would mostly pass in a real test.
    Anyway I don't know that certifications do prove experience, I thought it as something to get one started in a special field like the drivers liscense for driving, or college, uni etc. these all do include at least some brain dump.

    I researched some of your mentioned test simulators, are there some good free ones that you recommend? Transcender and the others are too expensive for me.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2015
  12. dmarsh
    Honorary Member 500 Likes Award

    dmarsh Petabyte Poster

    Normally if you buy a Microsoft book or 'Training Kit' you get a cut down version of the measure up test simulator.

    The books also have test questions at the end of each chapter anyway.

    I'd buy them new from amazon, second hand its a lottery if you get the DVD with the test software.

    Certification isn't a cheap process, you will have to invest £100's of pounds in training aids and exams. I've spent at least £4000 and I've done it on the cheap.

    Measureup online is £57.

    The certification industry is a money making machine, if you don't have any money I wouldn't bother certifying on anything.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2015
  13. dmarsh
    Honorary Member 500 Likes Award

    dmarsh Petabyte Poster

    Braindump in the IT certification field relates to a particular type of cheating, you can define it as you like, but it will only confuse the issue when trying to talk to others.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2015
  14. zxspectrum

    zxspectrum Terabyte Poster Forum Leader Gold Member

    You can braindump all you like, at the end of the day knowing the answer to a set of questions will not necessarily transfer into a real world scenario, in fact it could take you away from where you need to be going in order to solve an issue. In that case, your work colleagues will start to suss you out and you will be seen for what you are.

    Certifications: BSc computing and information systems
    WIP: 70-680
  15. SimonD
    Honorary Member

    SimonD Terabyte Poster

    No, you missed my point. What you're asking for is the answers for the exam questions, the information that's only relevant for passing the exam, not for actually making you a good engineer.

    Let's be honest here, use brain dumping material all you like, pass the exam by remembering 'those' answers but don't be surprised when someone hires you based on that certification, finding out that actually you don't know anything apart from those 'limited' answers and soon sack you for being incompetent, on the other hand you could follow the CompTIA A+ BluePrint (, actually learn the subject matter and pass the exam knowing full well that you are competent enough to do so without cheating.

    And let me correct you here.

    In simple IT terms that would for instance be:
    Knowing the count of different RAM pins is retained knowledge, knowing the clocking/names of different CPUs is retained knowledge, knowing the storage capacity of floppy disks is retained knowledge. Work experience and implementation can follow.

    Now as I won't be your hiring manager I frankly don't care whether you cheat or not but as a hiring manager please do understand that if people have a certain qualification I will test them (there are certifications out there that if you have them I won't bother testing you because quite simply having that qualification means you really do know your stuff).

    I am not trying to be hard or difficult but certifications get cheapened by people who cheat on them and managers start to ignore them as their experiences haven't been good when they experience people who cheated on them.
    Certifications: CNA | CNE | CCNA | MCP | MCP+I | MCSE NT4 | MCSA 2003 | Security+ | MCSA:S 2003 | MCSE:S 2003 | MCTS:SCCM 2007 | MCTS:Win 7 | MCITP:EDA7 | MCITP:SA | MCITP:EA | MCTS:Hyper-V | VCP 4 | ITIL v3 Foundation | VCP 5 DCV | VCP 5 Cloud | VCP6 NV | VCP6 DCV | VCAP 5.5 DCA
    Juelz likes this.
  16. Juelz

    Juelz Gigabyte Poster

    @SimonD said it all, plus why would you want to cheat? Isn't there a sense of pride through hard work? Get the A+ book and some video training and get it done the right way.

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