Cany figure out the binary system!

Discussion in 'A+' started by elli5on, Dec 8, 2005.

  1. elli5on

    elli5on Kilobyte Poster

    Just wondered if someone could help, im trying to figure out this damn binary system, but no matter how much i try i just cant get round it.

    Another thing as well(which includes the binary system), is trying to work out how to get the bandwidth of a pentium 2 with a 64-bit wide data bus, running at 66.6 MHz, gives us a bandwidth of 508(MBps), how the hell does this get worked out in simple form?

    Someone help. :rolleyes:

    Craig Ellison
    Certifications: A+ N+
    WIP: Thinking of MCDST
  2. simongrahamuk
    Honorary Member

    simongrahamuk Hmmmmmmm?

    This should help.


    With the Binary anyway. :rolleyes:
  3. _omni_

    _omni_ Megabyte Poster

    here, i learned binary and hex basics from this file.
    Certifications: MCSE 2003, MCSA:M
  4. tripwire45
    Honorary Member

    tripwire45 Zettabyte Poster

    Well, as you know, binary is a base 2 counting system. There are only two digits, either zero or one. However, just like decimal which is a base 10 counting system, you can count up to any number using binary.

    Binary is often used in subnetting and IP addressing. Let's take a look at this.

    128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

    These are the first eight places in a binary counting system. If I wanted to express the number one in binary, I'd express it as:

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

    Of course, it would be just as valid at this point to just type "1" but let's take something a little more age. I'm 51 years old. How does that look in binary. Well...we can't start off in the first two places (128 and 64) because the values are two high. What about the third place?

    Let's try 32. Ok, that leaves 19 more to go. Ok, next place is 16. Now I only need a 3. Oops. There is no "3" place, but there are places for a 2 and a 1 which will make that 3. Now let's put it all together. 51 in binary is:

    0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

    Every place where you want the value to be counted you put a 1. Every place you want to skip, you put a 0.

    Does this make sense?

    EDIT: Here's a handy binary tutorial I googled.
    Certifications: A+ and Network+
  5. elli5on

    elli5on Kilobyte Poster

    So does the binary only go up to 128? or would it continue to 256 if needed? I have a personaly tutor for the course im on but i cant contact him at this time of the night.
    Iunderstand what your saying tripwire, but i still dont understand the systme fully.
    Numbers are everywhere. :rolleyes:
    Certifications: A+ N+
    WIP: Thinking of MCDST
  6. tripwire45
    Honorary Member

    tripwire45 Zettabyte Poster

    Actually, if you turned on all eight bits, you'd have 255, however, if you need higher numbers, just add more bits. The reason I used 8 bits is that it's a common method of counting in computer (8 bits equal a byte).

    I'm sure you noticed as you read the places from right to left that the values doubled with every additional bit. so if you wanted to use 10 bits instead of eight, it would look like this.

    512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

    Do these numbers seem familiar? Think of RAM sticks they typically come in 128, 256, and 512 MB.

    EDIT: Also, try out the link to that tutorial and see if it helps you to make sense of it (and if you think binary is a tough nut to crack, wait until you hit hexidecimal). :wink:
    Certifications: A+ and Network+
  7. Bluerinse
    Honorary Member

    Bluerinse Exabyte Poster

    if 24 bits are all turned on (ones) then it represents the number 16.7 million. Which corresponds to the 24 bit colour capabilites of modern graphics i.e. 16.7 million colours.

    Binary gets easier with practice :D
    Certifications: C&G Electronics - MCSA (W2K) MCSE (W2K)
  8. hkymre

    hkymre Nibble Poster

    When it comes to understaning binary there are 10 types of people:-

    Those who understand it & those who don't
    Certifications: ECDL, ITIL Green Badge
    WIP: A+, Advanced ECDL
  9. elli5on

    elli5on Kilobyte Poster

    Maybe true, although i can now officially say, '' I understand the binary system''. Woo Hoo.

    Cheers guys

    P.s- Do you need to know every type of processor, and what type of socket it uses for the hardware exam?
    Certifications: A+ N+
    WIP: Thinking of MCDST
  10. hbroomhall

    hbroomhall Petabyte Poster Gold Member

    Pentium, equivalents, and later should be all you need.

    That seems to be Meyer's choice in his book, and seems about right in the practical world outside of the exams!

    Certifications: ECDL A+ Network+ i-Net+
    WIP: Server+

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