Report a broadband notspot or slow-spot

Discussion in 'Internet, Connectivity and Communications' started by UKDarkstar, Aug 14, 2009.

  1. UKDarkstar
    Honorary Member

    UKDarkstar Terabyte Poster

    The Thinkbroadband site has launched a site to record no broadband or slow broadband areas in the UK.

    A "not-spot" is an area where you can't get broadband services (at all, or at a reasonable cost)

    A "slow-spot" is an area where you can only get a broadband service with a speed of below 2 Mbps (downstream)

    If you fall into either of these categories you can register details here
    Certifications: BA (Hons), MBCS, CITP, MInstLM, ITIL v3 Fdn, PTLLS, CELTA
    WIP: CMALT (about to submit), DTLLS (on hold until 2012)

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