More money than sense? I think so....

Discussion in 'The Lounge - Off Topic' started by noelg24, Oct 15, 2005.

  1. noelg24

    noelg24 Terabyte Poster

    ok guys you lot are going to crease at this...

    just about 5 min ago I was speaking to a customer who already owns a PowerBook G4 (one of apples expensive laptops) then he went out with his dad today to buy the iMac G5 (like a media centre PC) along with an Airport Extreme Base Station (apples version of a wireless router!!) anyway I spoke to his dad first of all but he then put me onto his son who was having the problem...basically both computers could see the wireless network being sent out by the airport extreme but they couldnt get on the Internet. so I asked him is he on broadband or dial up? he said I asked him what modem is he using...he said what do you mean? I said where is the modem you are using to connect to the internet....long pause...I asked him the name of the modem since he said his ISP was he just BT..I said BT what...he just BT again but this time he said the equipment had 'phone' on one side and 'DSL' on the other...he was reading me the damn ADSL filter!!! :x so I thought to myself whats going on here? then he asked his dad what modem they were using...the father was just as stumped :eek: so his father spoke to me and told me what they had before they bought the iMac today that they had an HP PC which was on the BT ADSL connection and they had a Belkin router...but they got rid of the Belkin router with the HP PC....and thought buying the airport extreme will be all they need...but I told them the phone jack in the exteme is in fact a dial up modem...D'OH!?!?!?! so they were trying to use the dial up modem in the extreme as a connection for broadband!!!! sorry but how THICK can you get? you have all that money to spend on expensive computers yet u dont have a clue about how to set up a simple wireless internet connection for broadband...I really couldnt help myself after the call..I just had to laugh!!! so there you go people...Apple customers really are the thickest and dumbest ones you will ever come across but for a few who know what they are doing...and I am going home...c ya all later...hehe
    Certifications: A+
    WIP: my life
  2. Phoenix
    Honorary Member

    Phoenix 53656e696f7220 4d6f64

    noel, you know i'm no fan of thick people, but when did CF become a personal venting location for your unsatisfactory choice of job?
    last i checked working in desktop support generally requires you deal with those sort of calls
    i'm no fan of users, but they come a close second to your constant ranting :)
    i make no quams about being unable to deal with users 'stupid' questions, but what makes you think they are supposed to know an airport extreme from a microfilter from a router?

    *ducks from jak*
    Certifications: MCSE, MCITP, VCP
    WIP: > 0
  3. Jakamoko
    Honorary Member

    Jakamoko On the move again ...

    That part of your answer surprises me almost as much as Noel's latest rant, Ryan, as I couldn't agree more here.

    Noel, m8 - we all have sh1t days at work, and you know that you and I have been in roughly the same gig for the last 18 months, so I know helpdesk like you know helpdesk. But I have to say - you show an incredible lack of compassion for your (paying) customers, and spend an alarming amount of time dissing Apple customers and products (ffs, I will not even mention openly any company I work for, like them or not).

    Do us and yourself a favour m8 - if you don't like your job, just deal with it or put up with it. Don't air it constantly on here - the odd moan is one thing, but constant whining about it begins to grate a little...
    Certifications: MCP, A+, Network+
    WIP: Clarity
  4. ffreeloader

    ffreeloader Terabyte Poster

    Wouldn't IT be a great place to work if people didn't actually use computers? It sure would make a help desk a much easier place to work.

    Oh. I forgot. Without people there wouldn't be any help desk jobs, systems admin jobs, networking jobs, programming jobs, no IT jobs. The entire industry just wouldn't exist.

    Stupid users anyway. Why do they have to keep getting in the way all the time?
    Certifications: MCSE, MCDBA, CCNA, A+
    WIP: LPIC 1
  5. AJ

    AJ 01000001 01100100 01101101 01101001 01101110 Administrator

    I hope you don't think you are being picked on here NoelG, but I have to agree with the others. I like the others love a funny story about how user get it wrong and the rest, but you really should temper your posts. We all get bad days at work and I for one do not want to load all the others here with my bad day.
    Certifications: MCSE, MCSA (messaging), ITIL Foundation v3
    WIP: Breathing in and out, but not out and in, that's just wrong
  6. noelg24

    noelg24 Terabyte Poster

    clearly I said it in the wrong way lads...but I meant it in the funniest way possible...I wasnt really having a go at the customers...i was just merely stating how much common sense was needed...and if they didnt know the difference between the products they should have asked about them before buying it but if u ask me those so called sales people at the apple store dont do us techies much justice...but I am sorry about the way it came across guys and I promise it will not happen again...besides that I did have a good day at work today since it was a saturday and I have never worked a saturday before for think I will be doing more saturdays...again I am sorry guys...and dont worry I am thick skinned so all your comments are taken lightly...but thanks anyway people...would it be ok if we can lock this post from now on? dont think it would do me justice anyway it being open...
    Certifications: A+
    WIP: my life
  7. Jakamoko
    Honorary Member

    Jakamoko On the move again ...

    m8, do you just not get it ? "You techies" are there because your customers are not expected to know the complexities of your products, hard as it may be to stomach.

    And sorry Noel, the above is not the grounds for locking a thread. As you know, that is something that is the last resort of the Staff here. Bit more thought next time, eh ? :)
    Certifications: MCP, A+, Network+
    WIP: Clarity
  8. noelg24

    noelg24 Terabyte Poster

    got ya Jak...I know we techies are there to sort out such problems...and I do feel sorry for the users themselves...but you just think sometimes they are making it difficult for them and us...but I know what u mean...if it wernt for them...none of us would be in a as of now I wont be complaining and if I do...u have my permission to put me in a corner and stick a pointy white har on my head marked with a D!!! :D
    Certifications: A+
    WIP: my life

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