Does GW want a fight with Russia or what?

Discussion in 'The Lounge - Off Topic' started by greenbrucelee, Jun 6, 2007.

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  1. BosonMichael
    Honorary Member Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    BosonMichael Yottabyte Poster

    Because God said it was wrong in the Bible. Either one believes that, or they don't. If you don't, that's cool - that's between you and God.

    You are correct - those Catholic priests are not following God's Word. But just because a few professed Christians or Catholics do evil things doesn't mean that all Christians are evil or that all religions are bad.
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  2. greenbrucelee
    Highly Decorated Member Award

    greenbrucelee Zettabyte Poster

    Totally agree:D
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  3. BosonMichael
    Honorary Member Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    BosonMichael Yottabyte Poster

    In the Christian belief system, the church is not only the building, but also the body of believers. I am part of that church. Our church (not our building, nor just the people who attend services in our particular building, but the entire Christian body of believers) subscribes to the belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who died for our sins. Thus, those of us in our church (not in our building) are part of the same religion.

    Obviously, the wording is different for other religions. Temple, for example, doesn't mean the body of believers or the religion.

    There is a shared mentality that we all believe similarly - that's why we tend to associate together. But you are mistaken when you think that we believe what we believe because a group of others do, as an unthinking "herd" might.

    I don't feel that my belief is correct because others believe it. Some people might. I don't. And to be honest, I don't know ANYONE who attends my church (building) who think that there must be a God because there are a bunch of others who believe it too.

    I don't go to church to meet friends, though I see them there. I go to church to worship and praise and learn about God and Jesus Christ. Whether I feel "together" with friends or other people is irrelevant; I am "together" with Jesus. It's a personal experience, or if it's not, it should be. I can (and do) worship on my own, in private, and in church (building). I don't need others to be secure in my beliefs.

    Certainly, not everyone feels that way. Some people certainly believe what others believe, just as you say. But that's neither true faith or true belief.

    I don't evaluate other groups based on the thoughts of my group. I evaluate other groups based on what I've learned from the Word of God, which I believe to be divinely inspired.

    Because I belong to the Association of Information Technology Professionals, if they believed that outsourcing should be eliminated (or promoted), should I mindlessly believe the same? No. I go on what I have learned on my own.

    But what you fail to see is that I am as "independent" as you. I simply CHOOSE to believe, and you choose not to believe. That's cool. But don't assume that I believe because someone TOLD me to or because that's all I was exposed to. I've been exposed to a WHOOOOOLE lot of differing ways of thought in my 37 years on this Earth. I *choose* to believe, as shocking as that might seem to some. I *choose* my morals and values, just as you do. And I choose them not because I think I'll go to hell; my salvation has been bought already... I choose them because that's what Jesus would want me to do... and I personally believe that I lose NOTHING in the process. I do what I *want* to do.

    Sure it does... some people, as you say. But the intolerance of people isn't taught. The intolerance of sin is taught... but not the intolerance of the person committing the sin. Regardless, it is not ultimately I who has to deal with the person or the sin... it is God. So as far as I'm concerned, people can turn away from Jesus all they want. I provide the information and the choice to them, and they can choose what to believe. If I am wrong, they have nothing to fear, do they? :)
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  4. greenbrucelee
    Highly Decorated Member Award

    greenbrucelee Zettabyte Poster

    I went to sunday school when I was a child not because my parents made me but because it was a socially acceptable thing to do.

    I was thrown out when I was 9 because I asked too many questions.

    One day the leader of the school had taught us the story of Johna and whale and the story of when Jesus was on the boat with his disciples and it was going to sink because of the storm. Here follows my exact quotes from that day and why I was thrown out.

    After the boat story I said to the leader "The storm could have calmed down on its own, there has been alot of time when I have wanted to play outside and its raining so I have said I wish the rain would stop & it did", "that doesnt make me a miracle person.

    After Johna story I said "do you really expect me to believe some man got eaten by a whale, he wasnt chewed up and didnt get swallowed or drown and whale puke him 200 miles away in jeruselem and he was ok

    After which my parents were phoned and told not bring me

    funny eh:D
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  5. BosonMichael
    Honorary Member Highly Decorated Member Award 500 Likes Award

    BosonMichael Yottabyte Poster

    I haven't seen a church throw anyone out. I guess if someone was being disruptive so that others can't learn, they might... but not for asking questions. Sounds like you might have ended up with a bad church. I don't know, since I didn't see your actions. :)

    I guess the main reason why Christianity doesn't work with you is because you don't believe the Bible is the Word of God. If you don't believe that, you'll certainly have a problem believing anything else within.
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  6. greenbrucelee
    Highly Decorated Member Award

    greenbrucelee Zettabyte Poster

    Your right in what you say is why christianity doesn't work with me, you believe its the word of god I believe it is the work of people.

    It wasnt the chruch that threw me out, it was the Leader Mr Rudd who threw me out of Sunday school because of the questions I asked, he thought I might make others question what he was teaching and he did not like that.

    I was still welcome to goto the main church with my parents but I didnt want to.

    I still see him as he lives near me now, he is in his 90's and he still remembers me for being too inquistive.
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  7. AJ

    AJ 01000001 01100100 01101101 01101001 01101110 Administrator

    Hey Guys

    You may have noiced that this thread is now 60+ posts long and so far has had no Moderator interaction. It is, however, being closely monitored and discussed by the staff.

    As always a debate is always good, not only for the forum but for the members as well.

    Whilst this thread is in the "Off-Topic" forum where we tend to chat about anything not IT, the subject the OP started and the current subject of discussion that is going beyond the scope of what CF is centered upon, and as such, we cannot afford to allow a discussion to become personal between Members who contribute to CF as a whole.

    Thanks :D
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  8. greenbrucelee
    Highly Decorated Member Award

    greenbrucelee Zettabyte Poster

    I agree, I did think about 10 posts ago it was becoming a bit stupid as not everyone can always agree so please close it now as I have said all that I want and can say

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  9. zebulebu

    zebulebu Terabyte Poster

    I've stayed out of this because I don't care what people's politics are, and don't think anyone should know my political views (I don't know you people well enough!)

    However, I have to take you to task over this Mike - what about the Christian Fundamentalists who firebomb doctors that perform abortions?

    I think there are nutcases all round the world who will use religion as an excuse to bully people, extort money, maim and kill. To say that its only Muslims doing it is wrong. I won't comment on whether or not US foreign policy and the attitudes of US corporations around the world are to blame. I will say, however, that your statement above was wrong.
    Certifications: A few
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  10. Amine

    Amine Byte Poster

    Now now now......
    Boson what do you actually know about islam and muslims .... ? and on what do you base your statement about muslims ? bush have done a good job with you ....the guy is mad.... and has made the world a scary place....
    Generalising a whole race/religion the way you did shows nothing but close mindness and ignorance.
    There are good and bad Muslims…. Good and bad Jews… good and bad Christians….

    Tell you what, I am glad I don’t live in the US!
    WIP: Exchange
  11. Amine

    Amine Byte Poster


    Glad people like you still exist! Otherwise the world would be f****!
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  12. zebulebu

    zebulebu Terabyte Poster

    Well, that post was just ridiculous. You make no constructive comment, no mention of the fact that, as well as Bush contributing to an era of instability and fear there are plenty of Islamic leaders who have also done so (Ahmedinejad springs immediately to mind) and Non secular leaders don't exactly have clean hands when it comes to it (Putin and Blair are prime examples) and completely misrepresent everything that Boson Mike has said. If you read the thread carefully, you will see that quite early on he CLEARLY implies that he is NOT tarring all muslims with the same brush - only the fundamentalists.

    I made a salient point about one of his remarks - please don't think of me a muslim sympathiser. I am a firm Atheist - I believe every man is an island. You're born alone, you die alone - and that's it. I find all religion a pointless waste of time personally, but don't believe that I have the right to inflict that view on anyone.
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  13. Amine

    Amine Byte Poster

    What do you mean my post was ridiculous. And that I didn’t make any constructive comments?!!!!!!!! It is a straight forward answer to a dry statement.. Nothing more to it.
    I have read the thread very carefully, and I didn’t like what I have read therefore I am voicing my opinion…
    How can I think of you as a Muslim sympathiser when I don’t even know you, I just liked your logic… and your fairness…. I am not looking for your backup as I do not intend to have a whole massive debate about religion…I believe that each one of us is free to choose what to believe....

    That’s all there is to it….
    WIP: Exchange
  14. zebulebu

    zebulebu Terabyte Poster


    Like I said - this is why I didn't get involved earlier.
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  15. stuPeas

    stuPeas Megabyte Poster


    I to am a "devout" atheist but wouldn't go so far as to say its a COMPLETE wast of time. If people find peace with themselves through religion, without having to cause others harm, then, for them at least, religion has served a valuable purpose.

    Its the same with "alternative medicine". I don't believe for one second that standing over someone dangling a crystal will cure that persons illness, but if it triggers a psychological reaction that kick starts the physiology into action, helping to fight the illness, Then It HAS served a purpose (of course, the illness could also be cured by medicine, just as the values set out in a religion can come from oneself and not a "best seller" that was written a couple of thousand years ago) :ohmy
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  16. fortch

    fortch Kilobyte Poster

    Well, Putin is a bit more amenable, and he and GWB are buddies once again. Now there are talks of a complete collaborative European missile defense system, with Russia on the inside. Sooo, consider this thread closed.

    *now, we could always open up a religion debate, provided we can keep it civil. So what if its a tech site?
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  17. Mitzs
    Honorary Member

    Mitzs Ducktape Goddess

    Hey, that is my presdent your talking about. That I proudly voted for twice! I don't put down your queen, back off.

    He is old school and belives in standing up for our nation and other nations I might add. If germany was to attack you again or anyone else for that matter. He have us in there without thinking twice about it. He has my support for it too. The only thing I don't agree with him is that he won't send in assassins for binladen. And I'm dam glad Clinton handme down was not in office at the time of the attack. Playing Jazz on MTV wouldn't have held the nation togather that is for sure. And I sure hope his wife doesn't make it either.
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  18. Mitzs
    Honorary Member

    Mitzs Ducktape Goddess

    Sorry fortch, didn't see your thread before I posted.
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  19. stuPeas

    stuPeas Megabyte Poster

    While I admire you for fighting for what you believe in... referring to the queen is not really relevant. We didn't vote for the queen, we kind of "inherited" her. Also, assassins cant be sent to deal with someone if you don't Know where they are. I have a feeling that he probably would send in the assassins, but would never admit to it, because doing so would open up a whole Pandora's box of issues. :ohmy

    You have to admit, he does make an exceedingly large amount of comical gaffs when speaking to the press. This does have the effect of making him seem a little unintelligent, although it gives us all a good laugh. Granted, this does not mean that he is a bad person or that he cannot do his job.:)

    As for what Clinton may or may-not have done, we can only guess. 8)

    I'm curious about something......If your president did something really bad, would you STILL defend him so vigorously???
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  20. greenbrucelee
    Highly Decorated Member Award

    greenbrucelee Zettabyte Poster

    This is gonna be my last post on the matter, please dont go there about Germany and WW2 because America would never have entered the war if it were not for the attack on Pearl Harbour and I respect anyone who fought in the war but I believe we would have won though it would have took longer without help from the USA.

    Its a fact that Russia all be it they were in it for themselves did more than the US.

    I agree with StuPeas if GW knew where he was then he would be dead.
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