CompTIA A+ Exams Undergoing Update

Discussion in 'News' started by simongrahamuk, Feb 9, 2006.

  1. simongrahamuk
    Honorary Member

    simongrahamuk Hmmmmmmm?


    CompTIA A+ Exams Undergoing Update

    Thanks to _omni_ for this:

    2/8/2006 -- The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) confirmed to this morning that it is currently revising its A+ certification exams and hinted that the update may be significant.

    In a statement released to today, Neill Hopkins, vice president of skills development for CompTIA, said in part, "We are currently working with the industry on an update of our CompTIA A+ certification to meet the needs of the modern day IT technician. The most exciting development as a result of all of the research the fact that the technician of the immediate future will have broad-based skills beyond the basic technical fundamentals, and CompTIA aims to include these options in the new A+."

    CompTIA declined our request for more details on on what these options might be, as well as questions regarding the current status of the update and when the new exams might be delivered. It did say that it will provide more details as the process moves forward.

    Read the rest of the story here


    1. zimbo
      who remebers my 'thing' i said that comptia were going to upgrade a+ this year? and i think this is going to be one huge update!! if mike meyers is releaseing his new book in june i would think around then?
    2. tripwire45
      I sense a new Mike Meyers book coming down the chute. :tongue
    3. darrenecm
      Hmmm, how will the transition of this exam from one version to another be handled then?

      For instance, are all reuputable training providers required to update their course material in a timely manner? Surely there's a need to avoid the situation of students using course material that will be inappropriate for a revised exam by the time they are ready to sit it?

      I believe the last transition to 2003 objectives was a minor update and easily catered for. With this next revision apparently being a major one it raises interesting questions on how that will happen.
    4. zimbo
      im sure like all comptia exams there will be a dead line - my guess is 31st dec.. after that you have to write the new exams.. im not too sure what trainers are doing thou.. :rolleyes:

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